

On Modern Transformation of "May 4th" Novel Theory Criticism

【作者】 宋向红

【导师】 朱水涌;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 从“五四”新文学处于新旧传统文化交替、中西文化碰撞的时代这一特殊性出发来观照“五四”小说理论批评,我们可以看到,自“五四”以来,小说理论批评从研究的对象、方法和学科形态上都发生了脱胎换骨的裂变,中国传统文论话语几乎被遗弃了。因此,“五四”小说理论批评的生成就其实质而言是实现了一种与传统文论迥然不同的形态转换。在研究“五四”小说理论批评时虽然不能忽略传统与现代的联系,但论述的重点应该摆在“五四”小说理论批评对传统文论的转换和超越上,这也是本文的研究主旨。本文侧重从理论批评主体、小说观念、理论范畴、批评文体、批评方法五方面来探讨“五四”小说理论批评的现代转换,力图全面把握研究对象。第一章主要从社会身份、知识结构、生存样态三方面探讨“五四”小说理论批评主体的现代转换。因为小说理论批评的现代化首先应该是作为理论批评主体的人的现代化。晚清至“五四”时期,由于西学的冲击和科举制度的废除,中国知识者群体发生转型。而作为“五四”小说理论的建构者,他们由“士”到现代知识分子的身份转换,由“封闭型”到“开放型”知识结构的变化,由“求仕”到“执教”和“卖文”的生存样态的改变带来的必然是小说理论与小说批评实践的现代变革。第二章主要探讨“五四”小说观念的现代转换。小说观念的演变经历了一个相对漫长的历史过程,从“小道末流”、“羽翼经史”到“文学之最上乘”和“文学之正宗”,从“游戏消遣”到“为人生”和“为艺术”。小说观念也在纷繁芜杂的喧嚣流变中拥有了区别于传统小说观念的崭新的现代品格。这种现代品格不仅表现在小说从目录学意义上那几乎包罗万象的“小说”转换为具有独立文学体裁的“小说”,获得了文学文体的独立性,还表现在小说对启蒙现代性和审美现代性的多面诉求中。第三章主要探讨“五四”小说理论范畴的现代转换。与古典小说理论相比,现代小说理论有其自身的范畴体系。本章以“五四”时期最经常出现的“人物”、“结构”和“环境”三个理论范畴为研究对象,对“五四”时期的人物中心论、人物个性论、人物的的艺术真实性、环境的分类、环境与人物之关系、有机结构论、自由结构论等进行了全方位的考察和研究,并通过与古代小说理论的比照来探讨它们的现代转换。第四章研究“五四”小说批评文体的现代转换。传统小说批评文体主要为评点、评传、序跋、书信等。清代中叶以后,传统批评文体逐渐沦为古代文论朝现代化方向转型的绊脚石。“五四”小说批评家取法西方,大多采用适应现代文学批评发展要求的论文体写作,加强了小说批评的理性力量,促成了小说批评文体的现代转型。同时他们也继承了传统的序跋体和书信体文论样式并加以现代改良,以适应新时代的要求。第五章研究“五四”小说批评方法的现代转换。“五四”小说批评借鉴了西方社会学、美学、心理学等其它学科的研究方法,从整体上表现出重理性分析、重逻辑推理的趋势,体现了“五四”小说批评方法的现代特质。其中有代表意义的是社会学批评方法、比较文学批评方法和精神分析学批评方法。

【Abstract】 From the perspective that "May 4th" new literature is at the turn of the new and old traditional culture, and between the collision of East and West cultures, this thesis analyzes "May 4th " novel theory criticism. We can see that since "May 4th", the novel theory criticism has changed in research subjects, methods and the discipline forms. The traditional criticism theories have been deserted. Therefore, the generation of the "May 4th" novel theory criticism on its essence indicates a kind of transformation from the traditional theory criticism. In examining the "May 4th" novel theory criticism, we can not ignore the link between tradition and modern, but the discussion focus should be placed on the transformation from and the transcendence over the traditional theory criticism, which is also the subject of this thesis.This thesis discusses the modern transformation of "May 4th"novel theory criticism from the perspectives of criticism subjects, novel concept, theory Category, criticism style and criticism methods.Chapter one discusses the modern transformation of the criticism subjects of "May 4th" novel theory from the perspectives of social identity, knowledge structure and living station. The modernization of novel theory criticism should be realized through the modernization of the subject of the criticism. From the late Qing Dynasty to "May 4th " period, because of the collision of Western literature and the abolition of the imperial examination system, the intellectuals in China transformed. As a constructor of "May 4th" novel theory, they changed from "scholar" to "modern intellectuals" , their knowledge structure changed from "enclosed type" to "open type" and their living station changed from "Taking part in government" to "teaching" and "selling literature" , which would necessarily lead to the modern transformation of novel theory and novel criticism.Chapter two investigates into the modern transformation of "May 4th" novel concept. The evolvement of novel concept has experienced a long period from "Humbly and Last stage ", "Depend on Confucian classics and History" to "The Best in Literature Field", "Literature Orthodox" and from "Game and Entertainment" to "For Life" and "For Art". Novel concept has got new modern characteristics which are different from traditional novel concept. These modern characteristics could be shown in the transition from the "novel" which includes kinds of novels to the "novel" which is only a kind of literal genre and could be shown in the appeals of novel to enlightening modernism and aesthetic modernism.Chapter three discusses the modern transformation of "May 4th" novel theory category. Compared to classic novel, modern novel theory has its own category. With the three theory categories of "character", "structure" and "environment" as the research subject, this chapter investigates into the personalized of character, the art authenticity of character, the classification of environment, the relation between environment and character, the organic theory and the free theory. And their modern transformation is also discussed through the comparison with the ancient novel theory.Chapter four discusses the modern transformation of the criticism style of "May 4th" novel. The traditional novel criticism style includes critical article, preface, and letters. Since the middle Qing Dynasty, this traditional novel criticism style has become an obstacle which prevents the old criticism from becoming modernization. "May 4th" novel critics borrowed from the western countries and wrote with the Thesis style which is suitable for the development of modern literature criticism, which strengthened the sense color of novel criticism and promoted the modern transformation of novel criticism style. At the same time they inherited the traditional preface and postscript style and letter style and improved them in order to meet the requirements of the time.Chapter five investigates into the modern transformation of the criticism methods of "May 4th" novel. "May 4th" novel criticism borrowed the research methods of western socialism, aestheticism, psychology and other subjects. In general those methods put emphasis on rational analysis and logical reasoning, which indicated the modernism of the criticism methods of "May 4th" novel. Among those methods, the socialism criticism method, the comparative literature criticism method and the psychoanalysis criticism method are representative.

【关键词】 小说理论批评现代转换
【Key words】 NovelTheory CriticismModern transformation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】304

