

A Research on the Co-operation in Logistics Industry Across the Taiwan Strait

【作者】 邹定斌

【导师】 李非;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 区域经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 自20世纪70年代以来,海峡两岸经贸交流与合作开始迅速发展,随着台湾产业升级以及台湾产业陆续向大陆地区转移,两岸加入WTO,特别是第三波台湾产业转移大陆地区之后,紧密的商流给两岸物流业合作提供了一个良好的发展环境。本篇论文以海峡两岸物流业合作为研究对象,着重论述海峡两岸物流业合作的形成过程和发展趋势,并尝试揭示两岸物流业合作的形成机制与发展规律,阐明两岸物流业合作的分布格局和聚集规律、两岸物流业合作结构的转型升级和产业梯度转移、两岸物流业竞争与合作的关系。第一章是绪论,首先尝试构建了两岸物流业合作的相关定义和两岸物流业合作的一系列概念,着重研究了两岸物流业合作的基础理论;第二章分别分析了台湾物流业和大陆地区物流业的运作模式;第三章从物流产业梯度转移的角度出发,研究了两岸物流业合作的特点和两岸物流业合作模式;第四章研究了两岸物流业合作的表现形式和实证案例;第五章研究了两岸物流业合作的“先试先行”和远景展望。本文通过研究得出如下主要结论:1.两岸物流业合作符合产业分工融合、产业梯度转移和产业链发展规律考察结果显示,海峡两岸物流业合作除了传统的航空运输物流业和海运物流业合作模式外,创新特色型、投资密集型和创新支柱产业型港口物流业合作模式符合两岸产业链、分工整合及两岸产业的梯度转移模式,是两岸物流业合作模式的必然选择。2.两岸物流业合作模式呈多样化趋势两岸物流企业合作模式有在大陆市场实行“内销货主企业+大陆运输业+台湾物流企业”(3PL)的模式;在国际市场实行“在大陆设厂的外销厂商+大陆货代业者+台湾国际物流业者”(4PL)的模式。两岸物流企合作发展到现在,模式逐渐多样化,出现了一些新的合作模式。例如,两岸“贸易+展示+物流”的新型物流合作模式就是“以展带销、以销促展、物流其中”。其中的海峡两岸名品展销这种具体形式就是要改善“贸易+展示+物流”合作模式的营商环境。3.两岸物流业合作从功能性合作日益走向机制性合作未来两岸在物流业商务模式和物流信息化方面的差距会加速缩小。台湾物流业唯有与大陆物流业合作才能在物流全球化进程中保持物流业的优势地位。海峡两岸物流业要合作参与国际物流业竞争与合作就必须首先合作搞好物流技术标准和技术支撑服务体系等方面的建设。两岸物流业进一步紧密合作所产生的的柔性力量,将会有力推动两岸共生共荣、维护两岸经济繁荣稳定,最终为海峡两岸的和平统一大业奠定坚实的经济基础。4.以物流业信息化为起点推动两岸物流业合作台湾物流信息化运作模式值得大陆地区物流业学习和借鉴。大陆地区物流业需要以物流企业信息化为起点,积极发展第三方物流,鼓励发展第四方物流,充分学习台湾地区物流业信息化的优势。大陆物流业实现信息化和标准化,才可以实现海峡两岸物流业合作的规模化。统计显示,福建的现代物流业区位熵高于中国大陆物流业平均值,而且厦门现代物流业区位熵高于福建平均值,海峡两岸现代物流业合作可以在大陆福建省地区的先试先行,特别是“厦门—金门”现代物流业合作优先的建议,在制定实际政策时,具有参考意义。5.零售业物流合作是两岸物流业合作新的突破口台湾零售商品的宅配和城市食品配送机制高效且网络发达,值得中国大陆地区物流业在宅配和城市配送物流领域发展中借鉴。此外,海峡两岸要让民间物流协会发挥作用,大陆地区物流业积极加强与台湾物流协会的联系和交流,有利于促进两岸物流业的开放与合作。

【Abstract】 The dissertation has reviewed Taiwan modes of logistics and supply chain management. It is aimed at the discovery of laws and prospects of the cooperation in the logistics industry across the Taiwan Strait. It is trying to reveal the cross-strait cooperation in the logistics industry and development of the formation mechanisms on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and trying to find out the cross-strait cooperation in the layout of the logistics industry, the clustering of the cross-strait cooperation in the logistics industry, the logistics industry structure in the era of the global electronic commerce, the transformation and upgrading of cross-strait industrial gradient transfer of the logistics industry, the logistics industry competition and cross-strait cooperation.Through the research, the dissertation comes to the following major conclusions:1. The cross-strait co-operation in logistics industry is crucial, based on regional economics (theory) it’s necessary and feasible.It must be an inevitable choice in cross-strait division of the industrial supply chain integration and the cross-strait industrial gradient transfer for the cooperation model across the Taiwan Strait in the logistics industry.2. A trend of diversification with a special stress on the 3PL and the 4PL is demonstrated in the mode of cross-strait cooperation in the logistics industry.The Cross-strait new logistic cooperation model "trade+sale exhibition+logistics" is "to develop the marketing with sale exhibition,to promote the exhibition with sales combining the logistics" . Cross-Strait products sale exhibition room is to realize "exhibition with sales, to promote sales exhibition, putting the logistics in them " . The aim of the cross-strait "trade + sale exhibition + logistics" model of cooperation is to improve the business environment. The logistics cooperation pattern is " owner of the goods (made in China’s mainland or by other manufacturers outside)for marketing in China’s mainland+ the transportation enterprises in China’s mainland+ logistics enterprises from Chinese Taiwan", that is the third party logistics. But the model in the international market practices "the export manufacturers who set up factories in China’s mainland + freight forwarders in China’s mainland + Taiwan’s international logistics industry", that is called the fourth party logistics.3. Cross-strait cooperation in the logistics industry from functional cooperation to the increasingly integrated logistics system.The business model of the cross-strait logistics industry and logistics information will accelerate the narrowing of the gap, only the logistics industry cooperation in logistics industry between Taiwan and the China’s mainland is essential to maintain the Taiwan Island as the logistics centre in the process of globalization of logistics.The cross-strait cooperation in the logistics industry may bring the Chinese logistics "going out" to become part in international competition as the global supply chain management. The cooperation in the logistics industry cross the Taiwan Strait shall promote the technical standards in the logistics industry, do a good job in the logistics and technical support services system. The cross-strait cooperation in the logistics industry is a flexible force, will greatly promote cross-strait symbiotic co-prosperity and safeguard cross-strait economic prosperity and stability across the Taiwan Strait to lay a solid economic foundation for the ultimate peaceful reunification.4. On the logistics industry as the starting point for information to promote cross-strait cooperation in the logistics industryTaiwan’s information-based logistics operation is worthy of the mainland logistics industry to learn from.5. The retail cooperation in the logistics industry is a breakthrough in the logistics cooperation cross the Taiwan StraitTaiwan’s retail commodities home delivery services and urban food distribution system developed very fast.In addition, the Taiwan Logistics Association has been promoting the opening up of the cross-strait logistics cooperation in Chinese Taiwan. Let the Logistics Associations across the Taiwan Strait play a major role to a greater extent in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】F259.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1338

