

A Study on the History of the Associations of Ethnic Chinese in Thailand

【作者】 潘少红

【导师】 庄国土;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 专门史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文依据笔者所收集的社团特刊、纪念刊、出版物以及汕头等地现存民国档案,结合田野调查资料,讨论了自19世纪中叶以来泰国华人社团的发展、演变情况,全面考察了族群关系、侨社变迁、居留国和祖籍国制度政策变更以及意识形态变化等因素合力作用于泰国华人社团的过程,详细分析泰华社团的组织发展、运作机制、社会功能和历史作用。本文分为六个部分,主要内容包括:绪论阐述研究目的和意义、泰国华人社团的研究现状、资料的使用、基本框架和研究方法以及一些概念界定。第一章对1910年前泰国华人社团兴起情况进行考察分析。秘密会社和华人宗教场所包含了后来出现的社团组织的部分功能,对泰华社团兴起有催生的作用。19世纪中叶以后,泰国华人社团开始出现,但社团数量较少,处于不活跃状态。泰华侨社移民人口增长、社区规模扩大以及帮群分化是泰华社团兴起的社会基础,泰国政府政策缺位、华社秘密会党势力强大是泰华社团兴起的具体原因。第二章对1910年至1945年泰国华人社团的发展情况进行历史考察。1910年以来,泰华社团数量不断增加,各种类型社团纷起频出,本文对泰华社团的组织制度、结构、功能作用等方面进行阐述。本章考察了泰华人口数量变动、经济实力等侨社内部因素与泰华社团发展的关系,并探讨侨团在推动侨社进步与发展中的地位和作用。本章还就泰华社团与泰国政治发展、与中国之间的互动关系进行分析,以探明泰华社团以更大规模、更复杂形式发展的外部因素。第三章和第四章集中论述了1945年后泰国华人社团的发展情况。1945年以后,泰国华人民间结社呈现加速度递增趋势,社团数量有了大幅度增长。文中分别论述了地缘性社团、业缘性社团、血缘性社团、慈善性社团、文缘性社团、政治性社团等发展概况、兴起背景、活动情况。1945年后,由于时代和社会变迁,华人从侨民向公民进行角色转化,泰华经济力量发展飞速,华人结社活动空前活跃,泰华社团在运作方式、功能定位方面有了重大变化。文章还把泰华社团置于泰国社会发展的历史背景之中来讨论其地位和作用。第五章为总结部分,就泰华社团的发展情况进行总结。

【Abstract】 Based on the materials collected both in China and Thailand’s fieldworks, including the special issues, the issues, the publications of Associations and archives of the Republican period, the paper is about the history of Associations of ethnic Chinese in Thailand since the mid-19th century. It analyzes how the political situation of Thailand, the transformation of social environment, the adjustments of Thailand government policy, the Sino-Thai relations, the changes of Chinese-Thai society and other factors impact on Associations of ethnic Chinese in Thailand. It also discusses internal and external growing motivities, the organization system and main functions of the Associations, and brings out the characteristics and transformative directions of each period.The paper consists of the following six parts.Introduction reviews and comments on academic history, and explains the significance and objectives of studies and some crucial relevant concepts, and introduces methods, the thesis structure and main creations.Chapter One introduces the history of the Associations of ethnic Chinese in Thailand before 1910. Since the mid-19th century, the Associations began to appear, but they were small. Then the paper analyzes how the Associations of Chinese-Thai shaped and developed by the reality including the Chinese immigrant population growth, Siam government’s policies toward Chinese and Chinese secret societies.Chapter Two deals with the history of Associations of ethnic Chinese in Thailand from 1910 to 1945. Part one presents the general situation of the associations. Part two introduces organization system and social function of them. Part three adopts population, economic strength and other factors to analyse the internal causes for the associations of ethnic Chinese in Thailand, and centres on the influences that the associations exerted on the overseas Chinese society in Thailand. Part four focuses on the relations between the associations and external causes.Chapter Three and Chapter Four expound the history of the Associations of the ethnic Chinese in Thailand after the Second World War. During this period, the number of the Associations of Chinese-Thai has been rising, the associations began more and more comprehensive. It analyzes the developing situations and activities of the hometown Associations, the clan Associations, the Business Associations, the Cultural Associations, the Charitable Associations and other type of Associations. At last, it discusses social function of the associations in the perspectives of modernization in Thailand.Chapter Five gives the summary to the full thesis, and puts forward some questions to further study.

【关键词】 泰国华人华人社团
【Key words】 ThailandEthnic ChineseAssociations of Ethnic Chinese
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K336;D634.3
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1420

