

【作者】 金甫暻

【导师】 王水照; 陈尚君; 聂安福;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 苏轼“和陶诗”是指北宋著名文人苏轼追和东晋诗人陶渊明诗歌的作品,在形式上全部都运用了次韵手法。因为这独特的形式以及数量之多,苏轼“和陶诗”历来引起了许多人的关注。但是,也就是因为其形式,文学研究者对它的态度一直是褒贬不一,甚至有些人全盘否定它的价值和意义。另一方面,以往的研究,在考察或探讨苏轼“和陶诗"的总数、系年、创作背景、思想内容、成就、意义和影响等方面,都有进一步讨论或者说值得我们商榷的馀地,而且几乎没有网罗这一切的综合性研究。本论文兹以苏轼“和陶诗”为研究对象。第一章考察了苏轼“和陶诗”的概念和范围、形式特征、流传过程,并且讨论了众说纷纭的苏轼“和陶诗”的总数和系年问题。本文在探讨苏轼“和陶诗”的总数和各篇的创作时间的时候,通过考察历代苏诗版本中的“和陶诗”收录情况,并且结合最新的研究成果,试图提出更为完善而妥当的说法。在许多苏诗版本中,本文以宋刊《东坡先生和陶渊明诗》四卷为底本,积极地活用了该本。通过以上的研究,本文提出了苏轼“和陶诗”总数为109首的看法,并且考证了它的具体写作时间。第二章探讨了苏轼“和陶诗”的创作背景,首先从苏轼个人的次韵诗创作与陶渊明接受情况,寻找其创作背景。具体而言,次韵手法已经成为苏轼晚年的主要作诗技法了,与此同时,他在写“和陶诗”之前,开创次韵古人诗的新技法。至于对陶渊明的接受,陶渊明其人其诗逐渐成为苏轼晚年人生思考和诗歌创作上的最高典范。其次,本文又从文化史和文学史的角度,来寻找苏轼“和陶诗”的创作背景。通过以上的研究,本文认为苏轼的“和陶诗”创作,不仅是他个人的创举,而且是那些从古代积累下来的文学、文化力量所产生的结晶。第三章把苏轼“和陶诗”的内容分了几大类加以分析。从中可以看到苏轼晚年的随遇而安、苦中作乐的生活面目;对亲人朋友的情谊之深;独特而敏锐的历史看法;对人生哲理的真挚探索以及对精神解脱的强烈追求;既想归隐而解放心灵,又想为社会与百姓有所作为的复杂矛盾的心态。就与陶诗的关系而言,本文发现,苏轼并没有被陶渊明原诗的内容约束。通过这些分析和探讨,能够了解苏轼“和陶诗”是自己晚年生活和思想感情的真实写照,并不是亦步亦趋的仿造品。第四章在考察苏轼“和陶诗”与陶渊明原诗之间异同的同时,探讨了苏轼“和陶诗”在艺术、思想两方面所取得的成就。在艺术方面,苏轼“和陶诗”能够代表诗人晚年的平淡诗风,那种平淡中蕴含着豪放绚烂的艺术风格,可以说是苏轼晚年所达到的高境。此外,在“和陶诗”创作过程中,苏轼没有被陶诗原韵束缚,较为自如地表达自己的思想感情,甚至借此造出颇为独特而崭新的诗句。在思想方面,苏轼“和陶诗”很好地呈现出旷达无执的精神面目,诗人以这种精神面目为基础,追求出处矛盾的解消,并且希望获得超凡脱俗、超越生死的境界。而苏轼“和陶诗”间或体现与陶渊明很不相同的思想面貌。但是,本文认为这并不是意味着苏轼否定或者反驳陶渊明的思想观点,而是“和而不同”面目的体现。通过这些考察,本文能够了解苏轼“和陶诗”在具体细节上,呈现出与陶诗或像或不像的面貌,但在总体上已经获得在更高层次上与陶渊明吻合的境界。第五章讨论了苏轼的“和陶诗”创作对诗人个人的意义以及其文学史、文化史上的意义。对晚年的苏轼来讲,“和陶诗”创作是很有意义的事情,它既是苏轼岭海时期诗歌创作的中心,又是探索人生哲理与人格上至高境界的通道。这使得苏轼本人能够克服晚年谪居生活中的挫折与窘迫,享有充满活力并更有意义的人生。另外,透过“和陶诗”创作,苏轼不但能给自己证明,而且能告诉别人,作为诗人的东坡尚且健在,进而证明自己就是“最高诗人”陶渊明的知音、继承者、诗友。就其文学史、文化史上的意义来讲,苏轼的“和陶诗”创作,对次韵古人诗范式的确立,以及陶渊明其人其诗典范地位的真正确立,起到了极其重要的作用。最后,本文探讨了苏轼“和陶诗”的影响。这里主要考察了苏轼以后中国和韩国的“和陶诗”创作,从中可以了解到苏轼的“和陶诗”创作对后世文人产生的深远影响。通过以上的研究,能够纠正前人对苏轼“和陶诗”的一些偏见和以往研究的若干错误,并且给读者,尤其是想更为全面了解苏轼的“和陶诗”创作情况的读者,提供一些研究参照。

【Abstract】 Su Shi’s "He-Tao-Shi(和陶诗,Poems in reply to Tao Yuan-ming)" is the set of poems written by Su Shi,a famous writer of the Northern Song,which match those poems by Tao Qian,a poet in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.In format,all those matching poems use the same rhyme words as Tao’s corresponding poems.Because of their unique format and abundance,He-Tao-Shi draws attentions from many critics in different times.On the other hand,because of this format too,researchers on literature have dividing views on those poems,some even deny that they have any values and significance at all.Moreover,on the quantity,writing time,background,thoughts, content,achievement,significance and influence of the poems,the previous studies have left much to be desired.There is room for further discussion and rethinking. Besides,there is no overall research on the topic which covers all the aforementioned aspects.This thesis is to study Su’s He-Tao-Shi.The first chapter studies on the concept,scope,formal characteristics,and process of circulation of Su’s He-Tao-Shi and discusses the much debated issues of quantity and chronicle of the poems.On the quantity and time of the writing of Su’s He-Tao-Shi,the thesis attempts to make a more comprehensive and reasonable point, according to the collection of He-Tao-Shi in the different versions of Su’s works through the ages and the latest results of research.Among the numerous versions of collections of Su’s poems,the thesis makes use of the Dong-po Xiansheng He Tao yuan-ming Shi, four volumes,published in the Song Dynasty(宋刊《东坡先生和陶渊明诗》四卷),as a main text.With the mentioned research,the thesis points out that 109 of Su’s poems match Tao’s ones,and investigates their specific writing time.The second chapter discusses the background of Su’s He-Tao-Shi.Firstly,the thesis studies Su’s writing of matching poems which repeat the same set of rhyme words as other poets’ works and the reception of Tao.Rhyme-matching is the main technique of poem composition during the later stage of Su’s life,while he invented the form of poem writing which matches an ancient poet’s rhymes.On the reception of Tao Yuanming, the personality and poems of Tao gradually becomes the utmost model of Su’s outlook on life and view of poem composition in his elderly time.Moreover,the thesis explores the background of Su’s He-Tao-Shi in the perspectives of cultural history and literary history.With the mentioned studies,the thesis asserts that Su’s He-Tao-Shi is not only his own personal innovation but the crystalization of the literary and cultural trends through the ages as well. The third chapter categorizes and analyses Su’s He-Tao-Shi.The poems reveal several aspects of Su’s later stage of life,including a "let it be" attitude,ways to discover joy in the midst of deprivation in daily life,depth of his affection for relatives and friends,unique and acute judgments about history,genuine exploration of philosophy of life,and keen pursuit of spiritual liberation.The poems also show the complicated and paradoxical psychological state in which he wants to withdraw from government services and liberate his own mind on the one hand,while on the other hand,he still intends to work for the society and people.On the relation to Tao’s poems, the thesis indicates that Su is not bounded or restricted by the content of the original poems written by Tao.With the analysis and discussion,it can be understood that Su’s He-Tao-Shi are genuine reflections of his elderly life,thoughts and emotions,instead of merely copycat imitations.The fourth chapter compares and contrasts Su’s He-Tao-Shi and Tao’s original poems and studies the artistic and intellectual achievements of the set of poems.In artistic aspect,Su’s He-Tao-Shi represents the artless and natural style adopted in Su’s later stage of life.The core of vigour and beauty which is covered by the artless style,is an artistic monument in Su’s twilight years.In writing He-Tao-Shi,Su is not restricted by the rhyme words of the original poems by Tao,but expressing his own thoughts and feelings freely,and even creating some unique and innovative verses.In intellectual aspect,Su’s He-Tao-Shi mirror the poet’s acceptance of his destiny and spiritual freedom from any worries and bigotry.With such spirits,the poet attempts to solve the paradox of being an official or a hermit,and seeks transcendence over the ordinary world and the matter of life-and-death.Su’s He-Tao-Shi occasionally show very different lines of thoughts to Tao,but it can be argued that this is a manifestation of "harmony and divergence at the same time(和而不同)" instead of Su’s negation and rebuttal of Tao’s thoughts.With this study,the thesis finds that Su’s He-Tao-Shi shows specific similarities and difference to Tao’s poems,but as a whole,they match the realm of Tao’s poems in a higher level.The fifth chapter discusses the significance of Su’s He-Tao-Shi for the poet personally and for literary and cultural history.For an elderly Su,the writing of He-Tao-Shi is meaningful as it is a crucial part of his poem writing during the Lingnan-Hainan period,and also a path to explore life philosophy and realms of personality.It makes Su overcome the setbacks and hardship of life in exile in old age.Thus,Su enjoys a vigorous and meaningful life there.Moreover,with the writing of He-Tao-Shi,Su proves to himself and others that as a poet,he is still live and sound,and further proves himself as the second self,successor and literary friend of Tao the "utmost poet".On the significance for history of literature and culture,Su’s He-Tao-Shi confirm the format of writing poems which match ancient poets’ works,and play an important part in actual affirmation of Tao the person and his poems as a canon.Lastly,the thesis discusses the influence of Su’s He-Tao-Shi.The writing of He-Tao-Shi after Su in China and Korea is studied so as to understand the profound impact of Su’s He-Tao-Shi on the literati in the later ages.With the aforementioned research,it is hoped that some prejudice towards the He-Tao-Shi by scholars in former times can be refuted and the mistakes in previous studies can be corrected.The thesis also aims at providing reference to the readers,especially the readers who intend to understand Su’s He-Tao-Shi in a more thorough way.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2553

