

Research on the Specialty Convergence Establishment in Single-subject Colleges

【作者】 俞俏燕

【导师】 邬大光;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 我国单科性院校专业设置的趋同,已成为大学综合化进程中最引人注目的一个现象。原先特色鲜明的单科性院校从学科专业的设置看,似乎已是千校一面。不仅如此,连续几年低于平均就业率的专业大多为不同类院校都设有的高趋同专业。因此,单科性院校的专业趋同现象遭到了种种非议,单科性院校的综合化发展也由此受到种种争议和怀疑。对此,我们不由深思:专业的趋同是否完全不合理?它是否一定归根于大学的综合化发展?如果是,为何同样经过综合化发展的众多一流大学依然特色鲜明、成绩显赫?如果不是,那又是什么原因导致了专业的趋同?这一系列的问题,不仅需要我们从理论上寻求解答,更需要我们对我国单科性院校的综合化实践进行深刻反思。有鉴于此,本论文在大量实证研究的基础上,以单科性院校在我国的兴办为逻辑起点,以单科性院校向综合化发展道路的迈进为时间起点,以单科性院校不同阶段的专业设置状况为论证线索,对我国单科性院校的专业趋同现象进行理论和实践上的研究。论文由三部分组成:第一,对我国单科性院校专业趋同的背景——大学综合化进行理论论证。通过揭示综合性大学优越于单科性院校的内在原因以及大学综合化发展的必然性,理性认识大学的综合化不仅具必然性,更具自然性;其学科门类不仅趋于齐全,更趋于综合;其发展不仅追求综合化,更突出特色化。为我国单科性院校的综合化实践从理论上指明了方向,也为专业趋同问题的研究提供了理论基础。第二,在实证基础上,对我国单科性院校综合化发展历程和学科专业设置现状进行全面梳理和总结,指出专业趋同现象为我国单科性院校综合化发展中最值得关注的焦点。以客观描绘专业趋同现象的产生过程、如实呈现各类单科性院校专业趋同的不同演变过程以及准确揭示引起专业趋同的原因为目的,论文分门别类地对各类单科性院校的学科专业设置状况从1980年至今做了全景式地梳理和分析。第三,在以上实证分析基础上,揭示出导致我国各类单科性院校专业趋同的共同原因和个别原因。并指出,专业趋同并非大学综合化发展的必然结果,专业趋同的产生也并非完全不合理,而高校对趋同专业的设置也并非完全出于非理性。基于此,论文对专业趋同的两大影响者——政府与高校,一一提了相关建议。

【Abstract】 In China, the convergence of specialty establishment in Single-subject Colleges has become very common in these years. As a result, different Single-subject Colleges have gradually lost their character and the empolyment rate of the graduates from those colleges stayed low while more and more duplicate specialties are emerging. Lots of dispution, suspicion or even reproach about this convergence have arised. But before coming to the evaluation about that, there are a series of questions we have to make clear. Is this convergence unreasonable? The convergence will eventually turn the single-subject colleges into comprehensive universities? If the answers are positive, then how should we evaluate those universities and colleges which took the ways to become comprehensive and still keep their own character? If the answers are negative, then what leads to the specialty convergence in Single-subject colleges? It is necessary to give theoretical answers on the base of analyzing the expeiences of the Single-subject Colleges.For the purpose of giving answers to these questions, this paper tries to analyze the convergence of specialty establishment theoretically, with the apperance of the single-subject colleges as the logic starting point, the moment that single-subject colleges took comprehensive development path as the time starting point, the specialty establishing in different stages as the demonstration clues. This paper consists of the following three parts.The first part will analyze theorectically the comprehensive development of universities, which is the background of the convergence of single-subject colleges. By exploring the internal reason why comprehensive universities are superior to single-subject colleges, it can be concluded that the comprehensive development of universities and colleges is not only reasonable but also inevitable, which actually not only brought more complete and more comprehensive disciplines for universities and colleges, but also enhanced their own character. This conclusion provides a theoretical basis for further analysis about the convergence of single-subject colleges. The second part of the paper focuses on the history of the single-subject colleges’ comprehensive development as well as the colleges’ current structure of disciplines and specialties, indicating that the convergence of specialty establishment is the focus of comprehensive development. The paper tries to describe well and truly the course of the convergence of specialty establishment, to demonstrate the different ways taken by different type of colleges and to find out the cause of it. The structure of disciplines and specialties in different types of colleges are classified and then analyzed from the year 1980.On the basis of the above analysis, the third part of the paper tries to demonstrate the common causes as well as individual cuases of the convergence of specialty establishment in different type of colleges, confirming that the convergence is not the necessary result of the universities and colleges’ comprehensive development. It can also be confirmed that the convergence of specialty establishment in single-subject colleges is quite reasonable and rational. Based on this, the paper brings forward a series of advice to the government and colleges which are playing great role in the course of convergence of specialty establishment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】953

