

Research on Structural Changes of Undergraduate Programs Since the Expansion in China

【作者】 罗丹

【导师】 史秋衡;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 无论是高等教育规模的扩张,还是经济体制的改革,都在要求我国高等教育功能的扩大。近年来毕业生就业难问题的严峻化,恰恰表明高等教育功能的扩大受到了阻碍。追问阻力来自何方,将我们引向了对扩招过程中高校专业结构变化的探究。因为只有弄明白扩招过程中高校专业结构变化的基本状况,并找出影响其变化的主要因素,才可能找到有效的调整策略,使高等教育的人才培养更好地满足市场需求,进而推动高等教育功能的扩大与实现。遵循提出问题——分析问题——解决问题的基本路径,本研究分为三部分:第一部分通过对高校专业外部结构和内部结构变化的现状描述,借助分专业毕业生就业率统计,指出扩招过程中高校专业结构的变化,无论专业设置,还是专业内部课程的安排,都与市场需求存在一定的错位与脱节,由此加剧了毕业生的结构性失业。并指出,我国高等教育毕业生的结构性失业,更多的不是高校专业设置上不适应市场需求,而是由于专业内部知识结构与市场对人才知识结构需求的脱节造成的。本部分由第一章和第二章构成。第二部分包括第三章、第四章和第五章。在前一部分的基础上,本部分进一步分析影响高校专业结构变化的主要原因。研究发现:规模扩张的经费来源结构制约了高校对成本较高且社会普遍需要的理工类专业的增设,在有限的收入以及对专业办学成本考虑不多的拨款制度面前,高校更多地选择增设一些低成本的人文社会科学类专业来实现扩招;原有专业管理制度中,理论型专业和单一学科专业为主的专业目录,加上其规范性特点,不但不利于新专业品种的产生,而且强化了学科壁垒,加上与专业制度配套的高校教学资源分配制度,分割了有限的课程资源,使专业内部的课程设置难以根据市场需要实现跨学科组合,影响人才知识结构适应市场的需要。此外,在对两所本科院校部分学生选报志愿情况的调查基础上,第五章第一节分析了信息不对称情况下考生的选择对高校专业结构变化的影响。在本部分的最后,还指出了独立学院这一规模扩张过程中的“制度创新”,其实在一定程度上加剧了人文社会科学类专业的迅速发展,影响着高等教育科类结构和专业结构的变化。第三部分由第六章和第七章组成。综合前两部分的研究所得,第六章从专业结构变化的事实和影响因素入手,指出当前情况下,顺应规模扩张和经济体制转型需要,我国高等教育功能扩大的关键,在于将市场力量更多地引入高等教育内部,在拓宽经费来源的基础上,利用办学体制的改革,同时变革专业管理制度,借助办学体制变革和专业分化来推进高等教育的分化,以增强人才培养与市场需求的联系。

【Abstract】 Both the Expansion and Economic system reform all calling for the broaden of higher education function. While the unemployment problem of higher education graduates these years just shown us that the functions enlarge of higher education had met obstacles. When we asking where are the obstacles, we should first understand the structural change of undergraduate programs of higher education. Because of the condition and influences of structural change of undergraduate programs during the higher education expansion are the basement of countermeasure of higher education reform and which will make the higher education function enlarge reality.According with the basic path of asking question_ analyze question_ resolve question, this research could be divided into three part:The first part include chapter one and chapter two. At the basement of describe the outside and inside structural change of undergraduate programs during the higher education expansion, this part put out that the change of undergraduate programs haven’t match the market need, and which should hold the main responsibility of the employment problem. Research result has put out that the main reason of structural unemployment is not about the establishment of undergraduate programs, but the curriculum of undergraduate programs can’t match the market requirement on the graduate.The second part include chapter3, 4, 5. The main task of this part is analyze the factors those influence the structural change of undergraduate programs during the Expansion. The result of research shown that: 1.The funding model of expansion is an important factor that influenced the choice of new undergraduate programs during the Expansion for the cost of different undergraduate programs are different. When the income is limited, universities always choose those low cost undergraduate programs to fulfill the expansion task. 2. The management system of undergraduate programs is another main factor that influenced the structural change of undergraduate programs. The existing management system main include theoretic undergraduate programs that can’t satisfied the market need of practical talent. Besides, the existing management system pay more attention to "manage" and " standard" which is not helpful for the new kind of undergraduate programs those market bad needed. 3. The choice of student is another factor that influenced the structural change of university undergraduate programs because of the information is not enough. At the last of this part, essays also analyzed the influence of independent academy on the undergraduate programs.Part three include chapter 6 and 7. Chapter 6 is an discussion about the research result. At the conclusion of the factors those influenced the structural change of undergraduate programs, this chapter put out that the only way to enlarge higher education function of China lay on the reformation toward marketing requirement. Chapter 7 put out forward that introduce market power into the funding system and management system are all practical for the present problem shown in the structural change of undergraduate programs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】G642.0
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】2366

