A Comparative Study on Shang, Zhou and Qin History of the Historical Records and Unearthed Materials, with Supplementary Pictures
【作者】 陈家宁;
【导师】 刘钊;
【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 历史文献学, 2008, 博士
【摘要】 《史記》是西漢武帝時期太史令司馬遷傾注畢生心血寫成的一部偉大著作,是中國歷史學上的一座里程碑。歷代研究《史記》的學者、著作眾多,使“《史記》學”成為一項專門的學問。自清末甲骨文出土以來,眾多出土文獻相繼面世,給《史記》研究提供了大量珍貴的第一手资料。本文即以出土文獻為主要依據,對《史記》中的殷、周、秦三篇《本紀》進行解釋闡發。文章包括四章。第一章是“緒論”,含三節。“引言”一節首先說明後世史書中記載的前代史事往往真偽混雜,不可盡信,太史公的《史記》也未避免這种情況。但《史記》中保存了大量珍貴史料,為後人搭建了一個先秦史的基本框架,難能可貴。又說明我國自古就有搜集、研究出土文獻的傳統,通過列舉二十世紀以來的各類主要出土文獻,指出其在先秦史研究中的重要作用。學術回顧一節簡述了歷代《史記》研究的基本狀况,說明當前《史記》研究具有前所未有的良好條件,用出土文獻補證《史記》這條研究途徑前景廣闊。而王國維、于省吾、陳直等衆多學者對這條途徑的開具有簞路藍縷之功事實證明,他們所開創的“新證”方法——即“二重證據法”(包括後來的“三重證據法”)也越來越多地被運用到《史記》研究實踐中。“本文構想”一節介紹了導師為筆者選定此研究課題的緣起,以及本文的研究範圍、方法、涉及的内容和采用的形式。第二、三章分別是“《殷本紀》新證”、“《周本紀》新證”,各含七節;第四章是“《秦本紀》新證”,含八節。這幾章主要利用甲骨文、金文、戰國秦漢璽印、陶文、石器和簡牘帛書等出土文獻资料,討論商、周、秦三族的傳說、來源、姓氏、祖先、世系、家族成員、名臣、職官、都城、地望、諸侯國及相關史實等内容。多引證前人時賢的高論,并參以己見。第二、三章的“小結”分別總結周代以來對商人尤其是紂王行迹的誇張歪曲,再次說明史書不能全信,必須經過可靠證據的檢驗;通過總結商周、蠻夷及後來秦、晉等國間的征伐戰爭,說明由於所處的立場不同,同一類事件可以被定以截然相反的性質,自身的利益是其定性的基本依據。“餘論”一節首先簡要討論了商、周、秦三族興替的規律,進而總結全文,說明本文的意義、價值和不足。
【Abstract】 It took Sima Qian(司馬遷),a great historiographer while Emperor Wu(武帝) of Western Han(漢) Dynasty,a painstaking lifetime to finish the Historical Records(史記),a significant works regarded as a milestone in Chinese historical study.There was so much study on this book by scholars in the previous time,which made it a specialized knowledge.Since the oracle had been discovered in 1899,a large number of various inscriptions had been unearthed,which promoted the study of the Historical Records by providing a large amount of valuable first-hand historical data.Mainly based on unearthed inscriptions,it will research and explain Shang(商),Zhou(周) and Qin History(秦本紀) of the Historical Records in this paper which includes 4 chapters.The first chapter is an introduction,including 3 sections.In sectionⅠ,it is explained that history recorded in later books,including the Historical Records,usually mixed not only truth,but also falseness which can’t be belived in all.After all,the Historical Records had preserved massive precious historical data and built a framework of pre-Qin history,which is very commendable.In addition,it is pointed that unearthed inscriptional collection and research is a fine academic tradition of Chinese since ancient times.Many kinds of unearthed materials discovered during 20th century played an influential role in pre-Qin history research.In sectionⅡ,it is summarized the outline of brief research history on the Historical Records.There is an unprecedented wonderful condition of it currently,and there is a brilliant prospect to supplement and correct the Historical Records with unearthed inscriptions.Scholars such as Wang Guowei(王國維),Yu Xingwu(于省吾),Chen Zhi(陳直) did a lot of pioneering work,despite great hardships,in comparative study.In fact,the so-called "method of double evidences"(and afterward the "method of triple evidences") is applied in the practice of the Historical Records research more and more. In sectionⅢ,it is introduced the original inspiration of this research subject,as well as the range,method,contents and form of it.The second chapter is on Shang Hiatory,and the third chapter is on Zhou Hiatory, both including 7 sections.The forth chapter is on Qin Hiatory,including 8 sections.In the main body of this 3 chapters,it is discussed the myth,origin,surname,ancesters, lineage,mumbers of the king’s family,famous feudal officials,capital city ruins,states and other related historical evidence of Shang,Zhou,and Qin,mainly using the oracle, inscriptions on bronze,seals,pottery,stones,bamboo,silk and other materials.It is cited the enlightening viewpoints of the predecessor eminent scholars as proof,and elaborate personal opinion of the writer.In subtotal,it is summarized the exaggerational slandering of King Zhou(紂)’s words and deeds since Zhou(周) Dynasty,which proof once again that records on traditional ancient books should not be believed blindly and must be tested by credible evendince.It is proved that different groups with their own interests usually have diametrically opposed opinions on the same event,by summarizing the wars between Shang,Zhou(周),barbarians,Qin and Jin(晉).In the last section,it is briefly discussed the prosperity and decline rule of Shang, Zhou,and Qin,thereby summarized the whole paper,by concluding its significance, value and insufficiency.
【Key words】 Shang, Zhou and Qin History; Unearthed Inscriptions; Comparative Study;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
- 【分类号】K204
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】710