

On the Precautionary Principle in the Conservation of Living Marine Resources

【作者】 褚晓琳

【导师】 傅崐成;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要考察了海洋生物资源养护中的预警原则的基本内涵、法律渊源及具体适用问题,探讨了预警原则在中国海洋生物资源养护领域中的实施构想。本文除前言和结论部分外,共计五章:第一章主要论述了预警原则的发展过程和基本内涵。首先历数了在预警原则产生发展过程中的重要国际公约、国际组织宣言或决议,以及国际司法判例;其次,通过对比分析不同版本的预警原则概念,指出预警原则的本质是当面对科学不确定时,人类应对环境和资源的开发利用保持一种谨慎态度;最后,辩证分析了预警原则的模糊性和专断性的不足,并指出预警原则与预防原则、预警方法之间的区别和联系。第二章阐明了海洋生物资源养护中的预警原则的理论基础。从科学角度而言,预警原则的基础在于海洋生态系统的科学不确定性,旨在弥补人类因盲目和无知对海洋生物资源所造成的危害;从经济角度而言,预警原则的基础在于成本收益分析,促进预警原则的合理适用,增强管理者的责任感;从法律角度而言,预警原则的基础在于可持续发展原则和人类共同利益原则,预警原则与这两项原则是一脉相承的,并能够促成它们的实现。第三章详细考察了海洋生物资源养护中的预警原则的国际法渊源和国内法渊源。在国际法渊源方面,对比分析了《联合国海洋法公约》和《联合国鱼类种群协定》等国际文件,并系统研究了欧盟法中的预警原则;在国内法渊源方面,列举了一些渔业大国具有代表性的海洋生物资源立法,如2000年美国《麦格纳森渔业养护和管理法》、1996年加拿大《海洋法》等。第四章论述了海洋生物资源养护中的预警原则的实施条件和实施措施。预警原则的实施应满足一定的风险要件,依据成本收益分析、比例原则、一致性与非歧视原则加以适用,并且举证责任由造成危险的一方承担。预警原则的实施措施则包括预警参考点、禁止或限制捕捞活动和海洋自然保护区等。第五章阐述了预警原则在我国的实施构想。目前我国海洋生物资源养护和管理工作取得了一定的成绩,但是无论是养护实践还是相关法规都暴露出一些不足。对此,我国应制定一部综合性海洋生物资源养护和管理法,并明确规定预警原则。同时,在海洋生物资源养护和管理实践中也应因地制宜的采取各种预警措施,以改善我国海洋生物资源养护不利的局面。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is mainly about the concept, the legal sources and the implementation of the precautionary principle in the conservation of living marine resources, and the plan about that China applies the precautionary principle in the conservation of living marine resources.Chapter 1 focuses on the development and the meaning of the precautionary principle. Firstly, this chapter examines some important international conventions, declarations and decisions of international organizations, and cases of international judicial bodies; Secondly, this chapter educes that the essence of the precautionary principle is that people should be cautious of the exploitation and utilization of environment and resources in face of scientific uncertainty by contrasting different definitions of the precautionary principle; Lastly, this chapter analyzes the defects of the precautionary principle: illegibility and arbitrariness, and points out the difference and relation between the precautionary principle and the preventive principle or the precautionary approach.Chapter 2 is mainly about the theoretical basis of the precautionary principle in the conservation of living marine resources. From the point of science, the basis of the precautionary principle lies in scientific uncertainty of marine ecosystem, with the aim of making up damages resulted in by people’s blindness and innocence about living marine resources; from the point of economy, the basis of the precautionary principle is cost-benefit analysis which will promote the implementation of the precautionary principle more reasonable, strengthen the responsibility of supervisors; from the point of law, the basis of the precautionary principle is the principle of sustainable development and the principle of common interests of human being, and the precautionary principle is in accordance with the two principles, and will promote them to come true.Chapter 3 focuses on the international sources and the domestic sources of the precautionary principle in the conservation of living marine resources. About the international sources, this chapter contrasts the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS), the United Nations Fish Stock Agreement(UNFSA) and other international documents, and systematically analyzes the precautionary principle in the European Union(EU); about the domestic sources, this chapter specializes the representative living marine resources rules of some countries famous in fishery, such as American Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 2000, Canadian Ocean Act of 1996 and so on.Chapter 4 explains the conditions and measures about the implementation of the precautionary principle. The precautionary principle’s implementation should satisfy the danger condition, and should be applied according as cost-benefit analysis, principle of proportionality, consistency and nondiscrimination. Under the precautionary principle, onus probandi lies on the part that makes danger. Moreover, the implementary measures of the precautionary principle include the precautionary reference points, the forbiddance and limit of fishery, the marine natural protection area and so on.Chapter 5 indicates the plan about the application of the precautionary principle in our country. Presently our conservation and management of living marine resources has got some achievement, but both the conservation practice and related rules have some deficiency. Then our country should make a comprehensive act about the conservation and management of living marine resources which should definitely stipulate the precautionary principle. At the same time, the precautionary measures should be taken in accordance of the conditions of different areas, which is beneficial to change the bad complexion of the conservation of living marine resources in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F326.4
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】644

