

Some Issueson Social Redress in Han Dynasty

【作者】 林兴龙

【导师】 施伟青;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 社会救济属于社会保障的范畴,是指国家和社会以多种形式对因自然灾害、意外事故和残疾等原因而无力维持基本生活的贫困者提供必要的生活资助、福利设施的社会行为。汉代是中国继秦朝之后的大一统封建王朝。汉代的社会救济制度随着时代的发展而发展。汉代的社会救济为汉代以后各朝社会救济提供了模本。本文采用历史学与社会学相结合的研究方法,重点探讨两汉灾害救济、弱势群体救济、两汉民间慈善救济和两汉社会救济的特点比较等问题。全文共分七章:第一章、对汉代自然灾害次数统计进行辨误。关于汉代自然灾害的次数,已有不少学者进行统计,但这些统计数字有误,都不能真实反映两汉灾害发生的真实情况。故有必要重新梳理史料,对这一数据进行校正。第二章、探讨两汉救灾的职官、财政及相关的奖惩制度等问题。第三章、两汉灾害救济的措施及其评价。这一问题学界已取得很大的研究成果,但仍有进一步探讨的余地。如作为灾害预防的措施之一——仓储制度,就包括常平制度。常平制度无论在平准物价方面还是在灾荒救治方面都发挥了一定的作用,但学界对此问题缺乏进一步的研究。另外,治理河患是救灾措施之一,但学术界很少有涉及此问题。本章对这两个问题作了详细的分析。第四章、对社会弱势群体的救济。本章从残疾者救济、优恤妇女、儿童、养老制度、一般贫困救济等方面来研究这一问题。第五章、对贫困官吏和寒士的救济。由于某些原因,他们往往陷入贫寒的境地,因此也是政府救济的对象。第六章、两汉民间的慈善行为。两汉时还不存在政府组织的慈善事业。但是,民间自发的慈善行为,在两汉已经普遍存在了。本章从两汉个人慈善行为、宗族救济、民间互助组织、邻里互助四个方面来阐述这一问题。第七章、对以往学界所忽略的两汉社会救济的不同特点进行比较。希望此研究能对今后相关问题的研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。

【Abstract】 As a kind of social securities, social redress is a social conduct that the nation and society supply necessary life necessity and boon in multiple ways for people who suffer from penury and thus cannot lead a basic life themselves because of natural disasters, accidents, and disability. Han Dynasty is a feudal country after the fall of Qin Dynasty and its social redress system develops as the era. Applying the research approaches of history and sociology, this dissertation mainly explores disaster redress, the redress of the disadvantaged groups, the folk charity redress and the social redress of Han Dynasty (including The Eastern Han Dynasty and The Western Han Dynasty) and their differences.The dissertation consists of seven chapters:Chapter one distinguishes and corrects the statistic of natural disasters occurring in Han Dynasty. As far as the times of natural disasters of Han Dynasty, many scholars have made statistic. These statistical figures, however, are not totally accurate, and thus cannot objectively reflect the reality of the disaster of Han Dynasty. Therefore, it necessitates coordination and emendation of these statistical figures.Chapter two explores the officials who are in charge of the social redress, and the system of financial arrangement and related rewards and punishment.Chapter Three expounds the actions of disaster redress and its evaluation. As for this issue, scholars have made great achievements. It, however, still needs further exploration. For example, as one of disaster prevention methods, storage system also includes Chang Pin system that the government purchases grain when grain price decreases and sells it when its price increases so as to secure the basic life of the poor. This system has positive effects both on the stability of commodity price and on the disaster redress. Scholars have not deepened their research in this field. What’s more, as a kind of disaster redress, flood harness is seldom referred. These two issues will be construed here.Chapter Four discusses the redress of the disadvantaged groups which include the disable, women, children, the aged and the poor.Chapter Five sets forth the redress of poor officials and poor imperial examination candidates. Due to some causes, these people fall into financial crisis and thus become members of the governmental redress.Chapter Six expounds the folk charitable conducts in Han Dynasty. There was no charity arranged by the government in Han Dynasty. Folk charity is widely spread. This chapter will center on the personal charity, clan redress, the folk associations of mutual help and the neighborhood help.Chapter Seven compares the different characteristics of social redress between The Eastern Han Dynasty and The Western Han Dynasty as to show the light on the research on this field.

【关键词】 汉代社会救济灾害弱势群体慈善宗族
【Key words】 Han Dynastysocial redressdisasterthe disadvantaged groupscharityclan
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K234
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1024

