

Research on Tang Hui Yao

【作者】 董兴艳

【导师】 陈明光;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 专门史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 绪论,首先阐明选题意义,指出《唐会要》对于包括社会经济史在内的唐史研究具有很高的史料价值和史学价值,因此本文从运用唐代社会经济基本史料的实际需要出发,从文献学的角度对《唐会要》作比较系统、全面地研究,对于促进唐代社会经济史料的基础研究当有裨益。接着作学术史回顾,说明基本思路、研究方法、拟创新与不足之处。第一章首先考述苏冕、苏弁的生平事迹。认为苏冕是典章制度专家、家富藏书,加上发展新体裁的典章制度专书是当时史学发展的一个大方向,在这样的背景和条件下,苏冕在继承《周礼》、《春秋》、纪传体书志等前代史书的基础上,撰成历史上第一部会要体史书,开创了会要体史书这一新的史书体裁。第二章主要考证《续会要》诸修撰官的生平事迹,编撰始末、内容的截止时间,崔铉是否实际参与《续会要》修撰工作等问题。认为从已知《续会要》原文来看,《续会要》的体例基本承自苏冕《会要》。第三章先从《宋史·王溥传》驳正辑补、王溥的“茂学懿文”和学术交游三个方面考述王溥生平事迹。继而考察《唐会要》的成书,指出《唐会要》保留了《会要》门类的主体,大部分史料取自《会要》、《续会要》,王溥对这些史料进行了整理,但不是很深入。《唐会要》也有一定的创新,从《会要》、《续会要》到《唐会要》,会要体史书的体例、编撰思想有所变化。王溥新增入宣宗以后的典章制度,保存史料之功不可没。第四章主要考察唐宋以来会要体史书的发展,指出:官修会要体史书始于《续会要》,《宋会要》是官修会要体史书的高峰。私撰会要体史书始于苏冕《会要》,宋代徐天麟两汉《会要》更多采用苏冕《会要》旧例,清代出现私撰会要体史书的高潮,体例在徐天麟之书的基础上又有所发展。第五章分别论述学界尚未深入研究的《唐会要》史料来源问题;补充论述关于《唐会要》的版本流传以及通行的几个《唐会要》版本的优劣等问题。第六章先以经济史料为例,对《唐会要》经济史料的错误类型、致误原因进行分析;再以《群书考索后集》中的《会要》佚文与上海古籍版《唐会要》对校、以四库本与上海古籍版《唐会要》对校,探讨校读《唐会要》的几种方法。认为对校不同版本异同的对校法,仍是校读《唐会要》的基本方法。同时,利用《唐会要》本书互证的本校法,以他书证本书的他校法、以出土文物校传世文献都是适用的校勘法。《唐会要》涉及的典章制度类型非常广泛,校勘需要掌握比较深入的各项专门知识,由于一个人的学识有限,充分利用今人论著中关于唐代典章制度的研究成果,也是校勘《唐会要》不可或缺的一个重要方法。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is an attempt to describe and highlight the academic value of historical data of economy in Tang Hui Yao by examining them in a view of philology.The dissertation begins with an introduction which includes an analysis of significance of the research on Tang Hui Yao, a review of the literature, and a brief explanation on of main ideas and methods. Tang Hui Yao is the earliest extant institutional record of a reign body history book in our country.Chapter 1 examines the life stories of Su Mian and Su Bian. Su Mian was an expert in the field of the Institutional Systems. He compiled the first history book in Hui Yao style in the existing records and established the Hui Yao style, based on previous history books such as Zhou Li and Chun Qiu.Chapter 2 mainly explores the life stories of the compilers, the compiling process, and the problem whether Cui Xuan did take part in edition of Xu Hui Yao. Based on original text of Xu Hui Yao, it discussed the relations between Hui Yao and Xu Hui Yao.Chapter 3 analyzes the life story of Wang Pu and compilation of Tang Hui Yao, focuses on examining the structure and contents of Tang Hui Yao, and commends Wang Pu’s contribution to keep the historical data value of Tang Hui Yao.Chapter 4 describes the development of history books of Hui Yao style since Tang Dynasty, such as the first Officially Compiled book Xu Hui Yao in Tang Dynasty, the best Officially Compiled book Song Hui Yao and the outstanding privately-written book Hui Yao in Song Dynasty, and the upsurge of privately compiling history books of Hui Yao style in Qing Dynasty.Chapter 5 analyzes the source of historical data of Tang Hui Yao, which needs a deeper and more comprehensive understanding. And it also describes and compares several different editions of Tang Hui Yao.Chapter 6 examines errors and their causes of the economical records in Tang Hui Yao by taking assorted economical records for example, and provides some methods on proofreading Tang Hui Yao.

【关键词】 王溥《唐会要》经济史料
【Key words】 Wang PuTang Hui Yaohistorical datum of economy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】603

