

【作者】 方丁

【导师】 刘杰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着科技不断的快速发展和全球化的浪潮,“动荡性”成为本世纪商业环境的主要特征,这要求企业不仅要关注流程的效率,还需要关注流程的柔性。具有柔性流程的企业能够更快的把握环境变化带来的机会,在竞争中赢得先机。战略管理、组织设计、信息管理等领域的文献指出模块化的业务流程设计具有“封装”和“即插即用”的特性,能够快速的重新组合(拆离、修改、连接等)以应对外部变化,是提高流程柔性并保持流程效率、功能性的重要途径,是适应于网络组织的流程形式;在信息技术层面,服务导向架构(SOA)技术的成熟也为模块化流程的实施提供了可能。然而,为了进一步将模块化流程设计从理论推向实践,还需要解决如何测度、建模、设计模块化流程等问题。业务流程的模块化设计是将端到端的流程分解为松散耦合、标准化的活动集合。为了深入的解释这一现象,本文首先基于模块化系统理论和交易成本经济学分析了实施模块化流程的促成因素、阻碍因素和调节因素,应用海尔市场链流程案例分析了这些因素,该模型为后文设计方法的研究打下了坚实的理论基础。为了确定解决问题的目标,本文基于系统柔性研究给出了流程模块化度的测度体系,该体系包括流程模块的可配置性和松散耦合性两个测度单元:可配置性指通过模块的重新配置能够提供的服务类型范围,松散耦合性指流程模块间的松散耦合的程度,流程的整体模块化度是这两个单元的乘积。为了描述流程的可配置性和活动间耦合关系,本文以质量功能展开和设计结构矩阵为基础构建了新的“服务元素-活动-依赖结构”矩阵(SeAD矩阵)流程模型。流程模块粒度是模块化流程设计的重要变量,本文分析了模块粒度对流程模块化度的作用原理,结果表明随着模块粒度增加,流程模块化度和柔性度随之增加,在达到一定程度后又会逐渐减少。对需求多样化、环境动荡性高的流程应选择细粒度的设计,反之应选择较粗粒度设计以获取规模经济性。在粒度分析基础上,以SeAD为流程模型,本文给出了基于多目标聚类的流程模块设计算法。SOA是模块化流程实现的使能技术,面向服务分析设计(SOAD)与传统建模方法不同,要求基于流程的分析实现流程的“随需应变”。本文最后基于模块化流程影响因素模型提出了SOA战略分析框架以帮助管理者制定部署SOA的决策;基于模块化流程设计原理提出了服务识别、规约方法,开发实现了服务设计的辅助软件SeAD-Tools,并应用“钢铁—汽车”供货流程来说明了方法的应用。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of technology and globalization wave, business environment becomes more and more turbulent. Firms should pay more attention to business process flexibility besides efficiency. Firms with flexible business process can grasp opportunity brought by environment change and exceed their competitors easily.Literatures in strategy management, organization design and business process outsourcing point out that modular design of business process have properties of "capsulation" and "plug and play", enabling business processes to be quickly reorganized(detach, modify, linking, etc.), which is a important way to improve business flexibility with little loss of efficiency and function. At the same time, service-oriented architecture (SOA) becomes mature enough to be information infrastructure to support implementation of modular business process. However to make modular process design create value in practice, problems of how to measure, model and design modular business process need to be solved.Modular design of business processes requires end-to-end business processes be divided into loosely coupled, standardization and autonomy group of activities. We proposed influence factors model for implementation of modular process based on modular system theory and transaction cost economics. This factor model gives a solid theoretical foundation for other parts of this paper.A measurement system of business process modularity degree was proposed based on system flexibility research. This system includes two measure units: process configurability and process loosely-coupled degree. Process configurability means the service type’s scope provide by reorganization of process module. Loosely-coupled degree described how low the dependency relationship among process modules is. Loosely-coupled degree enable process module re-configure quickly without incurring high coordinating cost. To describe these two units, a "Service elements-Activity-Dependency structure Matrix (SeAD Matrix)" was designed to modeling business process based on quality function deployment (QFD) and design structure matrix (DSM). SeAD Matrix can model business service elements and dependency relationship.The granularity of business process module plays an important role in modular process design. We analyzed business process granularity’s influence on process modularity degree. Results show that with the increasment of process module granularity, the process modularity degree will first increase and then after reach a certain degree it will decrease. For processes which have various customer requirements and turbulent environment, fine-grained granularity is a better choice, otherwise coarse-grained granularity is better. A business process module design algorithm was proposed based on SeAD matrix and granularity principle.Since SOA and modular business process has similar theory base, we apply modular business process design principle to service oriented analysis and design. We proposed strategy analysis model for deployment of SOA, and method of business service identification and design. We also developed an assistant tool called SeAD-Tools for service-oriented analysis and design. Finally, we use "iron-automobile" supply chain process to show the application of this method.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1037
  • 攻读期成果

