

Trend Towards a Common Civilization

【作者】 王耘

【导师】 朱维铮;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 专门史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 12世纪初,由女真人建立的金朝很快亡辽灭北宋进而入主中原,虽然金在历史上立国不过百二十年,但文化之繁盛“上掩辽而下秩元”,然而历史上对金文化的认识却多有偏颇,本文从金代士人和金文化发展本身入手,重新考察金朝大定至承安年间的历史,通过金朝人自己对金的政治文化认同来说明金文化在四十年中完成了由野蛮至文明的变迁。在金朝内部,各族走向了共同的文明,形成对金文化的政治认同。在金朝外部,金宋文化出现趋同,为中华文明的发展做出了各自的贡献。因此,从大定至承安的四十年是金文化走向文明的重要时期。本文力求通过视域、视角、视点上的变换重新考量金文化。从大定至承安这四十年的金文化作为研究重心,从有限的历史资料中厘清金代这四十年的文化变迁。这四十年中,金朝从女真族到各族人都经历了政治和文化认同的转变。女真人放弃了征服者的野蛮而掌握了统治者的手段,其统治下的各族则不再有被征服者的屈辱而有了为人臣子民的自觉。一方面是海陵、世宗、章宗三朝的文化政策对金朝内部各族界限的消融;另一方面是金代士人对国家衰亡的讨论和反思进一步将金文化推向兴盛。因此当元统一中国后,曾生活在金境内的人就被统称为“汉人”,而这正是金朝完成了政治文化认同的重要表现。在考察宋金文化交流中本文的研究视域更加关注金本身,考察视角也主要建基于金人自身,在研究视点上则既包含着金文化内部的变迁也有着外部的文明趋同。本文通过熙宗、海陵两朝政治体制和统治方式的转变来说明女真人的文化认同发生了转折。他们逐渐放弃征服者的劫掠方式,走上文治之路。正是对文治措施的推行使海陵产生了要据天下为正统的文化认知,迁都燕京进而兴兵南征。海陵想利用战争来实现他以金朝为主的政治文化统一虽然没有成功,但却逐渐消除了汉人与北方各族人在文化上的隔阂。世宗上台不仅仅是政变的成功,他将海陵时代打破的政治格局与统治秩序加以重新调整,从稳定女真统治中将金朝多元化的文化加以整合并稳定下来。世宗虽然把对海陵的反对加诸于文化之上,借助中原地区的传统文明力图恢复女真旧俗,目的虽未达到却客观上刺激了金代走向文明的进程。大定明昌成为士人印象中的鼎盛时期,世宗也被南北士人尊为“小尧舜”。这表明对内,金文化的内聚力加强了。汉人通过科举制的完善与变化得到了进入体制的机会,不仅满足了个人的利益需求,也逐渐安于女真政权的统治事实,君臣认同在王朝内部形成。对外,隆兴和议虽然结束了双方在军事上的冲突,却进一步拉开了文化对抗的序幕。停战而争礼不仅是外交礼仪上的斗争,也包含着南北方走向共同文明的诉求。这场礼仪斗争确立了金朝“君临天下”的事实,进一步改变着中原汉人的自我认同,为金代晚期文化的强盛奠定了重要基础。从大定到承安年间,在女真人统治的华北地区,各族实现了政治文化上的认同。士人从对司马光、苏轼之学的继承回溯到以唐代学术为正统兼及对南宋学术的辨疑过程既是他们对金文化正统的建设过程,也是金朝本位意识的形成过程。金朝成为金朝人的金朝,金文化成为北方各族人所认同的文化形态。文章的最后则对金宋士人刘祁的《归潜志》进行重新解读,把《归潜志》中的士人政治文化群体还原到金代的历史背景之中。金末虽然国势衰微,但大定明昌间累积的学术力量因士人在洛阳地区的再度汇合而出现繁盛。充分运用文本资料中的史实来说明大定至承安四十年的金文化变迁已经使金与宋的文化成为同质,而女真统治下的士人对于他们自己所代表的金朝文化的自信和对中原思想文化的讨论与辨难,赋予了金未文化更多的活力。

【Abstract】 Jurchen formed the Jin dynasty in the early of 12 centuries. They defeated Liao and Northern Song in short time and entered into Central China. The culture of Jin dynasty was flourish although the empire kept more than one hundred years. But more scholars considered that Jurchen was "Barbarians" and the Jin was a "Conquer Dynasty" . So some of them expounded that Han assimilated Jurchen and "Hanicize" leaded the contabescence of Jin dynasty.This paper worked over the history of Jin dynasty in period of DaDing (大定) to ChengAn (承安) , and reviewed the changes of culture and scholar-gentry themselves, then found out the Jin dynasty had trended to civilization during the period of 40 years(1160-1200).The people in Jin dynasty, include emperor and scholar bureaucrat, were seemed themselves as a member of Jin. When the government was faced with danger, they tried to retrieve it. They regarded their culture as the orthodox school of China. Different nations people in Jin dynasty had common understanding about their political and culture. During the 40 years, Jin and Song dynasty had a culture trendency. Jin and Song were not heterogeneous culture. Their relationship had became homogeneous confrontation. This research found the identity of Jurchen had changed, they were no more barbaric conqueror and became real emperor of Middle China . The emperor run the empire with orthodox culture of China, they regarded themselves as an inheritor of Northern Song.This paper found the political system and style had changed in the period of Xi Tsung and Hai Ling. The Jurchen changed their common understanding of culture. They gave up the life-style of conqueror and implemented the rule of civilization. Hai Ling wanted to unified Northern and Southern China. He moved the capital to YanJing(燕京) and launched a war to Southern Song. The war was defeated but it broken the misunderstanding between the Hans and other nations in Northern China. Shih Tsung pulled off a spectacular coup. He against Hai Ling and regulated the political structure and order which was abolished by Hai Ling. He wanted to restore the Jurchen culture. Although he had not attend the object but the objective result was that his policies spurred the course of civilization. The period from DaDing to ChengAn became a millennium in the impression of scholar. Chinese in central passed imperial examination and participated in regime system. They had comfortable life in Jin dynasty and did homage to the court consciously. The culture of Jin dynasty had been approved by all nations in Jin dynasty. Jin and Song made treaty at early Lung Hsing (隆兴). But Southern Song dynasty contended for etiquette(争礼) in external affair, this coursed the culture competition between the two courts. The result has improved a fact that Jin dynasty was the real administer all over the China.At last the paper research Kui Ch’ien Chih(《归潜志》), a text of common understanding of scholar-gentry in Jin dynasty. This history data recorded a group of scholar in Late Jin dynasty, they drunk and recited poems, they discoursed on Tao(道) and other ancient academic together. They are not only a culture group but also a political group. The member of Jin dynasty was their common understanding. When the court entered into crisis, they began to introspect the political and the culture, wanted to save the state. They restored the scholar system, and dated back their traditional culture from Northern Song to Tang. They also questioned the culture of Southern Song in order to remain the self-awareness status. All of these were reflected with their idea which they were people of Jin dynasty. This idea was took shape in the period of Da Ding to Cheng An.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K246.4
  • 【下载频次】411

