

【作者】 张文飞

【导师】 章培恒;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 论文由引论、正文和附录三个部分组成。引论包含对《夷坚志》及作者的基本情况等的介绍。正文共六章。第一章探讨《夷坚志》的基本情况。包括《夷坚志》各志的写作时间、各志的写作过程和《夷坚志》版本概述。《夷坚志》各志的写作时间可根据现存《序》以及《宾退录》所引《序》推断;《夷坚志》的写作持续了六十年时间,这是一个非常漫长的过程,洪迈的生活经历影响到了《夷坚志》的故事内容,因此把《夷坚志》的写作与作者的经历结合起来探讨是必要的;由于《夷坚志》散佚的情况比较严重,所以本文在广泛吸收前人研究成果的基础上,又根据自己的调查,阐述了《夷坚志》的版本情况。第二章分析《夷坚志》故事的内容特点。包括《夷坚志》对人性的丰富表达,《夷坚志》故事内容的趣味性,《夷坚志》故事对世俗生活的偏好三节。《夷坚志》描写了人的各种欲望,表现了丰富的人性。《夷坚志》的故事内容注重趣味性,淡化了说教功能和故事的怪异色彩。《夷坚志》描写了市井小民的生活,又注重从民间搜集故事,故事呈现出对世俗生活的偏好。第三章总结《夷坚志》的艺术特色。包括《夷坚志》对唐传奇艺术特征的借鉴和超越,四六骈文对《夷坚志》艺术风格的影响,《夷坚志》改编故事的艺术倾向,《夷坚志》对细节的重视四个部分。《夷坚志》注意学习唐传奇的叙事模式,并在艺术成就上进一步提高。洪迈擅长四六骈文的写作,长期运用四六形成的作文习惯影响了《夷坚志》的写作风格。洪迈在引用别人故事时,又重新进行了润饰,体现了自己的艺术倾向。《夷坚志》重视细节描写,形成了细腻的艺术风格。第四章探索了《夷坚志》的思想基础,即初步探索了洪迈的思想,包括洪迈的政治观,洪迈与朱熹思想上的冲突,洪迈的人生观以及影响洪迈的人物。洪迈在对金政策上有独到的见解,政事上具有惩恶和矜赦等政治观点;洪迈和朱熹存在着思想及文章见解上的分歧;《夷坚志》还反映了洪迈宿命论的人生观和知足惜福的人生态度;另外,第四节还探讨了苏轼、张九成等对洪迈思想的影响。第五章评价了《夷坚志》对前代文学的继承与其对后世的影响。包括史传文学对《夷坚志》的影响,《夷坚志》在志怪小说领域的新发展以及《夷坚志》对后世的影响三个方面。洪迈阅读了大量史书,并曾经撰写史书,这种经历影响了《夷坚志》的创作。《夷坚志》受到了前代志怪小说的影响,又在表现内容和创作方式上有新的发展,它从志怪的角度来表现自己对故事人物的褒贬。《夷坚志》对后世的影响主要体现在小说和戏曲两个方面。此外,《夷坚志》发生影响的地域因素也受到了关注。附录含洪迈交游情况,著作情况,《二刻拍案惊奇》引用《夷坚志》故事补充三部分。

【Abstract】 This thesis is composed of three parts:introduction, main body and appendix.The introduction contains three parts that are fundamental, judgment and brief introduction on Yi Jian Zhi and its author.The main body contains six chapters. Basic circumstances are analyzed in chapter 1, including time and course of writing every record , brief introduction of versions. Time of every record can be judged by Preaface stored now and Preface quoted by Bin Tui Lu. Sixty years were continuely spent on writing Yi Jian Zhi , which was a long course. Yi Jian Zhi was influenced by life experiences of Hong Mai . The lost status of Yi Jian Zhi is serious. So this thesis intends to elaborate versions of Yi Jian Zhi, based on researches of people ahead and surveys of the the writer of this thesis.The characters of content are analyzed in chapter 2, including three parts: the rich expression of humanity, the pleasure of the story and the appreciation of life story. Yi Jian Zhi was influenced by folk literature of Southern Song. Yi Jian Zhi described the desire of the people, expressed the complicated humanity. Hong Mai paid more attention to the pleasure of stories than the quality of education and the horrible style . Yi Jian Zhi reflected real life and expressed strong smack of everyday life.The artistic style of Yi Jian Zhi is summarized in Chapter 3, including the following four parts: Hong Mai had read a lot of Legendary Novels of Tang Dynasty. He learned writing skills from Tang Legend and promoted the effect of art. Influences which parallel prose in four or six words brought to the artistic style of Yi Jian Zhi ,artistic tendency of stories and delicate artistic style of Yi Jian Zhi,Hong Mai had rich experience of reading and compilating history books. Skills of writing, methods of arranging construction and characteristics of language in history books gave Hong Mai great inspirations. Hong Mai modified legend stories again when they were quoted so that his own artistic style was expressed. Hong Mai put emphasis on details in Yi Jian Zhi so that delicate artistic style was formed.Ideological foundation of Yi Jian Zhi were researched in chapter 4 , including Hong Mai’s political ideas,conflicts between him and Zhu Xi, another one in Southern Song, philosophy of life and the people who influenced Hong Mai, with the research of Miscellaneous Notes from the Tolerant Studio, another work of Hong Mai. Hong Mai had some special suggestions about policy on Jin Dynasty. There were some differences in ideas and opinions about writings between Hong Mai and Zhu Xi. Yi Jian Zhi also reflected fatalistic outlook on life and contented life attitude of Hong Mai. Moreover, section 4 analyzes influences which Su Shi, Zhang Jiucheng and Bai Yun brought to Hong Mai.Chapter 5 evaluates the inheritance of former literature and impacts on future generations of Yi Jian Zhi, which includes the following three aspects: the impact of the history and biography of literature on Yi Jian Zhi, the new development of Yi Jian Zhi in the field of ghost novels and Yi Jian Zhi on the impact of future generations. Hong Mai had written and read a lot of history books, which experienced the impact of the creation of Yi Jian Zhi. Yi Jian Zhi was influenced by mythical stories of the former dynasty. However, it had new developments in the performance of content and the way of creation and expressed his own appraise to characters from ghost perspective. The impact of Yi Jian Zhi on future generations is mainly reflected in two aspects of the novel and drama. In addition, the geographical factors of Yi Jian Zhi having impacts on are also concerned. Yi Jian Zhi was influenced by the mythical stories of Northern and Southern Dynasties and had some new changes in content and the methods of writing.Appendix includes three parts: the friendship situation of Hong Mai, Hong Mai’s writing case,the stories added from Yi Jian Zhi which were quoted by Stroke the table to second engraved surprised.

【关键词】 洪迈夷坚志成书过程艺术特色内容影响思想
【Key words】 Hong MaiYi Jian ZhiWriting Processcontenteffect of artinfluence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】I207.419
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1125

