

The Research on the Administrative Division System for Metropolitan Suburbs(Suburban Domain) in China

【作者】 熊竞

【导师】 刘君德; 林拓;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,以城市化为表征的城乡转型成为我国现代化建设中不可逆转的发展趋势,也成为中国高速发展的重要动力和主要成就。从地域依托看,在波澜壮阔的城市化进程中,特大城市郊区无疑承担着重要使命。城市化是一个内容极其丰富的逻辑和空间的演变过程和结果,特别是对于中国而言,制度层面的转型至关重要。行政区划作为国家权力空间配置的一项基础性、支架性的体制安排,其在中国的重要性也非同寻常。我国特大城市郊区政区体制在实践中通过积极调整,基本适应了(特)大城市郊区的迅速发展,然而由于旧有体制惯性较大和改革整体性推进中的某些偏差导致以上改革仍存在这样或那样的欠缺和问题。如不及时加以研究和解决,势必影响到城乡的共同富裕、和谐社会的构建、社会主义民主政治建设等我国全面建设小康社会目标的实现。正是基于这样一个逻辑和背景,本文的研究得以展开:第一章:交代了论文的研究意义、篇章结构与研究方法等基本概况。第二章:论文首先从对特大城市郊区(域)行政区划体制概念的理解切入,对这一较长的表述进行了逐个概念的辨析与界定。这里遇到了几个难点,一是“郊区”自身是一个既有明确特征,但又存在一定模糊特点的相对概念;二是我国特大城市郊区的重要性凸显且发展迅速,使其研究更具复杂性;最为“烦恼”的是在体制上,由于我国实行市管县体制,使得郊区的范围“泛化”,更多的“郊区”(行政郊区)已超出“郊区”概念本身的涵义。为此,我们引入了“郊域”的概念,在我国特殊的市管县体制下“郊区”与“郊域”对应于“市区”与“市域”。在明确这一概念之后,我们从政区地理学的角度对文章中经常出现的“行政区划(政区)体制”、“行政区划(政区)调整、变更”、“行政区划(政区)体制改革”等表述做了界定。最后,以图形化的方式给出了本文特大城市郊区(域)行政区划体制改革研究的概念和研究对象与范围。第三章:是从目前大量郊区、行政区划相关理论和观点的角度做了一个归纳。为更深入的认识郊区发展的动力机制及特点,文章主要选择集中与分散这一组对立又统一的概念出发,从区域、城市、郊区三个层面进行了探讨。而在认识行政区划的特点上,我们则选择了另外一组对立又统一的概念,即集权与分权,并同时也选择了政府与市场、政府与社会、上下政府之间三个层面,来分析行政区划的本质特征。此外,对郊区发展中重要的城乡关系理论以及我国城乡关系的特点也进行了详细的论述。最后,对特大城市郊区(域)政区体制相关的其他理论做了介绍,包括城市型政区设置上城乡分治与城乡合治的讨论,政区层次与幅度理论中尖型与扁型的差别以及城市空间相互作用理论和制度变迁理论。这一部分为文后的实证分析提供了全面系统的理论支撑。第四章:是对已有相关文献的搜集与述评。我们分别从(特)大城市郊区的发展与管理的文献综述,(特)大城市郊区制度与创新的研究进展,以及(特)大城市郊区政区体制中区县级政区、乡镇级政区、村居级政区的研究述评三个方面进行了梳理,并从研究方法、研究视野、研究内容上提出了现有研究的相对不足之处。第五章:是对我国现代市制开创以来,(特)大城市郊区政区体制的近代演变进行了耙梳。我们将(特)大城市郊区政区体制演进的这段历史划分为三个时期,一是晚清民初至改革开放初期,城乡分治主导下的狭域农村型郊区制;二是改革开放初20世纪初,城乡合治主导下的广域城镇型郊区制;三是20世纪初至今,我国出现了城乡分治下适域城市型郊区的苗头。最后,从形式合治(分治)与实质合治(分治)的两个概念出发对我国郊区(域)政区体制的演变做了一个发展进程的总结归纳。第六章:是对境外若干典型郊区区划体制概况的介绍、评价和对我国的启示。其中美国的边缘城市、市政自治体、特别区,英国的郊区新城,澳大利亚的田园型市镇(Rural City),日本的市分等制,我国台湾地区的县下辖市等在我国大陆目前特大城市郊区发展态势下具有借鉴意义。第七章与第八章:是对中央直辖市上海的郊区政区体制的实证分析。第六部分是侧重上海郊区区县级政区体制的探讨。以城乡关系为视角,描述了1927年上海建市以来,郊区(域)政区也走过的一条分治理念与合治理念转换下的体制演变之路,进而,对目前上海郊区区县级政区的现状我们作出了四个思考,并引入断裂点模型构建了一个探讨郊区县改区标准问题的分析框架。第七部分着重对上海郊区的基层政区(乡镇级与村居组织)情况做了分析,有总括性的历史分析,也有更为详细的以浦东地区为主的梳理。在此基础上,再次提出了对基层政区改革的若干思考。第九章:是本文的政策建议,指出了我国特大城市郊区(域)政区体制改革的逻辑起点、现状问题、指导思想、基本原则,并区分了中央直辖市与省辖特大城市在未来郊区(域)政区体制改革上的不同模式框架和方案设想。第十章:最后一章从主要观点、创新努力与论文不足等方面对做了一个总结。

【Abstract】 Since the adoption of reform and opening policies, the transition of rural-urban characterized by urbanization has become an irreversible trend in our modernization and important power and main achievement in China’s rapid development. From the point of region supporting, metropolises suburbs (suburban domain) were definitely charged with important missions in the urbanization. Urbanization is a process and result of logic and space with wide-ranging content, especially in China, the transition in system layer is of the utmost importance. As a basic and support system arrangement in the division of nation powers, administrative division performs an important function in China, administrative division system in suburbs (suburban domain) of metropolis is basically adapted the rapid development through actively adjustment in practice, but because of great inertia of original system and some deviation of reform, the problems are remain in the above reforms. If they weren’t be solved in time, the goal of overall building well-off society will be affected, such as common affluence in rural and urban areas, harmonies society built, socialist democracy improvement and so on.Just under such a background, the study is opened.Chapter-1: The research paper gives an account of the significance of the structure of the chapter and overview of the basic research methods, and so on.Chapter-2: This article firstly introduces the concept of the administrative division system and analyses and defines the concepts contained one by one. Then, several difficult problems appeared. Firstly, suburbanization is a relative concept with both definite character and fuzzy nature. Secondly, the importance of metropolises suburb (suburban domain) is highlighted and the suburb is developed rapidly which made the study more complex, the biggest trouble is the concept of "administrative suburb" has gone beyond the concept of "suburb" itself because of the system of "city-leading-county". So we induct the concept of "suburban domain", the concept of "suburb" and "suburban domain" is correspond to "urban" and "urban areas" respectively in our special system of "city-leading-county". After the concept ascertained, we defined some concepts from the point of administrative geography which often appeared in articles, such as "administrative division system", "administrative division system adjustment", "administrative division system reform" and so on. Lastly, the article parsed the concept, research object and range of the administrative division system reform study of metropolises suburbs(suburban domain) by graphical expression.Chapter-3: To summarize from the point of numerous studies in theory and point for suburb and administrative regionalization. In order to deeply understand the mechanism and character of the suburb development, the article is proceed from one set of concept that is centralization and decentralization and explores in three stage that is region, city and suburb. When recognize the character of administrative regionalization, we choose another set of concept that is centralization and decentralization and explores the essential quality of administrative regionalization in three stage that is government and market, government and society and the higher and the lower government. Besides, we give a detailed discuss about the theory and character of relationship between rural-urban areas in the suburb development. Finally, we introduced some other theories about administrative division system in metropolises suburbs(suburban domain), such as the discuss of administrating of city-countryside separately and unitedly in the set up of urban district, the difference of medium pointed and flat in span of control and hierarchy of administrative regionalization, theory of interactions in urban space and institutional shift. This part offered the overall and system theory support for the positivistic analysis below.Chapter-4: To collect and review the information relative to the case. We combs from three sides that is literature review of the development and management of metropolises suburbs, research advancement of system and innovation of metropolises suburbs (suburban domain), research commentary of county level district, township level district and village level district of administrative division system in metropolises suburbs(suburban domain), and we put forth some flaws in research methods, research vision and research content which existed in contemporary studies.Chapter-5: To summarize the development of administrative division system of metropolises suburbs(suburban domain) in modern times since the built of our modern municipal system. We divide the evolution into three stages, first is narrow village type-suburb system dominated by administrating of city-countryside separately from late Qing Dynasty to the early days of opening, second is wide town type-suburb system dominated by administrating of city-countryside united from the early days of opening to 20th, third is proper city type-suburb system dominated by administrating of city-countryside separately from 20th to mow. Finally, we summarized the administrative division system evolvement of our metropolises suburbs(suburban domain) from two concepts, that is administrating separately (united) in form and administrating separately (united) in fact.Chapter-6: To introduce and evaluate some typical administrative division system of metropolises suburbs (suburban domain) aboard and consider enlightenment to our country. Among them, many can be used for reference by our country, such as American outlying city, municipal corporation, special zone, British suburban mew town, Australian rural city, Japanese city graded, Taiwan’s county governs city system and so on.Chapter-7and Chapter-8: Positivistic analyze the administrative division system of metropolises suburbs (suburban domain) in Shanghai municipality which independently administered. The six chapter focus on the discussion of district county-level administrative division system of suburbs in Shanghai, from the angle of the relationship between town and city, we described the process of suburb system development from the administrating of city-countryside separately to united since Shanghai founded in 1927. Then based on the status of district county-level administrative division system of suburbs in Shanghai, we made four consideration and formed an analytical frame on the discussion of the standards of "county upgraded to district" through introduced the model of "breakpoint". The six chapter focus on the analysis of basic administrative divisionization of suburbs in Shanghai, it contained both general historical analysis and detailed analysis with the base of Pudong area. At last, we put forward some consideration on the reform of basic administrative regionalization.Chapter-9: The chapter of the thesis is textual policy. Pointed out the logic starting point, current situation and problems, guiding principles and basic tenets of administrative division system reform of our metropolises suburbs(suburban domain), then, distinguished the different pattern frame work and tentative plan in administrative division system reform between municipality directly under the central government and municipalities under the provincial government.Chapter 10: The final chapter from the main point of view, innovative efforts in areas such as shortage of paper and so on a sum.

  • 【分类号】D632
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1555

