

A Study on Language Planning in China’s mainland, Hong Kong SAR and Singapore and the Singapore Chinese Language Curriculum in Primary Schools

【作者】 陈亚凤

【导师】 游汝杰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本论文首先详论中国内地、中国香港与新加坡三地的汉语语言规划:其次审视并比较三地的小学语文课程;最后是建构一个新加坡本土化的课程框架。中国法定普通话和规范汉字是国家通用的语言文字与基本的教育教学用语用字。中国致力于构建“以普通话为主体,多语言共存”的和谐语言生活。香港语言生活的特点是“三语两文”。“三语”以广州话为优势方言,它是香港人的母语和主要教学语言:英语则是顶层语言;普通话正稳定发展。“两文”中文和英文是法定的正式语文。新加坡法定四大种族的共同语为英语。英语、华语、马来语和淡米尔语同为官方语言。新加坡1965年独立迄今,积极推行双语教育,英语为主要教学语言,华族必须学习族群母语,即华语。从1979年开始,政府大力展开推广华语运动,试图达到“华语成为华族的忠诚语言和高层语言”的目标。中、港两地皆以汉语为通用语或母语、教学语言,更重要的是两地都“书同文”,中文是它们的法定文字。反观新加坡,英语是新加坡人的共同语和主要教学语言,也是许多华族主要的家庭用语。中港两地是本族语说话人地区,新加坡则是华语为大部分华族第二语言的地区。由此证明,新加坡小学语文课程应该有别于中港两地才合理。不过经过反复地比较,发现三地的课程总目标如出一辙,除了注重一般的语言能力训练以外,三地都强调语文素养、思维技能、品德情意、中华文化。近30年来,新加坡经历了4次华文课程改革,改革频密的原因与无法明确为课程定位有一定关系。为此,论文根据新加坡一些语言现象、第二语言课程理论与对外汉语编写教材的经验,为新加坡华族学生量体裁衣,建构小学语文课程框架。

【Abstract】 This dissertation consists of three major sections. To begin, it gives an overview of how language planning is done in China’s mainland, Hong Kong special administrative region and Singapore. Secondly, it examines and compares the Chinese language curriculum in the primary schools in these three regions. Lastly, the author recommends a tailor-made framework for developing Chinese language curriculum in Singapore.In China, Putonghua (PTH) is designated as the lingua franca of the country and is also the official medium of instruction in all schools. The standard written characters have been widely promoted throughout the society and schools. On top of this, China continues to nurture a harmonious society where different languages can co-exist. In Hong Kong, three spoken languages and two official languages exist. The three spoken languages are Cantonese, English and PTH. The two official languages are Chinese and English. Cantonese, a prestige dialect, is the mother tongue and medium of instruction for Hong-Kongers. English is considered a top variety while the use PTH is rising steadily in Hong Kong.In Singapore, English is the lingua franca among the four races. English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil are the official languages. The thrust of education is on bilingualism. English is the main medium of instruction in schools. Chinese children must study Chinese as their mother tongue. Since 1979, Singapore has been actively carrying out the Speak Mandarin Campaign. The ultimate objective of the campaign is to encourage the Chinese community to remain loyal and competent in the Chinese language. Hopefully, Chinese can be a high variety in Chinese community. English became commonly used at home among the Chinese. In comparison, Chinese has now become the second language for the majority of Singaporean Chinese. This is unlike China and Hong Kong, where people are still native speakers of the language. Based on the differences in language planning and varying needs of the learners, the Chinese language curriculum in Singapore must aim to teach Chinese as a second language rather than following the curriculum in China and Hong Kong which is developed for first language learners. Across the span of 30 years, Singapore has conducted four curriculum reviews. If curriculum direction and focus had been accurately mapped out right from the start, the frequency of curriculum reviews could have been significantly reduced. Therefore, this research has constructed a unique framework to help the development of Chinese curriculum for second language learners in Singapore. This framework is developed after taking into consideration the key language trends in Singapore, the theories around second language curriculum and the author’s experiences of designing instructional materials on Chinese language for foreign learners.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】H002;G623.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】2495

