

Reconstructing and Changing: A Research on Cities Development of Yunnan in Modern Times (1856-1945)

【作者】 李艳林

【导师】 戴一峰;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 近代云南城市发展经历了曲折的变迁过程,本文力图借助交通演变来分析云南这一历程。云南交通最大的特点是陆路运输起主导作用,主要城市分布于陆路交通网络的重要节点之上。城市分布受自然条件影响,基本分布于地势相对低平的坝区。加上社会政治与经济等因素的影响,最终构建了早期云南城市格局。1856年的回民起义打破了这一格局,云南原有城市体系遭到破坏且暂时难以恢复。与此同时,西方势力渗入云南,逐渐对云南城市经济等各个方面产生影响,云南城市开始了近代演变过程。通过全文分析,可发现外部推力对云南影响较大,云南城市发展内生动力不足。文章分六个部分进行论述。首先,对城市产生与发展的自然环境做简要说明,进而论述云南经济区域划分,并对早期不同区域的开发情况及城市的形成、发展情况作了简单追溯。其次,分析了回族起义对云南城市的影响。有正负两面,一方面,在回族起义期间,大理政权的中心滇西得到一定程度的发展。另一方面,战争对城市的破坏严重。起义结束后云南城市体系遭到破坏,多数城市都趋于衰落。第三,论述了西方势力在云南城市体系遭到破坏后侵入云南及其对云南城市造成的影响。这一时期,云南开埠通商,英法势力通过控制商道在云南展开竞争。在双方势力的拉锯过程中,云南城市开始其转变。第四,论述滇越铁路通车对云南城市的影响。铁路通车对昆明影响最大,昆明因此成为全省的经济中心。云南其它城市或多或少的受到交通变化的影响,也开始了城市变迁的历程。第五,论述抗战时期省会内迁导致人口、工厂、教育机构等迁入云南各大城市,这给云南城市发展带来了新的契机,云南城市出现了短暂繁荣。第六,探讨云南城市发展特点及存在的困难。从自然环境、交通网络,社会政治与经济等因素入手。几方面因素交互影响,型塑了云南城市发展的若干基本特征,也造成了云南城市发展的困境。

【Abstract】 Yunnan owns a special nature environment which influenced the cities in different ways. This thesis tried to analyze Yunnan cities by the help of transportation network because the transportation of Yunnan is rather special. In Yunnan only the landway can be used as carrying route and cities were seated at the important points of routes. It appears that a large numbers of cities concentrate in the middle part of Yunnan which serried many large basins in early times. Yunnan cities kept such developing pattern for a long time till 1856 in which Muslim Revolution of Du wenxiu taken place. The war destroyed almost all cities of Yunnan. After the revolution, Yunnan cities could not back to their former prosperity, which means the city structure was destroyed. At the same time Western countries invade Yunnan, whose influence gradually spread from south east to the middle. A large number of cities changed with it, so that city system of Yunnan was reconstructed. In the end such conclusion can be got that the outside forces infect Yunnan greatly. This thesis includes six parts.First, describe the nature environment of Yunnan and cut Yunnan into different economic regions at which distributed all cities of Yunnan. When, introduce the region explore and cities development of Yunnan.Second, analyze the influence of Muslim Revolution. In one side some cities raised under the rules of Dali Regime, in another side the war destroyed the city system. Many cities fell after the Muslim Revolution.Third, analyze western influence in Yunnan. The trade roads were changed and the city system was reconstructed at the process of competition between France and England.Fourth, analyze the influence of Dianyue railway to Yunnan cities, especially to Kunming. When the railway was built, Kunming turned into economic center of Yunnan.Fifth, describe the influence of capital relocation to Yunnan cities which give Yunnan a developing opportunity. The cities of Yunnan showed their Prosperity.Sixth, analyze the developing peculiarity and predicament of Yunnan cities form nature, transportation, social, politic and economic aspect.

【关键词】 云南城市发展近代
【Key words】 YunnanCity DevelopmentModern Times
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K297
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1093

