

Higher Nursing Education Mode Research

【作者】 余剑珍

【导师】 谢安邦;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 我国历史上最早的高等护理教育起始于1920年北京协和医院高等护士学校,到1950年解放初全国第一届卫生工作会议上决定将护理教育列为中等专业,从而停止了高等护理教育的继续和发展。随着我国社会发展和卫生事业的发展,护理工作的重要性日益凸现,对护理人才的要求越来越高,完全由中专学校培养护理人才已满足不了社会的需求。1979年卫生部发出《关于加强护理教育工作的意见》的通知,提出“为了提高护理质量,适应医院现代化建设的需要,必须加强和发展护理教育。”并对护理教育工作提出了具体的意见“大力加强和整顿现有护理教育,恢复和发展高等护理教育”等系列指示。对高等护理教育的发展起到了指导和推动作用。1980年首先在上海、南京恢复了高等护理(专科)教育。高等护理教育是医学教育的组成部分,是建立在普通教育之上培养能在医疗卫生服务第一线从事保障人民健康工作的应用型护理人才的教育类型。它受卫生与教育发展的双重影响,当生物医学模式向生物、心理、社会模式转变时,卫生服务模式也随之改变。当高等教育进入大众化阶段,高职护理教育也得到了大力发展。在这一背景下,什么样的高职护理教育模式,能适时适量地培养出符合社会需求的高质量人才?是本文着力解决的问题。本文以高等职业护理教育为研究对象,以人才培养的教育模式为切入口,采取文献检索、历史研究、现状调研、国外比较、理论分析等途径,系统深入地研究目前护理教育改革与发展问题,通过理论指导,重构了高职护理教育模式。论文正文分六章,第一章导论,阐述了高职护理教育改革的研究背景,提出与卫生体系改革、健康服务模式改变、医学科学技术发展相适应的护理人才培养的新要求,并对当前高职护理教育的人才培养目标、培养方式、课程体系、教学方法、质量评价体系,以问题的形式提出并进行研究。第二、三、四章,分别从国内外纵向和横向两个视角按护理人才培养模式的框架分析,从历史的回顾到国内外比较和现状分析三个方面展开研究。通过护理教育发展的历史梳理,揭示护理教育与医学教育的关系,医学护理模式转变与护理教育模式改革的历程。通过对四国护理教育分析,总结了发达国家护理教育的体制、机制和主要模式及共同特征。通过对上海6所护理院校、护理学会、医院的专家、教师、护士的访谈和问卷调查,以及国内部分地区教改的成果分析,揭示了现行培养模式是一种学科性的、缺乏护理特色的培养模式,教学改革仍未充分体现护理专业素质人才的特色。因此,提出了护理教育模式改革的思考,为重建高职护理教育模式奠定了历史与现实的基础。第五章是高职护理教育模式的理论研究,分析了高职护理教育的核心内涵、基本特征和构成要素,揭示了高职护理教育人才培养的职业特性、本质特征与规律,分析了对护理教育改革具有直接指导意义的若干理论,为重建高职护理教育模式奠定了理论基础。第六章,是高职护理教育模式的重构研究,按照系统化整体护理模式的要求,针对现行护理教育模式的弊端,借鉴国外培养的共性,遵循高职教育规律,按照护理专业人才培养思路,重建了通识教育、职业教育和情感行为培养的专业素质人才教育模式,并提出了若干保障条件。

【Abstract】 The earliest higher nursing education in the history of our country could be traced back to the time when the higher nurse training school of Beijing Xiehe Hospital was founded and began to enroll students from the whole society in 1920. When it came to the 1950’s, in the early days of the national liberation, nursing education was labeled as the moderate discipline as the result of the decision made by the first Nation wide Hygiene Work Conference, which ceased the continuity and development of the higher nursing education. With the development of our society and the nursing cause, the importance of nursing work has been increasingly prominent. Since the requirements towards the nursing talents have been raised higher and higher, the nursing talents cultivated entirely by the medium vocational training schools can not meet the demands of the society any more. In 1979, the Hygiene Department issued the document "Advice on Strengthening the Nursing Education Work", suggesting that "Efforts must be taken to strengthen and develop the nursing education in order to improve the nursing quality and satisfy the needs of modern hospital construction." Meanwhile, it also proposed specific and serial instructions towards the nursing education work such as "Reinforcing and rectifying the current nursing education to restore and develop the higher nursing education", which played a role of guiding and promoting the development of higher nursing education. In 1980, both Shanghai and Nanjing initially reclaimed the higher nursing (college) education. Higher nursing education (HNE) serves as one part of medical education. It was an educational type based on the average education and tried to cultivate the talents that can do the job of public health security at the front of medical and therapeutic field. It was under the dual impact of the development of hygiene and education. When the biological and medical mode transfers to the biological, psychological and social mode, hygienic service mode will also change. After the higher education enters into the phase of popularity, the higher vocational nursing education has also gained great development. Under such circumstance, it is the goal of this article to point out the proper higher vocational nursing education mode which can provide the society with highly qualified talents timely and sufficiently.This article takes the higher vocational nursing education as the research object and deals with some problems from the perspective of educational mode for talents cultivation. Through the methods of documents search, history research, current situation investigation, foreign comparison and theoretical analysis etc, this article studies the problems exist in the contemporary reform and development of nursing education, restructures the higher vocational nursing education mode and proposes the corresponding security conditions.The whole essay an be divided into four parts. The core part of the essay includes six chapters. The first chapter called introduction, offers the research background of the reform in higher vocational nursing education and puts forward new requirements for nursing talents cultivation according to the development of hygienic system, health service mode, medicine, science and technology. In also studies the cultivation goal, cultivation methods, curriculum system, education methods and quality evaluation system by means of proposing questions. The second, third and fourth chapter analyses the problem from the perspective of both home and abroad, length and breadth within the frame of nursing talents cultivation mode. From retrospection of the history to the foreign comparison and current situation analysis, these chapters conduct related research. By indicating the trace of historical development of nursing education, these chapters show the relationship between nursing education and medical education, and the historical development of the transformation of medical nursing mode and the reform of the nursing mode. The three chapters conclude nursing education body mechanism, major modes, and common features in developed countries through analasis towards four countries’ nursing education mode. Besides, these chapters unveil the fact that the current cultivation mode is a single, discipline one, and the reform of education is still under the expecting function to turn the trainees into talents with characteristics of vocational nursing quality through investigation, paper inquiry, talking with teachers, specialists from six colleges and hospitals and analysis of educational reform achievements in some parts of our country. Finally, deeper thoughts for the reform of nursing education mode have been triggered which lays the historical and reality foundation for rebuilding the higher vocational nursing education mode. The fifth chapter deals with the theoretical research towards the higher professional nursing education mode. It analyses the core content, basis feature, composing factors of the higher vocational nursing education, unveiling the vocational characteristics, nature and regulation of the talents cultivation in higher vocational nursing education. It also explains several theories that bear direct and guiding significance for the reform of nursing education mode. The sixth chapter focuses on the study of restructuring the higher nursing education. It suggests that according to the requirements of higher vocational education and systematically integral nursing mode and facing with the disadvantages of the current nursing education mode, we should learn from the common features of foreign cultivation mode and observe the regulation of higher vocational education. In addition, it rebuilds the nursing qualified talents education mode of all-inclusive education, vocational education and emotional cultivation discipline according to the guiding instruction of nursing talents cultivation and offers some security conditions.

  • 【分类号】R-4
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2769

