

Empire Periphery: Study on Native Chieftain System of West Guangxi from a View of Historical Anthropology

【作者】 蒋俊

【导师】 郭志超;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 人类学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在中华帝国的历史上,相对于“中心”的“边陲”的界定满足于“天下观”的总体构想,并在汉人难以推进的那些“化外之地”实行特殊的行政体制,即羁縻体制,至元明清发展为土司制度。桂西正是这样的边陲之边陲。然而明清土司制度的推行在这一地区产生了深刻的社会影响。土司制度实际上是中央王朝“天下观”的“中心—边缘”结构的实践,这种具有强烈“汉人中心主义”的思想意识成为边陲挥之不去的情结。土司力图形塑一个国家政权的“正统”代理人的文化形象,将中心分解到边缘,借此稳固其权力和统治,并以组织性以及象征性的方式溶入到土司社会权力的文化网络建构之中,再造一个中心与边缘的政治格局。因此土司“权力的文化网络”建构过程实际上就与“汉文化”为主导的中国“文明化”在桂西的进程是同步的,在这一进程中,土司制度作为国家与边陲社会、“文明人”与“蛮夷”互动的地方性联结,不仅外显为一种政治制度,更呈现出“文化的建构”内在脉络。通过此途径“国家”得以进入该地区,桂西地方社会的生成、发展乃至于其后民族—国家时期的民族识别和文化界定都与之密切相连。文章从桂西边陲的个案研究入手,以文化解释的角度,讨论了土司社会统治阶层权力建构的结构化过程,认识到国家的话语如何成为这一过程的重要素材,以及由此而产生的相关社会影响。在土司的示范下,主流文化和意识的“汉化”趋向引起了人们对“中心”强烈的文化认同、政治认同和国家认同,为中华民族文化心理同一性的形成、民族共性的熔铸发挥了巨大作用,从而以一个帝国边陲的例子,描绘出中华民族多元一体格局形成的具体化的历史图景。

【Abstract】 The panoramic imagination on world distinguished"center"and "border" territorially and culturally in the history of imperial China, which resulted in special non-Chinese polity i.e. jimi System, and later native chieftain system over those "uncivilized areas" in border provinces in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Exactly, West Guangxi is located in the "border"of border regions, which was also deeply affected by the exercises of native chieftain system during this period.Inevitably overwhelmed by the "Han-centralism" consciousness embedded in the whole country, the local practices of native chieftain system over border provinces was actually corresponded to the "center-border" dividing construction in central government’s effort. Specifically, the native chieftaincies attempted to strengthen their regional sovereignty by means of acting as a Chinese franchise and a non-Chinese system, the authorities originated in central plains thus shared locally and incorporated by frontier societies systematically and symbolically. From this point of view, the process of peripheral elites’ weaving local network culturally and powerfully reflected that of the "civilization" from central to border. In the dual processes, native chieftain system played an intermediate role between the "civilized" and the "uncivilized", further revealing its properties of outward authority-constructing and inward culture-assimilating. Through this system, empire could make its borders under control, on the basis of which west Guangxi frontier societies developed and the ethnic recognitions and cultural definition depended.This paper concerns the structuralization of native chieftain rule in west Guangxi in cultural perspective through specific case, in order to get some idea of who national discourse functioned in the formation of chieftain societies and of its subsequent impact. Most important go all, the demonstration of native chieftaincies promoted strong commitment to "Han-centered" culture and state, which greatly helped the formation of nation-culture identification and the melting of multi-cultures. Thus a specific history-scape of Chinese nation-state is reappeared by the native chieftain system exercised in empire frontier of hundred years ago.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】C912.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1268

