

Facts and Construction: Study on Subao Case

【作者】 王敏

【导师】 熊月之;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 专门史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 苏报案是中国近代史上一个著名事件,学术界对此已有相当多的研究成果。本论文在借鉴以往研究成果的同时,试图在资料和研究方法方面对以往的研究有所突破。论文分上下两篇,上篇主要揭示事件真相,在发掘大量新资料基础上,对事件的一些关键环节进行深入研究,如《苏报》到底因何宣传革命?列强为何介入并坚决反对交犯?苏报案如何审讯并形成最终判决?章太炎、邹容在法庭上表现如何?这些都以往研究所忽略或者不够深入的问题。下篇研究苏报案的建构。分两个方面:一是苏报案发生时大众传媒对苏报案的建构,以中外文报纸对苏报案如何报道与评论为中心,包括当时的主要的中文报纸,如《申报》、《新闻报》、《中外日报》、《国民日日报》、《华字日报》(香港)等和各种外文报纸,如《字林西报》、《泰晤士报》、《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》等。二是苏报案后不同时期苏报案意义的建构以及章太炎和邹容形象的塑造。二十世纪,苏报案和章太炎、邹容频繁出现在各种政治宣传作品中,小说、戏剧、电影和政治宣传读物塑造过不同的章太炎、邹容形象,也赋予苏报案各种时代意义,本文将分析影响苏报案建构的各种因素,如文化价值、政治氛围、意识形态等,进而探讨历史事件和历史人物如何被建构成由不同的立场、观念、目的等支配的话语。

【Abstract】 Subao Case is a famous event in modern Chinese history, and there are some papers and works that make very good research about it, so it seems to be impossible to make deeper research, but based on the new materials I have found and the creative approach, I will try to make the breakthrough on the Subao Case study. This dissertation consist of two section, section one is about the event itself, it will provide general background information on the Subao Case and will offer a synthesis of existing scholarship and provide a starting point, it will focus on a few topics, such as what caused the Subao publish the revolutionary articles? Why did the powers refuse to surrender the prisoners? And how about the court case itself? Section two will discuss the discourse on Subao case. Firstly, I will look at the way how did newspapers report on the Subao Case, and especially their editorial comments on the case that created public opinion on the matters involved. By looking at the Chinese newspapers such as Shenbao, Xinwenbao, Mingguo riribao, zhongwai ribao and Huazi Ribao discussed and represented the Subao Case I will discuss the media’s role in the formulation of public opinion and the interrelationship between different media(newspapers), thereby significantly enlarging the knowledge of the broader Chinese language media in Shanghai and all of China in the early twentieth century. I also intend to study the discourse on the Subao Case as presented in the foreign language newspapers that published in Shanghai, London, New York, Washington, Los Angeles. By so doing, I tyr to provide a better understanding of the transnational dimensions of public opinion formation about China during that period. Finally, I will trace the history of political writings about the Subao Case over the course of the twentieth century, thus showing its ongoing relevance over time and the way interpretations of its meaning have shifted according to who was doing the interpreting and the specific context in which the interpretations were being made. In this section, among other things, I will discuss a novel written by the famous revolutionary, the way the Communist Party narrated the Subao Case after 1949, and the way the Subao Case has been handled in post-Mao China, especially as seen in a movie based on the case.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K257
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】848

