

Competition and the Research of Competition Concept of Contemporary China’s Socialism

【作者】 陈立林

【导师】 陈锡喜;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文试图以唯物史观关于经济基础与上层建筑、社会存在与社会意识等相互关系原理为指导,从服务于社会主义竞争实践出发,通过对理论与实践的考察,全面系统地阐述了社会各领域的竞争的内涵与基本特征、在社会主义社会各领域开展竞争的理论与实践依据以及开展竞争应该遵循的基本原则,并就社会主义竞争与和谐社会建设的关系进行了理论考察。在上述基础上,本文揭示了社会主义竞争观的内涵与基本特征,并概括提出了树立社会主义竞争观的主要内容与途径。全文从以下几个方面进行了研究:导论部分主要介绍了选题的学术背景和选题意义、基本概念的阐释、研究的主要方法、基本思路和框架设计以及研究的创新与不足之处等内容。第一章从历史的视角考察了中西方有关思想家以及马克思主义创始人关于竞争的基本观点。通过历史的考察,旨在探寻竞争现象的思想渊源,为社会主义竞争实践的开展提供理论借鉴。第二章从宏观上提供了全文所依赖的逻辑基点。鉴于传统模式的社会主义排斥竞争所造成的种种弊端,中国共产党通过长期的理论探索和实践经验总结,逐步形成了社会主义竞争思想,由此确认了竞争在社会主义制度中的合法地位。因为我国社会主义社会依然存在竞争产生的诱因,因而必然要求我们顺应人的竞争性特性,充分发挥竞争的积极作用,以此来促进社会主义社会的协调、稳定发展。同时,从当今时代特征看,和平与发展的时代主题使得国际关系呈现出竞争与合作的发展趋势,因而使得开展社会主义竞争具有其历史的合理性;从国内看,适应时代主题的变化与党和国家工作重心的转移,我们国家在社会各个领域里已经逐步引入了竞争机制,实际上确认了竞争在社会主义制度中的合法地位,这又使得开展社会主义竞争具有其现实可能性。这就意味着,在社会主义制度下开展竞争具有其深刻的理论和实践依据。第三章阐明了经济竞争的内涵与基本特征、以及开展社会主义经济竞争的基本依据和应遵循的基本原则。认为,经济竞争就是商品经济条件下多个经济主体之间依照价值规律的要求围绕有限的经济利益目标而展开的相互争夺与较量的经济活动,它具有竞争主体的多元性、竞争目标的趋利性、竞争评判标准的客观性、竞争手段的受价值规律制约性等基本特征;在现实社会主义条件下,由于社会主义经济依然具有商品经济属性,因而必须发挥经济竞争在推动社会生产力的发展、资源的优化配置、激发经济主体的活力、促进经济的协调发展和人的积极性人格的形成等方面的积极作用。而竞争性市场经济体制的确立,无疑为社会主义经济竞争的开展提供了可能性;基于经济竞争的一般要求以及我国经济竞争中还存在的问题,在社会主义条件下开展经济竞争必须贯彻经济主体追求自身利益最大化原则、崇尚优势的优胜劣汰原则、机会均等的公平竞争原则、反垄断的自由竞争原则等。惟其如此,才能推动社会主义经济竞争的健康进行。第四章探讨了政治竞争的内涵与基本特征、以及开展社会主义政治竞争的基本依据和应遵循的基本原则。认为,政治竞争是指现代民主政体下民族国家内部公民个人、社会集团合法有序地争夺国家权力或最大限度地影响国家权力的行使,以实现其所代表的阶级、阶层和社会集团利益的活动,它具有竞争主体的政治人属性、竞争目标围绕国家权力的争夺性、竞争的性质和手段的和平有序性等基本特征;在现实社会主义条件下,要发展社会主义民主政治与维系政治权威合法性、发展社会主义市场经济与协调利益矛盾、实现党自身的现代化与永葆党的先进性、扩大公民有序政治参与和培养提高公民的民主素质和能力以及顺应世界民主化潮流与推动我国政治民主化进程,等等,决定了必须开展社会主义政治竞争;同时,中国共产党在民主革命时期对民主政治的探索与实践而形成的思想资源、在社会主义建设时期对民主政治建设的思考而形成的有益经验、改革开放以来涌现的竞争性民主实践提供的群众基础,以及西方竞争性民主理论与实践提供的现实参照,等等,决定了开展社会主义政治竞争的可行性;基于政治竞争的一般要求以及我国政治体制的特点,开展社会主义政治竞争关键,应遵循党内竞争性民主选举制度先行发展原则与人大代表竞争性选举制度重点建设原则。惟其如此,才能推动社会主义民主政治的发展和社会主义政治竞争的健康进行。第五章阐述了文化竞争的内涵与基本特征、以及开展社会主义文化竞争的基本依据和应遵循的基本原则。认为,文化竞争是指两个或两个以上的文化主体在文化领域以其生产的理论成果或创作的艺术作品等精神产品为交流互动手段而展开的以真善美与假恶丑为判断标准的较量和争胜活动,它具有竞争主体的知识分子属性、竞争目标围绕声望而展开的争夺性、竞争手段的相互比较与相互鉴别性等基本特征;在现实社会主义条件下,多元文化长期并存发展的文化格局、文化自身发展的融突规律和主体对文化的选择规律以及以往人们在处理文化问题上的经验教训等决定了开展文化竞争的必然性、必要性和合理性,与此同时,中国共产党提出和倡导的“双百”方针决定了开展文化竞争的可能性;基于文化发展的一般要求和我国社会主义制度的性质规定,要顺利地开展社会主义文化竞争,促进社会主义文化的大发展和大繁荣,必须坚持“二为”方向和“双百”方针相统一的根本原则,以此为基础,还必须认真贯彻一元主导和多样并存发展的原则,自由、平等、民主原则以及文化系统的开放原则等具体性原则。第六章阐述了社会竞争的内涵与基本特征、以及开展社会主义社会的社会竞争的基本依据和应遵循的基本原则。认为,社会竞争是指社会系统中不同的个体或群体依照一定的社会规则为争取较高的社会地位而在相互之间展开的和平较量与争胜活动,它具有竞争主体的社会性、竞争目标围绕较高社会地位的争夺性、竞争手段的和平性等基本特征;在现实社会主义条件下,社会分层现象的存在决定了开展社会竞争既具有必然性又具有必要性,同时由于我国社会主义制度对社会竞争机制的认同决定了开展社会竞争又具有可行性;根据社会竞争的一般要求和社会主义制度的基本价值要求,开展社会主义社会的社会竞争必须遵循社会主体平等竞争原则、社会阶层开放原则、社会竞争规则的公平原则。第七章探讨了社会主义市场经济条件下开展社会主义竞争与和谐社会建设的关系。认为,提出构建社会主义和谐社会的设想具有深刻的历史背景和强烈的现实针对性,那就是,随着竞争性市场经济体制的建立,多元利益主体的利益竞争与社会和谐二者之间的价值冲突日益凸显。因此,根据社会主义条件下发展市场经济的本质要求,必须进一步健全和完善社会主义市场经济体制,调动一切积极因素实现党的全面建设小康社会的执政任务,以实现走向竞争的和谐。而要构建社会主义和谐社会关键,就是要在正确认识竞争与和谐的关系的基础上,构建起以竞争为手段的社会动力机制和以和谐为目标的社会平衡机制。惟其如此,才能建立起社会成员各竞其能、各得其所而又和谐相处的社会主义和谐社会。第八章是对全文的概括和提升。通过对社会主义社会各个领域竞争实践的考察后,认为,树立社会主义竞争观是当代中国社会主义社会解放思想、更新观念的一项重要内容。因为,根据社会存在与社会意识的相互关系原理,既然社会存在发生了极大变化,即竞争实践在社会主义社会各领域已经广泛开展起来,那么在人们的社会意识中就必须树立社会主义竞争观。唯有如此,才能以此进一步指导其社会主义竞争实践,促进社会主义竞争实践的健康进行。为此,本文在揭示了社会主义竞争观的内涵和基本特征的基础上,概括提出了树立社会主义竞争观的主要内容和途径,认为树立社会主义竞争观,主要是培养和树立主体意识、平等意识、规则意识、合作竞争意识等。

【Abstract】 According to the basic principles of historical materialism on the relationship between the economic base & the superstructure and the relationship between social being & social consciousness, and based on giving the services to the socialist practice of competition, this thesis made a comprehensive and systematic study theoretically and practically on the connotations and the basic characteristics of competition in the various fields of the society, and the reasons and the basic principles to carry out competition in the various fields of the socialist society. Furthermore, this thesis has made a study on the relationship between the socialist competition and the construction of the socialist harmonious society. On the basis of the above, this thesis made a description on the connotation and the basic characteristics of the socialist concepts of competition, and outlined the main content and channels of establishing the socialist concepts of competition. The whole paper has mainly conducted the study from the following aspects.The introduction mainly introduced the academic background and significance of topics, definition of the basic concepts, the basic research methods, the basic framework of ideas, and the main innovative points and the weaknesses of the research and so on.Chapter I has made a theoretical study of the Chinese and Western thinkers’ basic viewpoints about the competition. At the same time, it made a study of the Marxist basic viewpoints about the competition as well. Through the study of history, it aims at exploring the ideological roots on the phenomenon of competition in order to use them for reference for the practice of the socialist competition.Chapter II provides the whole paper from a macro point of view with the logic point relying on. In view of various disadvantages caused by the rejection of competition during the traditional socialist society, the Communist Party of China gradually formed the ideas of the socialist competition through long-term exploration of the theory and summarizing the practical experiences. Thus legal status of competition has been confirmed by the socialist system. Because of China’s socialist society still have competitive incentives, thus inevitably requires us to adapt to the competitive characteristics of people, bring into full play the positive roles of competition, in order to promote the development of the socialist society. Meanwhile , from the characteristics of our time, under the theme of peace and development of today’s time, international relationship shows a trend of competition and cooperation. It appears that it is of historical rationality for us to carry out the socialist competition. Domestically, adapting to the changing theme of the times and the requirements of gravity shift of the Party and the country’s work, our country has gradually introduced the competitive mechanism in all areas of society. In fact, the legal status of the competition has been confirmed by the socialist system. From this point, we can say it is possible for us to carry out the socialist competition. In a word, it means that it has its profound theoretical and practical basis for us to carry out competition under the socialist system.Chapter III has described the connotation and basic features of the economic competition, the fundamental basis and the basic principles to carry out the socialist economic competition as well. It points out that the economic competition is the competitive activity to struggle for the limited economic interests among a number of economic entities in accordance with the law of value under the conditions of the commodity economy. It has the following features for the economic competition such as the diversity of competitive entities, the goal to compete for economic profits, the objectivity of competitive standard, the means of competition confined by the law of value and so on. In reality, under the conditions of socialism, as the socialist economy still has the property of the commodity economy, and therefore positive functions of economic competition must be brought into play in promoting the development of social productive forces, the optimal distribution of resources and stimulating the economic vitality of the economic entities, promoting the coordinated development of economy and the formation of people’s positive personality, etc. As the competitive market economic system is established, it has undoubtedly provided the possibility to carry out the socialist economic competition. Based on the general requirements for economic competition and the problems still existing in our country’s economic competition, we must carry out the following principles in the socialist economic competition such as the principle of pursuit of maximal economic self-interest for the economic entities, the principle of survival of the fittest to advocate the advantages, and the principle of fair competition in utilizing the equal opportunities, anti-monopoly principle of free competition, and so on. Only this way can we promote the socialist economic competition carry out in good order.Chapter IV has discussed the connotation and basic characteristics of the political competition, the fundamental basis and the basic principles to carry out the socialist political competition as well. It believes that political competition is a series of activities to compete for the state power in lawful & orderly manner or maximally influence the exercise of state power among the individual citizens or social groups within the nation-state under the modern democracy, in order to achieve the interests of the class, class and social interest groups whom they represent. It has the following basic characteristics for the political competition such as the persons participating in the competition are usually politicians, competition goal is to compete for the state power, the nature and means of competition are usually peaceful and orderly, etc. In reality, under the conditions of socialism, it is necessary for us to carry out the socialist political competition so as to develop socialist democracy and maintain the legitimacy of political authority, to coordinate the interests conflicts among different people under the socialist market economy system, to realize the modernization of the Party itself and keep alive the Party’s advanced nature, to expand citizens’ orderly participation in politics and foster & improve the citizens’ democratic quality and capacity, to adapt to the world trend of democratization and promote our political process of the democratization. At the same time, it is feasible for us to carry out the socialist political competition because we have the ideological resources which the Communist Party of China obtained on the exploration and practice of democratic politics in the period of democratic revolution, the useful experiences which the Party acquired on thinking over the building of democratic politics in the period of socialist construction, the practical basis which the masses provided through a number of competitive democratic practice since reform and opening-up, the real points of reference which the Western competitive democratic theory and practice provided, etc. Based on general requirements for political competition and considering the characteristics of the political system in our country, the key to develop the socialist political competition is that we must carry out the following principles such as the principle of first developing competitive democratic electoral system within the Party, and the principle of focusing on developing the people’s deputies competitive electoral system. Only this way can we promote the development of socialist democratic politics and socialist political competition carrying out in good order.Chapter V has described the connotations and the basic features of the cultural competition, the fundamental basis and basic principles to carry out the socialist cultural competition as well. It believes that the cultural competition is the activity to compete for the positive evaluation such as truth, benevolence and beauty and to avoid the negative evaluation such as falseness, evil, ugliness among two or more cultural persons in the field of culture who participate in the cultural competition by means of spiritual products such as theoretical products or works of art they have produced. It has the following basic characteristics for the cultural competition such as the persons participating in the competition are usually intellectuals, competition goal is to compete for the prestige which can meet their spiritual needs, means of competition is to identify each other by mutual comparison, etc. In reality, under the conditions of socialism, it is of inevitability and necessity for us to develop the socialist cultural competition because our country’s cultural pattern is the one of which multi-cultures long-term co-exist and develop, because cultural self-development law is the one in which multi-cultures integrate after conflicting mutually, because there exists the culture-law in which people make their choice from different cultures, because we must take experiences from which people obtained in their dealing with the issue of multi-cultures in the past. Meanwhile, it made it possible to develop the cultural socialist competition for the Communist Party of China has put forward and advocated "double hundred" policy of culture-development. Based on the general requirements for cultural development and the nature of our country’s socialist system, in order to successfully carry out the socialist cultural competition, and promote socialist cultural development and prosperity, we must adhere to the fundamental principle of integrating the direction of "two for" with the policy of "double hundred". On this basis, it is also necessary to seriously implement the following specific principles such as the principle of the Guiding ideology must be unique and the cultural-pattern can be multi-cultures coexisting and developing, the principle of every culture developing freely, equally and democratically, the principle of the cultural-system opening -up mutually.Chapter VI has discussed the connotation and basic features of social competition, the fundamental basis and the principles to carry out the socialist social competition as well. It believes that the social competition is the activity to compete for higher social status peacefully among different individuals or groups in accordance with certain rules of society. It has the following basic characteristics for the social competition such as the persons participating in the competition are usually social persons, competition goal is to compete for higher social status, means of competition are usually peaceful, etc. In reality, under the conditions of the socialist society, it is of both inevitability and necessity to develop the social competition because there still exists the phenomenon of social stratification. At the same time, it made it feasible to carry out the social competition for the mechanism of social competition has been confirmed by our country’s socialist system. According to the general requirements of the social competition and the requirements of basic values under the socialist system, in order to carry out the socialist social competition healthily, we must adhere to the following basic principles such as the principle of the persons who participate in the competition should be all equal, the principle of the social estates which exist objectively should be open to each other, the principle of the social competitive rules which people obey should be fair.Chapter VII has probed into the relationship between the socialist competition and the construction of the socialist harmonious society under the socialist market economic system. It proposes that the idea building a harmonious socialist society has a profound historical background and a strong, realistic significance. That is, with the establishment of the competitive market economic system in our country, the conflict of values between the multiple interests competition among people and the socialist social harmony has grown increasingly prominent. Thus, according to essential requirement of developing market economy under the conditions of the socialism, it is necessary to further improve and perfect the socialist market economic system, mobilize all positive factors to achieve the Party’s well-off society’s mission, so that we can realize the society integrating harmonious value with competitive value. The key to building the socialist harmonious society is to establish the social mechanism with competition as its motive force and the social balance mechanism with harmony as its goal on the basis of correctly understanding and handling the relationship between competition and harmony. Only this way can we establish a harmonious socialist society.Chapter VIII is the summary and upgrading of the whole paper. After researching into the competition practice in various fields of the socialist society, it reached a conclusion that establishing the socialist concept of competition is one of important parts in emancipating the mind and renewing the concepts in the contemporary China’s socialist society. According to the principles of mutual relations between the social being and social consciousness, now that great changes in the social being have taken place (that is, competition practice in various fields of the socialist society have been widely carried out), the socialist concept of competition should be established in people’s social consciousness. Only in this way can they be used to further guide people’s practice of the socialist competition, and to promote the socialist practice of competition to carry out in a good manner. For this purpose, after revealing the connotation and basic characteristics of the socialist concept of competition, this chapter outlined the main content and means of establishing the socialist concept of competition. Establishing the socialist concept of competition is mainly to establish and train the concept of autonomy, the concept of equality, the concept of the rules, the concept of combining co-operation with competition, and so on.


