

The Bonding Mechanisms of Members in the Virtual Community

【作者】 楼天阳

【导师】 陆雄文; 蒋青云; 范秀成; 黄沛;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 作为一种独立的商业模式和新兴的企业客户关系管理手段,虚拟社区的商业价值日益凸显,并逐渐成为当前学者网络营销研究的重点。虚拟社区与成员之间由深度互动活动而形成的紧密联结关系,将对网民的社区参与行为产生深远的影响,然截至目前,学者对其内部的联结纽带与机制的认知依然相当模糊。本文从社会互动的“身份”视角切入,建立了现实个体、虚拟角色与虚拟社群之间的联结关系,探讨了其情感联结纽带系统对社区成员参与行为意愿的影响与机制。本研究首先基于社会身份理论和网际沟通符号互动的特征,阐述了网民构建虚拟身份的属性、与现实自我的关系以及背后的社会心理过程。认为虚拟身份包含着个体层面的角色身份和群组层面的社群身份两重属性,前者是自我展示过程,通过获取角色支持而完成虚拟的自我认同;后者是自我类化过程,通过去个性化取得虚拟社群认同。此虚拟身份构建与认同程度将会影响虚拟社区成员与社群之间的关系联结。随后,在总结了社区成员间传统地理纽带、心理纽带和身份纽带系统后,根据虚拟社区与成员的深度互动关系和情感特征,借用扩展自我与占有物之间的依恋理论,提出了虚拟社区成员与社区之间基于依恋的情感纽带联结系统,并区分出虚拟社区内基于共同纽带的人际依恋和基于共同身份的群组依恋这两种联结机制。论文以上述研究视角与理论为基础,建构了从虚拟社区互动活动到社区成员身份认同、进而形成其与社区的情感联结并影响其参与行为的结构方程模型。实证研究包括了定性访谈、量表构建和预调查,最后跨越BBS社区和博客类社区两种类型进行了调查问卷。研究结论表明:1、基于认同与依恋的虚拟社区成员联结机制模型得到验证,表明认同与依恋是虚拟社区成员参与社区的关键心理过程;2、确认虚拟社区成员自我认同与社会认同是同时存在的两个社区参与心理过程,且自我认同对社会认同有显著的正向影响,对于互动活动对成员的社会认同有着部分中介作用;3、虚拟社区与成员的情感联结系统由基于共同纽带的人际依恋和基于共同身份的群组依恋两个维度共同组成,且虚拟角色身份的自我认同与社区成员的自我类化分别影响人际依恋和群组依恋;4、人际依恋和群组依恋对于不同的社区参与行为具有不同的影响作用,人际依恋对于线下联系有显著影响,群组依恋主要影响社区贡献,两者对于社区参与和关系维持都有正向影响;5、社区类型和网民参与度的特征对于群组依恋对个体参与行为的影响具有调节作用。最后,作者对研究结论的学术和管理含义进行了探讨。理论上,本研究构建了虚拟社区身份认同的心理过程,区分了虚拟角色自我认同和虚拟社群社会认同的作用机理;同时,本文提出了虚拟社区与成员之间的情感联结系统,且证明了成员之间的人际依恋和群组依恋两种机制在此过程发挥了不同的作用,进一步揭示了虚拟社区与成员的联结纽带对个体社区参与行为的影响机制。从而在管理方面,对于不同类型社区的定位,需要对社区的成员认同和情感纽带设计不同的经营政策,并为维护社区成员忠诚和关系管理提供了基本的回答。同时,根据本论文研究过程中面临的问题和存在的一些局限性,提出了今后进一步研究的若干建议。

【Abstract】 With the increasing commercial value of virtual communities as an independent business model and the customer relationship management means, it has been the hotspot and focus in the extant research on online marketing. Connectedness characterizing the intensity of the interactive relationship(s) that members develop with virtual community and other members has great potential influence on members’ participation behavior, however, what is the bonding in the relationships is still a theory gap. Based on the perspective of identity theory, this thesis developed the bonding mechanism model which connected the individual, role identity and the virtual group and its’ impact on people’s participation behavior,.Firstly, according to the identity theory and symbolic interaction character in virtual community, we explained the concept of the virtual identity, its relation with real self, and the psychological process in the back. We pointed out that the virtual identity contained both role-based identity and group-based identity, the former described the a process of self-presentation with the establishment of individual identity, which is to pursuit and complete of self-identification by role support; And the latter is self-categorization process with the establishment of a community identity, which is to complete the social identification by depersonalization. Then the construction and identification of the virtual identity will affected the emotional connection between members and virtual communities.After reviewing the bonding of personal relationship、psychological contract such as trust or commitment and group identity. This study advanced the emotional bonding system of attachment, viewing the virtual identity and its activities and relationship as the possession of the self according the deep interaction and the members’ emotional characteristic. We employed the attachment theory to explain the ties between virtual community members and community, and distinguished the common-identity based attachment to the community as a whole and the common-bond based attachment to the people in the virtual community. This study constructed the structural equation model from the interactive activities of the virtual community to member’s identification, then affecting their emotional attachment with the community and their participation behavior intentions based above theory and perspective. Empirical studies include the qualitative interviews, scale validation, pilot investigation and the main investigation conducted across the BBS community and the blog community.Research findings show that: (1) the survey-based study supports the proposed model, which demonstrates that the identity and attachment is the mediators in virtual community members to participate in community; (2) self-identification and social identification is co-existence in the process of the member’s participation, and self-identity significantly affected member’s social identification, which shows the partial medication of self-identification to social identification; (3) there are two different attachment mechanism in a virtual community, which are the common-bond based interpersonal attachment and common-identity based group attachment. The two attachment have different antecedents about personal identification and self-categorization respectively; (4) group attachment and interpersonal attachment have different effect on people’s participation behavior intentions, interpersonal attachment affected off-line contact significantly, while group attachment mainly impacted the contribution behavior. However, both have positive effects on community participation and loyalty; (5) the type of community and the participation level of member moderates the consumer’s reasons for participating.The theoretical and practical implications are discussed. In theory, this study developed the psychological process of virtual identity contructed and identification, and explained the different influence of role-based identity and group-based identity on people’s participation intention. Furthermore, this thesis advanced the emotional bonding system and the connectedness mechanism from identification to attachment, also demonstrated the interpersonal attachment and group attachment and its’ different impact on people’s behavior. In the management implications, different types of targeted communities needs designing different operating policies to manage member’s identification and bonds ,and the basic answer about how to develop the relationship with the community members is provided. Finally, the author pointed out the existence of some limitations, and proposed further study of a number of recommendations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F274;F49
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】2538
  • 攻读期成果

