

Chinese Words in Japanese and the Study of Teaching Chinese Towards Japanese

【作者】 曹瑞泰

【导师】 李如龙;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 改革開放釋放出中國五千年深厚底蘊的文化力與經濟力,造就出近年來綿延不絕的世界性漢語學習熱潮,其中同屬於漢字文化語圈的日本與韓國可說是學習漢語熱度最高的國家。然而,日語與中國漢語雖然均擁有漢字,卻因其發展出包括漢字、平假名、片假名、日語羅馬字等的多文字系統,具備了同時混用多種文字與多語種的特殊性,也使得日本漢字詞拉大了與中國漢字詞的差異性,使得與中國同源的日本漢字詞,反而成為日本人學習中國漢語時的阻礙,負遷移作用甚為明顯。然而,相對地中日的漢字詞既然有差異,必定也有相同;學習上有負面影響,也就必然具有正面效益,也就是語言學上所謂的正遷移作用。本計畫的目的即欲針對對日漢語教學,研究出一套因地制宜,且以漢字與漢詞為槓桿工具,能夠發揮漢字詞正遷移作用的漢語教學新途徑。漢字不僅僅是漢語的書面符號,漢字是一個個形音義的統一體,且絕大多數爲有意義的語素,所以對外漢語教學應掌握住漢語的特質,抓住構詞的最小單位「漢字(語素)」來進行教學。特別是至今仍屬漢字文化圈、仍在使用漢字的日本,爲能有效控制日語漢字詞等所帶來的負遷移作用,其中國漢語教學應回歸漢和最相近的日語詞彙體系的「詞根」,重新從中文的漢字本位再出發,遂行在漢字的核心架構下,由詞彙主導,語音、語法爲綱爲輔的漢字本位漢語教學模式;並採用能夠發揮漢字形、音、義與漢詞間緊密巧妙連結等特點的「基本字集中教學法」,快速增加漢語詞彙。漢字本位的漢語教學模式需要具有正遷移作用的語料庫支援,方能有效運作。經研究之後,歸納出符合1.常用字,2.高頻字,3.構詞力強的字,4.與日本漢字近似度高的漢字,5.日語的詞根漢字,6.多數日本人認得的漢字,六條件的漢字與漢詞語料,做爲支援對日漢語教學應用的語料,可高度發揮正遷移作用與字本位教學的功能。最後並以質性研究方法深入訪談日本的大學與高中的中國漢語教師與修習中國語課程的日本人學生,評估出測試教材具有高度可行性。

【Abstract】 Cultural strength and economic power with 5 thousand years’ profound inner details of China was released during the Reform, it recently keep bringing up the craze of learning Chinese in the worldwide, which is ceaseless and continues from miles to miles. Among the countries where the heat to learn Chinese is still increasing, Japan and South Korea are the ones with the greatest enthusiasm when both of them belong to the Chinese cultural community. Although Japanese have the same Chinese characters with mainland Chinese, however, it develops a multi-character system including different characters such as Chinese characters, hiragana, katakana, Japanese Roman letters, etc, and it has the particularity of mixing different types of characters and languages together, which also helps Chinese character in Japanese expand the difference with the mainland Chinese characters. As a result, Chinese Characters in Japanese which are cognate with mainland Chinese turns out to be the obstacle for Japanese to learn Chinese, and the effects of negative transfer is obvious. Relatively speaking, since Chinese characters or words using in these two countries remain different, there are certainly something in common, that is to say, positive efficiencies may occur while there are negative effects to language study, which is called the effects of positive transfer in linguistics.This plan is aimed at working out a suitable way of teaching Chinese to Japanese, while Chinese characters functions as a lever during teaching, and helps to turn the positive transfer effects of Chinese into good account during language teaching.Chinese characters are not only the literal symbols of Chinese language, but also a unity of the form, sound and meaning, and the majority of Chinese characters are meaningful morphemes, so we should hold the essential features of Chinese language and grasp the minimal unit of forming a word, the"Chinese morpheme" during teaching Chinese towards foreign people. Particularly in Japan which is still subjected to the Chinese cultural community nowadays, where people there are using Chinese characters, in order to efficiently have control over the negative transfer effects that Chinese Characters in Japanese bring up, this study indicates that the Chinese teaching towards Japanese should return to the roots within the Japanese lexical system which stand for the closest part between Han and Yamato, the language teaching must set out on the Chinese Character Standard again. The Chinese Character Standard Teaching Mode should be carried out while Chinese characters are taken as the core, and the glossary predominates, pronounciation and grammar are the main headings or auxiliaries, at the meanwhile we should exert the "Primary Words-Focused Teaching Method", which contributes to display the distinctive feature that one Chinese character closely and delicately links all of the form, sound and meaning together. Chinese Character Standard Teaching Method can only function successfully when it is supportively equipped with corpus with positive-transfer effects. During teaching material selecting process, 6 factors should be meeted: (1)basic vocabulary, (2)high frequency characters,(3)characters with strong word-building potency, (4)characters with high correspondence and resemblance to those of Japanese characters, (5)characters as roots in Japanese, (6)characters that can be recognized by most Japanese people. The corpus builded following the 6 requirements are just qualified as the materials during teaching Chinese to Japanese people. It is no other than the qualified that can greatly take out the positive-transfer effects and Character Standard Teaching funcions into good account. After having been verified through test teaching materials, the result shows that only meet the above 6 requirements can the materials in the corpus have high feasibility. Finally using qualitative investigation, the writer thoroughly interviewed teachers teaching Chinese at Japanese universities and senior high schools and Japanese students who took Chinese language courses, and now finds out that the test teaching materials have great practicality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】H36;H195
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1956

