

Quality, Justice and System Assurance

【作者】 刘子杰

【导师】 黄健;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 成人教育学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文探究的主要问题是我国成人高等学历教育由于质量低下而引发的教育公正问题;研究目标是希望能够为我国成人高等学历教育通过提高教育质量来实现教育公正提供正确的理论基础和适合的制度建构。为了解决问题和实现目标,本文主要做了如下四个步骤的研究和探索工作:首先,本文从马克思的历史唯物主义哲学的关系本体论出发,建构了教育质量与教育公正问题研究的理论前提,理论前提的主要内容如下:1.教育质量和教育公正问题都是具体的教育关系和社会关系的产物,同时决定于具体的教育关系和社会关系,因此,我们只有首先从改革或者改变具体的教育关系和社会关系开始才能从根本上解决教育质量和教育公正问题。在现实社会中,被定型化、结构化和模式化的教育关系就是教育制度,所以教育制度是解决教育质量和教育公正问题的现实起点。2.重新界定教育质量和教育公正的关系。教育质量是实现教育公正的前提和基础,教育主体只能向教育质量要公正,所以教育质量问题是最大的教育公正问题;教育公正是教育主体积极维护和提高自身教育质量的动力和方向,撇开教育质量来谈教育公正是没有效益的研究。教育质量和教育公正的关系实际就是教育的付出和回报,他们是一个问题的两面,所以只有把二者放在一起讨论才有意义。3.成人高等学历教育的质量和公正问题是具体的高等教育关系和社会关系的产物,高等教育关系和社会关系是成人高等学历教育的质量和公正问题研究的理论起点,而具体的高等教育制度是问题解决的现实起点。第二步,选择两个案例来论证这个理论前提。选取的案例为中英两国成人高等学历教育,用来证明不同高等教育关系以及不同高等教育制度框架塑造了成人高等学历教育的不同的教育行为,进而导致不同的教育质量和教育公正问题。第三步,对两国成人高等学历教育的成就和代价进行对照和分析,得出的比较结论是,这两种截然不同的成就和代价产生的根源在于两国政府的质量保障举措的出发点不同。中国政府的质量保障举措主要是从成人高等学历教育自身开始,着重于成人高等学历教育自身的实践和观念的干预;而英国政府的质量保障举措致力于高等教育关系的调整和改革,也就是高等教育制度的改革和调整。可以说,二战以来英国政府干预高等教育的过程几乎都是不断调整和改革高等教育关系的过程,很少直接干预大学自身内部的教育实践和教育质量。我们从英国政府实行的高等教育质量保障举措中获得两点启示:第一点启示是我们应该首先从改变成人高等学历教育所处其中的高等教育关系,也就是从改革高等教育制度入手来解决成人高等学历教育的质量和公正问题;第二点启示是我们构建的高等教育制度必须适应中国式市场经济生产关系。第四步,提出解决我国成人高等学历教育的质量和公正问题的基本主张,就是在所有高等学历教育范围内建立有中国特色的统一高等教育制度。我们首先对我国成人高等学历教育所处其中的中国式市场经济生产关系和高等教育生产关系的特殊性进行了分析,从这种特殊性出发,我们提出建立有中国特色的统一高等教育制度来解决成人高等学历教育的质量和公正问题,然后对统一制度的内涵、特征、伦理价值目标、构建方法、运行机制等方面都做了较有创新的建构。

【Abstract】 The dissertation mainly explores the problems of China adult higher educational justice caused by its poor quality, and the objective is to form a correct theoretical foundation and suitable tactics conception for solving the problems to the roots.In order to realize the objective, the dissertation has done the following research of the four steps:Firstly, it constructs the theoretical foundation under the guide of the philosophy of Marx’s historical materialism, and the main points include:1. Educational quality and educational justice are both the results of concrete educational relations and social relations, which are the original and decisive factors to the problems. In real and concrete society, educational relations and social relations that have been institutionalized are called educational system and social system. So, educational system and social system are the real starting point for solving the educational problems.2. Explains the relations in a new way between educational quality and educational justice.Educational quality is the premise and foundation of realizing educational justice, and educational justice provides motive power and orientation for educational quality. So, their real relations are payment and reciprocation, which means educational quality and educational justice are the two sides of one question. So, only exploring them together can it be a meaningful research.3. Advances and explains the concept of Educational Qualitative Justice.Its fundamental connotation is that educational subject only can ask educational quality for justice, so educational quality is the biggest educational justice. Since educational quality is the result of concrete educational relations and social relations and decided by them, the research on educational qualitative justice is in essence shifted to the research on the concrete educational and social relationships.Secondly, chooses two concrete cases to prove the previous theoretical foundation.The cases are British adult higher education and China adult higher education for academic credentials, with which can we prove that adult higher education existing in different educational and social relations produce different behavior and obtain different educational qualitative justice.Thirdly, comparative study is done between the two cases, and the concrete comparative dimension is their irrespective achievements and costs.The comparative conclusion is that the two different starting points of the two quality assurance measures are the root cause of different achievements and costs. China’s quality assurance measures begins with intervening or regulating their own concrete practices and ideas of adult higher educational subjects, which almost obtain no effectiveness; while British government mainly intervenes or regulates the higher educational relations according to the concrete social real needs and social relations. From WW||, the process that British government has been intervening the higher education quality is just the process intervening and adjusting the higher educational relations. The different educational justice show that Britain adult higher education for academic credentials ask educational quality for justice, while Chinese ask educational large-scale for justice.Through comparative study, two enlightenments from British higher education quality assurance measures occur to us:One is, if we want to realize our adult higher educational qualitative justice, we must begin with changing or adjusting our concrete higher educational relations; the other is, only according to Chinese market production relations can we establish suitable higher educational relations. Fourthly, it forms a basic tactics conception of China new higher education system: we should establish a unitary higher educational system with Chinese characteristics.The system is formed both under the guide of the previous theoretical foundation and the enlightenments from British higher education quality assurance measures, and its essence is just to establish higher educational relations with China characteristics. Then according to the special characteristics of Chinese market production relations and higher educational production relations, the system’s characteristics, ethical value objective, construction method, operational mechanism and so on, are also explored in a constructive way.

  • 【分类号】G724
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】658

