

【作者】 周建勇

【导师】 郭定平;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 政治学理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以中国国民党为个案,分析在民主化转型过程中政党(特别是执政党)的适应性转型。民主化转型,涉及到了政治体制的根本性变革,必然会对政党特别是执政党产生影响。政党为了要掌握或参与政权,但首先是生存的需要,必然要进行转型,以适应政治体制的变革及由其带来的其它制度的改变。上世纪八十年代,台湾开始了从威权体制向民主体制的转型,在这一过程中,中国国民党也进行了转型。但是国民党的转型,与其他政党有所差异,这源于转型前的两大根本特征,一是政权特征:“移入性政权”和党国威权体制,二是政党特征:国民党在1952年之后,已经成为一个具列宁主义政党特征的“革命民主政党”,在一定程度上,与前苏联或者东欧等国家的政党类似。这两大特征既是1924年中国国民党改造的继承,也是1950年改造后在台湾的深化和特殊化。而国民党的转型,就是在民主化的过程中,对1924年和1952年改造形成的组织结构和政府关系的改变。国民党迁台后形成的党国威权体制,包括动员戡乱临时条款的实施、国民党利用地方派系统治地方、开放地方选举而封闭中央选举等,这都是国民党宣称代表整个中国而苦心安排的制度模式。这一特殊体制影响着国民党的转型。随着民主化的转型,这一体制最终瓦解。中国国民党自成立以来,一共进行了四次重大转变:1919—1924年的中国国民党改造、1950—1952年的中国国民党改组;1986年开始的党务革新,2000年开始的全面改造。从内容上看,这四次重大转变可以分为两部分:1950年的改造继承了1924年改造的内容,并进一步完善,从而在台确立了国民党的全面统治,一直延续到八十年代初民主化转型之始。1986年开始的党务革新,是随着台湾民主化转型的启动而展开的,在一定程度上与过去的决裂,标志着国民党在民主化转型以来政党转型的启动。国民党意识到不可能按照过去的方式进行统治,它必须在政党组织、意识形态、党政运作等方面做出新的改变,以适应时代的变化。2000年开始的全面改造是这一过程的继续,因为失去了对行政权的主导,所以在上述几个方面的改造甚为彻底。本论文所指的国民党适应性转型,就是指国民党在民主化以来的政党转型。政党转型的相关文献,主要有两大方面。一是有关政党组织变迁的模式研究,即所谓的精英型政党(权贵型政党)、大众型政党、全方位型政党、卡特尔政党。政党模式的变化诠释了政党在过去一个多世纪以来的变迁轨迹,并从中总结出政党转型的具体方面,如意识心态、政党财政、政党组织内部分化、政党与国家和社会的关系变化等(这也是政党组织模式演变的分析依据)。而另一方面的研究则关注对政党的具体组织纲领、战略或策略、政党组织等方面的转型。这两个方面在一定程度上是统一的,他们分析的对象相同,而且所分析的具体内容也类似。政党转型的原因,简单来说,就是政党必须对环境的变化做出回应——主动或被动的。所以,当环境改变使得政党不能存在下去,再加上包括党内领导人的变迁、政党主要目标的改变以及重大事件的冲击等,政党的转型就启动了。这些既是政党变迁的原因,也决定了政党变迁的时机。所谓的适应性转型,即意味着政党不能再改变环境时,对政党本身进行的主动转型(当然,也有可能包含有被动的因素);而适应性转型也意味着政党的成功转型。国民党的适应性转型,是指在台湾民主化转型以来,国民党转变为选举型、民主化、本土化政党。选举型政党是民主社会的必然结果,而选举型政党又要求政党内部的民主化以及本土化。台湾的民主转型直接影响国民党转变为选举型政党,而加速了国民党本身的民主化和本土化。选举型政党表明了国民党政党属性的变化;本土化表明了国民党在组织认同和组织规模上的转变;而民主化表明了国民党的组织体制和组织内部的权力关系的民主化程度。选举型、本土化和民主化既是国民党适应性转型的方向,也规定着国民党转型的过程:国民党要转变为选举型政党,这是台湾民主化的要求;国民党要实现本土化,这是国民党适应变化了的社会、并存续下去的关键;国民党要实现党内民主化,这是台湾民主化和政党存续的双重要求。国民党的这一转型是根本性的,它与过去几次国民党的改造完全不同;同时,这次转型也有内在的延续性,这主要体现在意识形态方面。从本论文的章节安排看,第一章为选题缘由、文献回顾和论文框架,主要对政党适应性转型的概念以及转型的原因进行分析,提出国民党转型的目标:选举型政党、本土化和民主化的组织目标之间相互关系。第二章分析了民主转型之前的国民党,重点分析国民党1950—1952年的改造。国民党这次改造继承了1919—1924年改造的精神,最终形成了准列宁主义的“革命民主政党”;并在台湾确立党国威权体制。国民党通过改造形成特殊的党国威权体制,在台湾统治四十多年。第三章为转型的背景分析,主要从经济、政治和社会变迁三个方面来说明党国威权体制的解体和崩溃。在经济方面,台湾在八十年代已步入现代化,实现了工业社会的转型;在政治变迁方面包括:多党政治、单一国会确立等;在社会变迁方面,主要分析台湾意识的崛起以及对两岸关系的潜在影响。第四章为国民党的组织结构变迁;分别从组织规模、组织结构变迁、组织权力关系和决策体系来分析国民党的本土化和民主化目标。第五章为国民党运作关系的转型,分析党政关系和党军关系。在党政关系方面,从以党领政到党政分工,再到可能出现的以政领党,这一关系还在继续调整中;在与议会的关系上,国民党转化为议会内政党,并考察了国民党的政党团结程度;党军关系主要分析国民党组织退出军队。第六章为国民党意识形态的分析,主要关注三民主义、国民党的两岸关系以及国民党政党属性。三民主义是从孙中山以来一直坚持的国民党的最高纲领,在八十年代提出“三民主义统一中国”后,其内涵有了一定程度的变化;国民党两岸关系政策变化甚大,动员戡乱临时条款的终止是国民党两岸关系的重大转折,它意味着国民党开始承认中共统治大陆的合法性。在政党属性方面,主要表现国民党向民主政党的转变。第七章为全文总结,检验国民党转型的成效和未来的发展,并分析政党成功转型的几点原因。本文认为,国民党的存续与两岸关系密切相关,它的未来不仅取决于国民党本身,也受制于中国大陆。

【Abstract】 The dissertation discusses the transformation of the political party during the transition of democratization. As the political regime becomes more and more democratic, the political party, especially the dominant party of the regime must adapt itself to the changing political institution. During this process, some parties survive, and maybe flourish; others decay, and finally diminish. The whole paper takes KMT (Kuomintang, or Nationalist party1) as an example, and analyzes the KMT’ adaptive transformation during the Taiwan’s (ROC) democratization from the authoritarian regime to democratic system.The litaretures’ review shows that there are two basic approaches about the research of political party’s transformation, one macro and the other micro. The macro concerns about the transformation of political party’s model, and the micro focuses on the concrete aspects of the political party, not only in organization, but also ideology, government-party relationship, party’s strategy, party’s targets etc. From the birth of political party to now, the party’s organizational model has experienced four-time changes: cadre/ elite model, mass party model(Duverger,1963), catch-all party model (Kirchhermer, 1966, maybe including the professional electoral party model) and cartel party model(Katz and Mair, 1995). Using the different indicators, mainly the relationship between political party to the state and the civil society, ideology’s change, party’s membership size; the political party has witnessed a great transformation of adaptation. Political parties are increasingly becoming associated with the state such that parties survive because of the state and vice versa. Some consequences of this change are that political party may not want so many members in the first place so that they decide do downsize, the ideology has become more and more weakened, the experts and consultants and the use of communications and electronic technology have been employed. These two approaches are unified to their analyzing objects. The dissertation uses adaptive transformation to test the political party’s successful and, to some extent initiative transformation. When the main goal(s) has (have) changed and the political party can not dominate the environment, transformation takes place. Of course, the opportune moment also is decided by other aspects such as the leadership successor, organizational institutionalization, and outside environmental changes.As a traditional old political party with more than 100 years old history, KMT has experienced many changes There are four great changes that affect KMT’s organization development, membership structure, relationship with the government and the military: 1919-1924, the first reorganization of the Party by Sun Yat-sen; 1950-1952 (or 1949-1952 by some students) reorganization of KMT; 1986-2000: the renewal of party affairs (dang wu ge xin); 2000- 2008, a new restart and the full reorganization (cong ling kai shi, quan mian gai zao). The first transition happened in mainland, the other three in Taiwan.The four historical changes of KMT can be divided into two different stages, 1919-1924 and 1950-1952 reorganizations are the first stage, as a result, the KMT established the Quasi-Leninist (or pseudo-Leninist) nature, the democratic-centralism and the party-state system. The 1950-1952 reorganization founded legitimacy in returning to the structure of the Party associated with its founder. KMT regains control over the government. In later years, greater decision-making authority was given to the Central Policy Committee (which remained subordinated to the Central Standing Committee). Some obvious changes happened since the liberalization and democratization of Taiwan in 1980’s. Of course the democratization of Taiwan is the most important reason to the KMT’s transformation. The last two-round reorganizations are about the disintegration of Quasi-Leninist party and party-state structure; as a result, changes happened in the party-state relationship, democratic-centralism, and ideology. KMT has transformed to be a political party with basic intra-democracy, a party within the government (especially in the parliament). This fundamental change during the democratization is called the adaptive transformation of KMT. The transformation of KMT has many new targets, the dissertation hypotheses that the three most important goals had to be realized: the professional-electoral, localization (or Taiwanization) and democratization. To realize these three targets require the KMT’s great transformation. In organizational aspect, KMT with the revolutionary-democratic or Quasi-Leninist nature has transformed to the democratic nature. The dissertation analyzes the change of organization structure and the power of intra-party’s decision. The goal of localization of KMT is mainly measured by considering the characters of party membership and the core power of KMT: the central committee and the standing committee. Another transformation is that the party-state relation changes from the party-dominate-over-state model to government-dominate-over-party model to some extent. This change means of course, the party within the public offices has dominated the party in the central organization, let alone the local organization.During the past twenty years, the constitutional structure in Taiwan (ROC) has changed greatly, from the cabinet system to semi-presidentialism (or dual-heads system by some scholars). This makes the operation of government become more complicated and also promotes the future transformation of party-state relation.Another part is about ideology of KMT. Political party’s transformation has to deal with the problem of continuity and change. On one hand, since the democratization of Taiwan and KMT, the contents of ideology have many changes; on the other, some fundamental nature of ideology maintained. Why the nationalist party is still a nationalist party, not Taiwan KMT (KMT: change and un-change)? Ideological dimension can tell us the anwser. The contents of KMT’s ideology have three parts: San Min Chu I (Three Principles of the people, San Min Zhu Yi), the nature of KMT organization and the attitudes to the cross-strait relationship. Three Principles is the most important ideology for KMT, and never been changed in their party program and policy program though amended many times. The nature of KMT is democracy, this idea has realized from the name-in-list to the reality. Cross-strait issue is the most fundamental problem for KMT; the policy on this issue has become the national guideline. Of course, the attitudes to Taiwan-mainland relationship have transformed. Some changes are apparent: such as mainland recovery from by force to by Three Principles of people; non-contact to contact, secret to public, establishment of party-to-party platform, and contact from ordinary person to official or semiofficial.The dissertation includes seven parts. The first chapter introduces the article s’ review and analyzes the core definition: the adaptive transformation. The second chapter introduces the KMT before transformation in the 1980’s, mainly discusses the party-state authoritarianism and quasi-Leninist party. The third chapter analyzes the societal, economic and political changes in Taiwan and their affection to KMT’s transformation. The next three chapters are the core of the paper; focus on three most important dimensions of KMT’s adaptive transformation: organization, party-government relationship, and ideology. The last chapter is conclusion: The KMTtransforms and the transformation succeed. All of these targets have been realized. Facing Taiwan’s localization and great-China nationalism two different trends, The Taiwanese local nationalism (Taiwan sense) can affect the future of KMT; on the other hand, mainland also has great weight on KMT’s future. KMT’s future depends on the interaction between the mainland China and Taiwan China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】D675.8
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1398

