

The Phonologic and Lexical Evolvements of Amoy Dialect in the Past over 100 Years

【作者】 徐睿渊

【导师】 李如龙;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文主要利用英国传教士杜嘉德编写的《厦英大辞典》(1873),参考与其同时期的传教士材料《翻译英华厦腔语汇》和《英华口才集》,考察厦门方言语音系统和词汇系统一百多年来的演变。这些教会方言材料在以往的方言研究中鲜少使用。19世纪下半叶,厦门方言处于纵横两项发展的交汇处,一方面经历方言自身演变,一方面方言因与他方言(语言)接触而相互影响。我们选取这一时代的厦门方言材料与现代厦门方言进行比较研究,试图考察方言语音系统演变与词汇发展的关系,分析影响词汇系统变化的内外因素。本文共6章。开篇主要介绍本课题的研究意义和所采用的理论依据、材料和方法。第二章从音系、字音、词音三个方面考察百年来厦门方言语音系统变化的主要特点。音系主要变化有二:入母混入柳母;参韵混入公韵。字音系统的调整有简化和向普通话靠拢的趋势。词音方面,轻声、变调和合音的基本规则不变,而二次变调现象有扩大倾向。第三章从义类角度出发,考察厦门方言词这一百年来的存留和消亡情况。与自然现象相关的时间、地形地貌、人体器官等类词保存较好;与社会生活相关类词变化较大。其中,反映上层建筑的政府机构和宗教信仰类词、反映社会经济结构的渔业类词流失了一半以上;与底层人民关系较为密切的服饰、习俗、文学艺术等类词流失40%以上。第四章从社会文化生活、词汇系统本身和语言接触三方面分析厦门方言词存留与消亡的影响因素。旧制度和旧事物的消失、认知的深化与观念的改变以及语言政策和语言环境的变化是社会文化生活影响方言发展的主要因素。近义词的竞争和口语词、书面语词的竞争在百年来厦门方言词汇演变中作用突出。方言与共同语、与周边方言、与外国语言的接触也给厦门方言词汇带来较大影响。第五章考察厦门方言成语、谚语和惯用语百年来的演变情况。由于含义曲折深沉、形式不够稳定,三者间惯用语流失最为严重。第六章对厦门方言造词法百年来的变化作了较为详细的考察。语音造词逐渐萎缩,附缀造词类别基本不变,语素顺序逐渐稳定,文白造词有所扩展。由于材料的限制,本文只考察百年来旧词语的存留和消失,至于新词语的兴起和词义系统的改变(如义项增减、褒贬义的变化)是我们下一步继续深入考察的目标。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on the phonologic and lexical evolvements of Amoy dialect in the past over 100 years.In the late 19th century,Amoy dialect experienced both diachronic evolvements and language contacts.The dissertation attempts to outline the relationship between phonologic evolvements and lexical developments, and find out factors affecting the lexical evolvements in Amoy dialect.The main book of Amoy dialect in the late 19th century is <Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular of Spoken Language of Amoy with the Principle Variations of the Chang-chew and Chin-chew Dialects> by Carstairs Douglas,1873. There are two more books as reference,< Anglo-Chinese Manual with Romanized Colloquial in the Amoy Dialect > by E.Doty(1853),and <A Manual of the Amoy Colloquial> by John Macgowan(1871).All the 3 books written by missionaries got little recognition in formal Amoy dialect studies.This dissertation is divided into six sections.First of all,we point out the theme and significance of the study,and also the basic theories,methods and illustrations.The second chapter expounds the phonological evolvements,the phonetic evolvements related to characters,and the phonetic evolvements related to words.The third chapter presents a general picture of lexical evolvements in the vocabulary of nature,the vocabulary of men and their relationships and also that of social life.The glossaries of time,physiognomy and apparatus of human body have a better reservation,while the glossaries of government,religions and fishery experience a great loss of more than 50%.Glossaries of clothing and dressing, customs,literature and art experience a loss of more than 40%.Chapter Four analyses the factors affecting the lexical evolvements,such as the changes in social life,the competitions of synonymies and the rivalship between literal words and colloquial words.It also argues that language contacts played and important role in lexical evolvements during the past over 100 years.Chapter Five shows us the visages of idioms,proverbs and locutions in Amoy dialect in the late 19th century.Comparing to idioms and proverbs,locutions experienced greatest lose during the past over 100 years.It occurs mainly because the meaning of locutions is not so direct,and the arrangement of its morphemes is unsteady and usually changeable.The last chapter outlines the main evolvements of word-building,and argues that word-building with phonetic methods experienced a shrinking while that by affix basically preserved.Morpheme order seemed to settle down and word-building by literal and colloquial pronunciations had a tendency to extend.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】H17
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】775

