

【作者】 李洁

【导师】 徐志啸;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 亨利·大卫·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)是19世纪早期美国超验主义文学运动中“仅次于爱默生的重要人物”。他生前正式出版的著作不多,也没有引起人们及时的重视;但在去世以后,其人及作品、思想的影响力却由美国本土兴起,逐渐扩散到世界范围。他的传世之作《瓦尔登湖》(Walden,or Life in thewoods)的魅力至今不衰;他的政治著述《论公民的不服从》(Civil Disobedience)阐述了“非暴力不合作”的思想,马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)和圣雄莫罕达斯·甘地(Mohandas Kalamchand Gandi)都接受了这一思想。梭罗的思想,随着金领导的美国的民权运动和甘地领导的印度民族主义运动中“非暴力反抗”(non-violent protest)等轰轰烈烈的行动而流芳于世,引起了世界人民的瞩目。有关梭罗的研究在美国已是一门专门的学问,相关的著述不胜枚举。而在中国,早在上个世纪三四十年代就开始有人阅读并欣赏梭罗。梭罗及其作品与中国发生接触以来,除了《瓦尔登湖》在中国的首译者徐迟外,包括张爱玲、林语堂、海子、苇岸、葛红兵、余杰,台湾的龙应台、朱天心等现当代作家,对他和他的作品都曾有过赏析或接受。而中国国内对梭罗真正意义上的研究,却是从20世纪末才逐渐热起来的。从出版界和学术界两方面来看,对梭罗作品的译介和论述的流行也是近十年来的事。在此之前,梭罗的其它作品在中国不仅缺少中文译本,与他相关的研究更乏人问津。这位本来在中国名不见经传、较少人听说的美国作家,突然间便享有了明星般的待遇,而且就目前来看他在中国被认知的程度和影响力都有日渐上升的趋势。作为在中国被深入研究的美国经典文学作家中的后起之秀,梭罗在中外文学关系领域,一时间引得上至著名学者、下至普通读者的广泛关注,这一现象颇能引发人对其深层原因的思考。梭罗和他的作品为我们呈现的价值是多重的。他对中国儒道思想的接纳是引发人们就中美文化关系探讨的首要线索;他先于当今思潮展示出的强烈的生态意识,使得后人推崇他的作品为“绿色圣经”;而最能凸显他的精神之本的,是他所倡导的亲近自然、简朴人生、崇尚道德、回归自我等理念,这些都成为现代人反思“物质与精神”矛盾的良方。2007年以前,国内外已经有众多梭罗爱好者和研究者撰文分析和批评过以上问题,视角涉及中美文学关系、影响研究、接受学、阐释学、生态伦理学等。由此可以看出,尽管梭罗不一定是中国的文学研究视野中最显著的对象,但却切实具有被广泛剖析的价值。本文试将梭罗放置在比较文学的视域内,以其和中国所能具有的联系为契入点,总结前人对此问题的认识,发掘其中未曾被细致剖析的独特关系,揭示梭罗在中国被认识和被接受的方式,通过对梭罗与中国的关系的定位和阐释,彰显梭罗与中国在文学和其它领域的彼此解读与启发性,探索中西文化的汇通性。本论文共分为四章。前言部分先简要介绍了梭罗其人和其作品的情况,并分析了梭罗在中国的接受史和生命力。提出了梭罗在中国被研究的可能性和可行性的问题。第一章是对中国迄止于2007年对梭罗研究的范围与成果的综述,内容从对中国与梭罗相关的研究资料(包括:译介、评论、传记等)入手进行归类,同时对材料涉及的中国对梭罗的认知、研究以及已有的成果作简要的评述。第二章是由梭罗对中国儒家思想的接触、接纳切入,考察他接受中国儒家思想的影响后,融合西方宗教、哲学、文学精神中对于人的生存、道德信仰等问题的思考所形成的与中国儒家、道家一致的气质。本章侧重从论述梭罗对中国形象的看法,推进到求证梭罗对中国文化的亲近与接受。最后,再从中国文学史中择取一位与梭罗无论在行为或在气质都很相似的作家——中国晋代诗人陶渊明,借“隐逸”这条共性线索对两者展开平行比较,加深对梭罗和中国互识互证的认识。第三章谈梭罗在中国的传播与被接受。梭罗在中国经历了一个漫长的由冷到热的接受过程,无论是他在中国的知名度,还是他进入文学研究领域后产生的效果,其规律都基本符合由慢热到骤热的轨迹。所以,本章以梭罗在中国被译介和传播的历史和事实,剖析梭罗在中国半个多世纪的传播与被接受之路中的深层时代、社会、文化、心理等因素。第四章主要采取个案的方式分析梭罗及其思想作品在中国语境中的被阅读与被阐释。本文共选择了四位在接受梭罗方面比较有代表性的中国作家,结合他们的创作,透视他们对梭罗的认识、推介和接受。本章内容涉及对中国文学中乡土情结的理解、对人的关怀、对现代社会的反思等,其中有关张爱玲对梭罗的认识和推介的细读可谓目前中国梭罗研究中的首次。

【Abstract】 Henry David Thoreau was one of the important figures who was only next to Emerson in the major cultural movement of "American transcendentalism" in the early to middle 19th century. He hadn’t published many works during his lifetime, and thus he has not brought to the people’s prompt attention. But after his death, his reputation had risen in the United States and then gradually spread to the worldwide scale. His representative book Walden, or life in the woods has enduring charm until today, which attracted worldwide attention. The interpretation of his philosophy of nonviolent resistance in his political writing Civil Disobedience influenced the political thoughts and actions of such later figures as Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr. With the "non-violent protest" in Indian nationalist movement which was led by Mahatma Gandhi and the United States civil rights movement which was led by Martin Luther King, his ideas have attracted people’s attention around the world.The study on Thoreau in United States has already been a specialized knowledge, and there are so many of concerned books of him. As early as 1930s and 1940s, some Chinese had started to read and appreciate Thoreau’s works. However, the formal study on him in china was increasingly popular only from the end of the 20th century. The enthusiasm of translation and commented on him and his books also has arisen in recent ten years both in the publishing circle and the academic circle. Not only were the Chinese translations of his other writings few, but also the study of him was rather limited in China. This American author who was previously unknown in China, but suddenly hit the headlines today, has attracted the well-known scholars and the ordinary reader’s attention, especially in the field of the Sino-Western cultural relations. This phenomenon is quite interesting for us to explore its deep causes.The value of Thoreau and his works presents is multiple for us. His acceptance of Confucianism and Taoism is the most important clue to motivate people to discuss the relationship between the Chinese and American culture. His intense ecological consciousness ahead of time enables the posterity to praise his writings for the "The green Holy Bible". But his philosophy of which he had promoted close to nature, simple life, advocating ethics, return to self, etc. are the most prominent ideas in his spirit. All of these forge become the effective prescriptions for modern people to introspect the contradiction of matter and spirit.Before 2007, there had so many people who admire Thoreau and scholars had done analysis and critique to him both at home and abroad from perspectives of the relationship between China and the United States, impact study, reception theory, hermeneutics, ecological ethics, etc. So Thoreau has a variety of analysis value in the field of Chinese literature research. This dissertation studies Thoreau from the perspective of comparative literature. Starting from the point of the relationship between Thoreau and China, summing up the results of previous studies at the same time, this dissertation explores the ways that Thoreau had been known and been accepted by Chinese. It appeals to display that Thoreau and China could read and inspire mutually in the literature or other realms through the location and interpretation of the relationship between both of them. We want to explore the inner link between Chinese and western cultures.In addition to introduction, this dissertation is divided into four chapters. The introduction summarizes Thoreau’s life and his works briefly, analyzing the history of survival and vitality in China of Thoreau’s works and thought. It also proposes the view that Thoreau can be and should be studied in China.Chapter one gives a review of the research scopes and achievements that had been done on Thoreau in China till the end of 2007.Based on the classification of Thoreau-related documents for research, it is reviewed briefly of the recognition, research and the existed achievements on Thoreau in China.Chapter two starts from Thoreau’s contact and acceptance of Confucianism, discussing that Thoreau not only make an integration of the thoughts about human survival, moral and faith issues in Eastern and Western cultures, but also form a temperament as same as Confucianism and Taoism after he accepted the influence of Chinese classic thought. This chapter involves Thoreau’s opinions to Chinese images and his favor to China. In the end, it compares the similarity of Thoreau and Chinese poet of the Jin Dynasty Tao Yuan-ming, for deepening the understanding of the question that Thoreau and China could get a better mutual understanding and influence upon each other.Chapter three focuses on the dissemination and acceptance of Thoreau and his works in China. Whether the fame of him in China or the effect which brought by him in the field of literature study have gone through a gradual process of popularity. According to the facts of translation and dissemination of Thoreau in China more than a half century, this chapter will analyze the in-depth factors of time, society, culture, psychology and reality, etc.Chapter four mainly analyzes the situation of Thoreau and his works and thoughts which had been read and been interpreted in Chinese linguistic environment. This dissertation has chosen four representative Chinese writers who had appreciated him, combining with their writings to study their understanding, recommendation and acceptance of Thoreau. This chapter is concerned about comprehending the local complex in Chinese literature, human care, reflections on modern society. Eileen Chang’s comprehension and recommendation about Thoreau maybe read carefully for the first time in China at present.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2159

