

【作者】 潘卫

【导师】 顾晓鸣;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 世界史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文将研究的时段主要定在20-50年代之间,主要是考虑到,这一时期发生了犹太历史上最重大的两个事件,纳粹大屠杀和以色列国的建立。由于犹太教在犹太人中的独特地位,本文将以犹太教作为基本出发点和中心进行研究。对这两个事件的宗教调整和现实应对,都促使犹太教在各个方面发生变化,犹太复国主义运动,成为美国犹太人和犹太教的最重要的问题。经过30年,犹太教在内容和形式上的发展,基本定型,它决定了当今犹太教的发展趋势和特性。这一问题主要采用各学科的相关理论和研究方法,进行系统的研究和探讨。由此本文将以马克思主义的历史唯物主义为指导,试图从历史文化学的视野,对二战前后的美国犹太教,做出较为全面而系统的综合考察,探求美国犹太文化的宗教因素和历史因素。分析这段时期犹太教的地位和作用,释读美国犹太教的本质、特征、缺陷及其今后的发展趋势,以冀说明:其一、美国犹太教是世界犹太教的一个重要组成部分,和世界犹太历史的一个发展阶段,但其本身具有相当的独特性,在美国犹太历史上起着重要的作用。它的优点和本身的局限性,在这段历史时期暴露无遗,它同工业化、城市化和现代化的关系及其调整,是历史上重要的经验和借鉴。其二、美国犹太文化,之所以有别于其它民族的文化,是其几千年的独特的宗教决定的。美国犹太人来自世界各地不同国家和地区,语言文字和文化各异,在同美国特殊的历史环境结合后,产生了不同的矛盾和问题,但都适应了美国资本主义社会。这些,对塑造美国犹太人的生活,和他们在美国社会的发展,有重要的影响。其三、宗教和文化是历史发展的结果,它不仅受物质生产条件的限制,而且受历史上发生的重大事件的影响。美国犹太教的发生和发展必须在当时世界的历史环境,和美国独特的社会历史环境下,进行分析和考察才能得出完整的答案。犹太教,更多方面的是,犹太人的一种生活方式和态度。这一时期美国和世界发生的各种重大历史事件,对犹太教的内容和发展产生重要的影响。

【Abstract】 The present dissertation takes as its research focus the period between 1920s and 1950s, or the three to four decades around WWII. The reason for doing so lies in the fact that both of the two most important events in the history of Judaism, namely the Nazi massacre of Jews and the founding of the State of Israel, took place in this period. To both events Judaism made religious adjustment and practical response, resulting in changes of Judaism in a number of aspects and, eventually, making Zionism the most important issue of American Jews and Judaism. Emerging from this period, Judaism began to take its final form in both content and form, shedding great influence on its current characteristics and development tendencies. With Marxist historical materialism as the guiding principle, the present dissertation adopts a comprehensive and systematic approach comprising theories and methods of a number of related disciplines, such as religious studies, history, culture, sociology, anthropology and ethnology, to examine American Judaism around WWII, its religious and historical factors in particular, from the perspective of historical cultural studies. After analyzing the significance and influence of Judaism of this period, the present dissertation proceeds to pinpoint its nature, characteristics, defects and future development tendencies, before finally coming to the following conclusions:Firstly, as an important component and development stage of world Judaism, American Judaism has its own unique characteristics. Having great importance on the history of American Jews, these characteristics had their merits and limits explicitly exposed in this period. Its relationship with industrialization, urbanization and modernization as well as its adjustment, therefore, is of great value as a form of historical experience.Secondly, the great difference telling American Judaist culture from cultures of other ethnic groups is the result of thousands of years of its unique religious tradition. American Jews came from different parts of the world, speaking different languages and practicing different cultures, for them conflicts were inevitable when they met in this special historical environment. But finally they all became accustomed to the American capitalist society, shedding great influence on establishing their life and eventually their development in the United States.Thirdly, religion and culture are the results of historical development, which are subject not only to the limitations of material production, but also to the influence of important historical events. The analysis and study of the creation and development of American Judaism, therefore, cannot be done to any avail without taking into consideration the historical environment of the whole world and the unique social and historical environments of the United States. Judaism is more a way of life and an attitude towards life than a religion and its content and development are, consequently, subject to influences of the major historical events in the United States and the whole world of that period.

【关键词】 犹太人犹太教犹太复国主义
【Key words】 JewJudaismZionist
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】B985
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】620

