

Examinations and Admissions System to Higher Education in the UK

【作者】 王立科

【导师】 刘海峰;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 英国招生考试制度历史悠久、独具特色、影响巨大。历经发展演变,英国建立了特色鲜明的现行高等院校招生考试制度,并成为很多国家或地区模仿的范本,在世界范围内影响巨大。直到当代,世界上很多大学在招生录取时都接纳英国主要考试机构主考的普通教育证书高级水平(A-levels)的考试成绩;一些国家或地区,现在仍然采用英国的高校招生考试制度。那么,英国到底实行的是什么样的高等院校招生考试制度?形成这种制度的原因是什么?这种制度的公平性如何?我国正在进行的高考制度改革可以从中学习什么经验以及汲取什么教训?带着这些问题本论文对该制度进行了深入、系统的研究。论文重点围绕英国《国家资格证书框架》中的第三级证书考试(主要是A-levels证书考试)和高等院校招生录取制度两个问题进行研究,运用文献研究法、实地研究法、问卷调查法和访谈法、个案研究法、比较研究法,从宏观和微观的两个角度、纵横两个纬度对英国高等院校招生考试进行研究。第一,在从宏观角度对英国高校招生考试制度的产生、发展和改革进行考察的基础上,选取个案从微观角度对其进行深入分析。第二,从纵向上以时间为线索,追溯英国高校招生考试制度的根源,探讨其在长期的演变过程中在英国社会不同利益群体间所发挥的“调解器”作用,以及政治、经济、文化传统、宗教对其发展演变的影响。横向上从多视角对英国高校招生考试制度的改革、特色、问题、发展趋势进行分析,并提出对我国高考改革的启示和借鉴。运用布迪厄文化资本、惯习和场域的理论,在对英国6所不同中等学校的373名学生进行问卷调查的基础上,选取49名学生及相关人员进行深入访谈,对影响英国高等教育机会与选择的因素以及不同社会群体家庭学生拥有的不同高等教育机会、不同的学生又是如何对此作出选择进行分析,目的是考察英国高校招生考试制度的公平性。本论文包括绪论在内共分8个部分。绪论部分对研究的缘起与意义、前人的研究与成果、研究思路与方法进行了阐述,并对研究的问题进行了明确的界定。第一、二章分别对英国高等教育制度和高校招生考试历史传统进行了考察,目的是寻求现行英国高校招生考试制度的“制度记忆”和“历史记忆”。第三章是对现行英国高校招生考试制度及其实践的研究,目的是从宏观的角度把英国高校招生考试制度进行审视,以便对其有一个整体、全面的认识。第四章是对英国高校招生考试制度改革的研究,从宏观上分析了英国高校招生考试制度的改革历程、改革焦点和改革动向,以及如何通过改革建立起公平的高校招生考试制度。第五章是英国高等院校招生录取制度的个案分析,选取不同类型的高校作为个案对英国高校招生录取制度进行深入剖析。第六章是英国高校招生考试制度公平性的分析。运用法国社会学家和教育家布迪厄的文化资本、惯习和场域的理论,结合对不同中等学校学生的问卷调查和访谈,对影响高等教育机会与选择的因素以及来自不同社会群体家庭学生如何选择是否接受高等教育及接受何种高等教育进行了分析。第七章是中英高校招生考试制度的比较及本论文的研究结论。从中英两国高校招生考试制度中的管理与运行、考试与认证、机构与功能、评价与录取和费用与资助5个方面进行比较,总结了英国高校招生考试制度的特色、问题,并指出了今后的发展趋势。在此基础上提出改革我国高考制度的5项建议:①建立统一考试与多元考试相结合的考试体系;②建立必考科目与选考科目相结合的考试科目体系;③建立高考总分与综合考评相结合的录取选拔体系;④建立高校招生考试公共服务体系;⑤建立公平的高等教育入学制度。

【Abstract】 The UK has a long history of educational examinations and admissions system with its own characteristics, which has had great influences on those of other countries. With a long period of the development and evolution, the British examinations and admissions system to higher education has formed its own outstanding characteristics, which has tremendous influences on that of many other places all over the world. Until today, a lot of universities in the world accept the results of A-level examinations held by main examinations bodies of the UK as admission requirements. In some countries and territories, their examinations and admissions System to Higher Education is the same as that of the UK. We may wonder what the system is like, why it works this way, what about its equality, and what experience and lesson China can learn from when it tries to reform its examinations and admissions System to Higher Education. With the questions in mind, the author carries out a deep and systematical research about it.The dissertation focuses on two issues——level 3 examinations (qualifications) in theNational Qualifications Framework and admissions system to higher education, investigating examinations and admissions system to higher education in the UK longitudinally and latitudinally, in both macro and micro way, using the following research methods: documentation method, field research, questionnaire method, interview method, case studies and comparative method. Firstly, the research exploits the origin, development and reform of the system in the macro way, and moves further to analyze it through case studies in the micro way. Secondly, it traces the origin of the system chronologically in the longitudinal way, probing into its function as ’a regulating device’ between stakeholders in the British society, and the influences which politics, economics, culture, tradition and religion have had on it in the evolution process. Latitudinally, the author summarizes the reform, characteristics, problems and trends of the system from different angles and provides enlightenment for the reform of examinations and admissions system to higher education in China. On the base of Bourdieu’s theory of cultural capital, habitus and field, as well as the questionnaire to 373 students from 6 different secondary schools and interviews of 49 students and relative persons, the author attempts to find out the factors influencing HE opportunities and choices of the students, how those from different social groups have different HE opportunities and how they choose among them, in order to draw attention to the equality of examinations and admissions system to higher education in the UK.The dissertation consists of 8 parts, including introduction. The introductory part covers context and significance of the research; review and comments on previous research; framework and methods of the research; research thesis and its definition. Chapter one and chapter two have an appreciation of British education system and historical context of examinations and admissions system to higher education in the UK, which provide "system memory" and "historical memory" respectively for further study. Chapter three examines the current examinations and admissions system to HE in the UK and its practice in macro way, in order to get the holistic idea of it as a whole. Chapter four explores the reform of the system in macro way, with the emphases on history, focuses and trends of the reform, through which fair admissions system to HE can be established. Chapter five carries out case studies, selecting different HE institutions as cases to analyze British universities and colleges admissions system. Chapter six moves on to focus on equality analysis of British examinations and admissions system to HE, using Bourdieu’s theory of cultural capital, habitus and field, as well as survey-questionnaire and interview to analyze the factors influencing HE opportunities and choices of the students, how those from different social groups decide whether they go into the HE, who goes where, and who does what in higher education. Chapter seven compares British examinations and admissions system to HE with that of China, in administration and mechanism, examinations and awards, institutions and their functions, assessment and selection, tuition fees and support, which summarizes characteristics, problems and development trends of british examinations and admissions system to HE, offering five references and suggestions for the related reform in China:①Establishment of an examinations system with unified national examinations and multi-examinations;②Establishment of examination subjects framework consisting of compulsory subjects and selective subjects;③Establishment of the selective system by assessing applicants through both total scores of examinations and a holistic Assessment;④Establishment of the public Services system of examinations and admissions to HE;⑤Establishment of a fair admissions system to HE.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】G649.561
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1949

