

On the Development of Chinese Freshwater Fish Culture Technology in the 20th Century

【作者】 蒋高中

【导师】 曹幸穗; 惠富平;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 我国淡水养殖历史悠久,根据殷墟出土的甲骨卜辞,证明我国早在殷商末年就开始养殖鱼类。至秦汉时期,我国已有淡水养殖专书面世,淡水鱼的养殖已从小型水体的池塘发展到大型水体的湖泊。隋唐时期,我国淡水养殖鱼的种类增加,除养殖鲤鱼外,传统“四大家鱼”——“草、青、鲢、鳙”均在这一时期出现。宋元明清时期,我国淡水养殖技术进一步发展,为我国近现代淡水养殖业的发展奠定坚实基础。1904年,愤于“中国渔政久失,士大夫不知海权”的近代资本家张謇,力举商部组织渔业公司,拉开我国近现代海洋捕捞和淡水养殖业发展的帷幕。不过,由于解放前长期的军阀混战、国内战争频繁以及日本帝国主义的侵略,严重影响我国近代淡水养殖事业及其养殖技术的发展,致使我国淡水养殖技术在20世纪的上半叶基本上仍主要承袭传统养殖技术而没有大的变化。解放初期,由于广大科技人员和人民群众的积极性被极大地调动起来,使得我国淡水养殖技术获得空前发展,首先是“四大家鱼”人工繁殖技术的突破,改变了我国几千年来完全依靠捕捞天然鱼苗发展渔业的被动局面;其次是在鱼苗培育上,正确采取“肥水下塘、适当稀养、施肥和投饵相配合”使我国鱼苗培育技术水平不断提高;在池塘养鱼方面总结出“水、种、饵、混、密、轮、防、管”“八字精养法”;在湖泊、水库、河道养殖以及人工饵料及鱼病防治技术等方面也获得相应进步。文革时期,由于文化大革命的干扰破坏,我国渔业管理机构及部分科研机构被撤,淡水养殖生产出现一定程度下降,但城郊渔业仍有一定发展,养殖技术亦在不少方面取得可喜进步,如在人工繁殖与育种方面,当时对河鳗、柏氏鲤、黄尾密鲴、长江鲟、中华鲟等进行卓有成效的人工繁殖研究;同时用兴国红鲤与苏联镜鲤杂交,获得生长良好的“红镜鲤”;用莫桑比克罗非鱼与尼罗罗非鱼杂交,获得深受群众欢迎的“福寿鱼”;用兴国红鲤与散鳞镜鲤、荷包红鲤与元江鲤、荷包红鲤与湘江野鲤杂交,分别培育出“丰鲤”、“荷元鲤”、“芙蓉鲤”、“岳鲤”等新品种;用青灰色鲤鱼、红鲤和荷包红鲤为材料,将其囊胚期的细胞核注入到鲫鱼卵去核的细胞质中,结果获得正常生活的鲤、鲫杂交鱼,克服了在远缘鱼类有性杂交所难以逾越的困难。此外,还进行鱼类多倍体育种的探索性实验,获得了能发育的2倍体红鲤和3倍体团头鲂。在池塘养殖技术方面,当时大力推进鱼池小塘改大塘、浅塘改深塘、塌塘改好塘、死水塘改活水塘,极大地提高池鱼产量;在湖泊、水库等大水面养殖方面亦逐步从粗放、粗养、粗管向着半精养、精养方向发展。在人工饵料方面,重点进行代用饲料研究;在渔业机械方面,这时期有了一项重要突破,发明增氧机,这对控制池鱼浮头和防止泛池有明显效果,为其后池塘高产稳产养殖提供重要保障。改革开放后,我国渔业经济经历了一场极为深刻、极其广泛的巨大变革。水产品市场全面放开,群众养鱼积极性被极大地调动起来,我国多年徘徊的淡水渔业生产局面被一举打破,渔业走上快速发展的轨道。这一时期我国的鱼苗培育除大力推广了湖汉、库湾、塘堰种植稗草饲养鱼种,网箱、网拦以及草浆培育鱼种等新技术外,还研究了用螺旋鱼腥藻培育白鲢鱼种,用敌百虫控制鱼苗下塘时适口浮游动物群落结构和种群数量,用工厂化方法培育鱼种等,通过不同放养密度、不同放养规格和不同放养时间,采用成鱼养殖生产中使用的增氧、换水等办法,使常规鱼种产量得到很大程度提高。在人工繁殖和育种技术上,主要对大鲵(娃娃鱼)、香鱼、鲥鱼、梭鱼、长吻鮠、花鱼骨、鲻鱼、革胡子鲶、黄鳍鲷、粗糙沼虾、大口黑鲈、淡水白鲳、淡水青虾、淡水龙虾、鳖、麦瑞加拉鲮鱼等进行人工繁殖研究。还利用翘嘴鳜鱼与大眼鳜鱼、鲮鱼(♀)与湘鲮(♂)、东北银鲫(♀)与日本白鲫(♂)进行杂交试验,并通过杂交选育出具双隐性重组的红镜鲤,具有鲜明特征的建鲤和湘鲫。同时利用雌核发育技术建立优良家养鲢鱼品系,选育出生长速度快的尼罗罗非鱼、雌核发育三倍体鲤鱼。同时,还在莫桑比克非鲫中获得一批染色体为YY型的“超雄”鱼;取得高等生物生长激素基因转移至泥鳅的成功试验。在种质鉴定与保种技术方面,补充完善了青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙、团头鲂、鲮等鱼种的鉴定参数,建立了适用于鱼类特点且实用的生化和分子生物学种质鉴定及遗传多样性研究技术;同时还建立了不同水系中华绒鳌蟹的判别技术,初步确定了青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙、团头鲂、鲮鱼自然群体和人工繁殖群体间的分子水平平均遗传变异度指标等。在养殖技术方面,无论在池塘还是湖泊、水库、河道等养殖中,均大力推广配合饲料的使用,发展综合养鱼和生态养鱼技术,使各种不同水体养殖产量得到很大提高。与此同时,科技工作者还对大中型湖泊普遍进行了渔业自然资源调查和区划研究,积极开展人工放养与移植驯化工作,大力发展围拦养殖系统工程和湖泊规模化养殖技术,发展了冷流水、温流水、河道与水库流水、工厂流水、人工机械化流水和组装式生物系统工程循环流水养鱼等流水高密度养鱼技术等。在人工饵料方面,基本查清主要水产动物所需饵料的营养成分及其营养需要量,同时对青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙、鲤等20余种淡水鱼、虾的脂肪酸组成进行系统研究;对银鱼、中华鳖等数种主要淡水名优产品的氨基酸、脂肪酸和无机盐进行分析,制定了鲤、草鱼、尼罗罗非鱼等主要养殖鱼类的营养标准和饲料配方。在鱼病防治技术方面,除对寄生虫鱼病防治进行深入研究外,还对细菌性鱼病、病毒性鱼病以及霉菌病、藻类引起的鱼病等进行大量卓有成效的研究,对控制淡水鱼病和促进我国淡水渔业的发展起到重大保障作用。在养殖机械方面,这一时期的增氧机品种已发展到叶轮式、水车式、射流式、喷水式、充气式、涡流式等多种型式。渔用颗粒饲料机械得到发展,同时还研制成功自动投饲机、溶氧测定仪、电加温器、活鱼运输装置、水质净化机等机械设备。总结我国20世纪淡水养殖技术的发展与变迁,我们不难看出,淡水养殖技术的快速发展不仅是我国淡水渔业发展的重要保障,同时还受到国家政治、发展方针政策以及科学和教育发展的影响。20世纪我国淡水养殖在取得很大成绩的同时,也存在着一些不容忽视的问题,如名优品种繁殖育种研究薄弱问题,病害防治仍存在严重隐患以及养殖环境研究不足等问题。要彻底扫除上述我国淡水渔业发展的障碍,实现21世纪我国渔业可持续发展,当务之急是必须加快我国淡水渔业新科技革命的发展,尤其是加强分子生物技术、基因技术、病害防治技术、饲料技术等基础性研究,积极引进国外先进渔业科学技术,加强政府对渔业科技的宏观管理和增加资金投入,加强渔业科技推广力度,大力发展水产教育等。只有这样,才能使我国淡水养殖技术与养殖业在更高水平上持久地发展,为我国农业的全面振兴作出更大的贡献。

【Abstract】 China has a long history in freshwater fish culture. The oracle bone inscriptions excavated from Yin ruins prove that the fish culture of China appeared as far back as at the end of the Shang or Yin Dynasty. In Qing and Han Dynasties Period, Chinese freshwater culture developed from small ponds to large lakes. In Sui and Tang Dynasties Period, the four domestic fishes, i.e., grass carp, black carp, silver carp, and bighead carp, were raised besides common carp. In Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties Period, the breeding techniques of four domestic fishes were developed more and more mature, and these laid a foundation for the freshwater fish culture for modern and contemporary China.Zhang Jian, a capitalist in modern times China, while angry with "China has lost its fishery administration for a longtime and many a scholar-bureaucrat even does not know marine power", suggested resolutely to the Business Department that fishery companies should be established. It was served as a prelude to marine fishing industry and freshwater aquaculture industry of modern and contemporary China. But the tangled conflicts and wars among various warlords and the anti-Japanese war before liberation greatly restricted the development of modern China’s freshwater aquaculture and its technology. It resulted in Chinese freshwater fishery technology fundamentally having copied the traditional aquaculture technology in the first half of the 20th century, without many changes.After liberation the area of freshwater culture become more and more wide and the output increased gradually. Firstly, the artificial propagation technology of the four domestic fishes gained a great breakthrough, and changed the passive situation of development of fishery on the foundation of collecting natural fry. Secondly, in fish seed culture, the policy of "application of fry began when water was fertilized; and conducted in a scattered and sparse way with combination of manure and diet application" was adopted, in order to continuously upgrade the technical level of fish seed culture in China. For pond aquaculture, the intensive aquaculture methodology was summarized as eight Chinese characters, i. e., water, fingerling, diet, polyculture, high density, rotation, prevention and management. Moreover, aquaculture in lakes, reservoirs and rivers as well as the technology of producing artificial diets and fish disease prevention and treatment achieved considerate successes.The interference and destroy made by Cultural Revolution cancelled the Chinese administrative organizations and some research institutions for fisheries. This caused decrease of the freshwater culture production. But the freshwater fishery in city suburbs still developed considerably, and the culture technology also gained some delectable development, which was mainly reflected in artificial propagation and breeding technology. For example, at that time effective results were gained in artificial propagation research of river eel, barbless carp, Xenocypris davidi Bleeker, Yangtse Sturgeon and China Sturgeon. At the same time, the red mirror common carp growing well was obtained from interspecific hybridization between Xingguo red carp and Russian mirror carp. The Fushou fish deeply welcomed was obtained from interspecific hybridization between Tilapia Mozambican and Tilapia nilotica. The hybrid carp was obtained by hybridization between Xingguo red carp and scattered mirror carp. The Heyuan carp was obtained by hybridization between Hebao red carp and Yuankiang carp. The Furong carp was obtained by hybridization between scattered mirror carp and Xingguo Hebao red carp. The Yue carp was obtained by hybridization between Hebao red carp and xiangjiang common carp. And the normal carp cross bred with crucian was obtained through injecting embryo cell nuclear of black carp, red carp and Hebao red carp into crucian’s cytoplasm without nuclear. It conquered the difficulty of distant sexual hybridization. Besides, exploratory tests on fish polyploidy breeding were done, and the diploid red carp and triploid blunt-snout bream with growing ability were obtained. The culture technology was developed. For instance: the fishponds were changed from small to large, from shallow to deep, from collapsed to well and from stagnant water to flowing water; the fish species become more and more; the extensive feeding in large water surface of lake and reservoir developed gradually to intensive or semi-intensive culture; cage culture was operated in lake and reservoir. At that time, on diet research turning up the substitute and tapping diet resources widely were the emphases because that the foodstuff was absent. On the aspect of machinery in this times, oxygen increasing machine was invented. This was a important technology development, and it was effective in controlling the floating head of pondiish and in avoiding the absent oxygen. So it becomes the indispensable fishery machinery for high and stable yield of pond fish culture.After reform and opening, an abroad and profound revolution was happened in fishery economy in China. Aquatic product market was let loose completely. People’s enthusiasm at fish farming was triggered. The wavering of China’s freshwater culture was broken down and was geared to high speed development. During this period many new techniques were generalized in fingerling culture. For example: amyard-grass was planting widely at lake branch, reservoir bay and pond to feed fingerling; cultivate fish fry with net-cage and pen culture or with straw pulp. Besides, cultivating silver carp fingerling with spiral anabaena; controlling the population size and the community structure of dainty zooplankton at stocking fish fry with dipterex; cultivating fingerlings through industrialized production; increasing the production of normal fish fry greatly through controlling the stocking density, specs and time, increasing oxygen, and exchanging water adopted in adult fish culture. At the aspects of artificial propagation and breeding techniques in that time, the emphasis was put on giant salamander, sweet fish, reeves shad, mullet, long-snout catfish, hemibarbus maculates Bleeker, grey mullet, clarias lazera, yellow fin black porgy, Macrobrachium asperulum, large mouth black bass, fresh water orbfish, freshwater black shrimp, freshwater lobster, turtle, and cirrhina mrigala and so on. Otherwise did hybrid test with Siniperca chuatsi and Siniperca Kneri, with mud carp(♀) and xiang mud carp(♂),with Amur silver crucian carp(♀) and Japanese crucian carp(♂).As a result recomposed double recessive red mirror card, Jian card and Xiang crucian carp with clear characters were gained. And at the same time superior domestic silver carp strains were established. The Nile tilapia and artificial gynogenesis triploid carp with rapid growth were sought out. A batch of supermale fish (YY,♂) were obtained in O.mossambicus. And the text of transferring higher organism’s growth hormone to loach was successful. At the aspect of germplasm identification and protection technique, the parameter of evaluating black carp, grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp, blunt-snout bream and mud carp was perfect. And the technologies, which were germplasm identification with biochemistry and molecular biology and studies on the genetic diversity, were applied. Besides, Chinese mitten crab(Eriocheir sinensis) in different water system can be identified; The molecular level average genetic variation degree was determined preliminarily in natural population and artificial propagated population of black carp, grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp, blunt-snout bream and mud carp. About culture technology during this period, compound feeds developed promptly not only in pond but also in lake, reservoir and river. The fish species increased greatly, and the output of different water body was improved significantly through integrated fish culture and ecological fish culture. And at the same time investigation of fishery natural resource and study of administrative division were done widely in medium and large lakes. Artificial stocking, transplantation developed actively. The system engineering of fence culture and the technology of large-scale culture in lake were promoted energetically. The technology of flowing water fish culture with high density such as cold running water, warm running water, river and reservoir flowing water, factory running water, artificial mechanical running water and cyclic running water of assembly biological system was developed. As far as the artificial diet, nutritional component and its requirement dose of aquatic animal were checked out in this period. The fatty acid composition of 20 species of fresh water fish and shrimps was studied systematically. The amino acid, fatty acid and inorganic salt of several freshwater quality products such as whitebait, Chinese soft-shelled turtle were analyzed. The nutrition standard and feed formula of common carp, grass carp and Nile tilapia were made. At the aspect of controlling fish disease in this period not only studied parasitic diseases deeply but also researched other diseases aroused by bacterium, virus, mildew and alga effectively. All of these played an important guarantee role in controlling the freshwater fish disease and in promoting the freshwater fishery. About the culture machinery during this times the mode of dissolved oxygen machine was various, e. g. impeller-type, waterwheel type, jet type, spray type, tube type, pneumonia type, eddy current type, and so on. The aquatic animal fodder pellet mill achieved a further development. In addition, many other types of equipment were developed successfully, for example: automatic feeding machine, dissolved, electric warmer, live fish transport device, and water purifying machine.Based on summary of the development and changes of fresh water culture in 20th in China, we find that the rapid development of fresh water culture technology was the important guarantee for China’s freshwater fishery. We also find that the development and changes were affected by state politics, development policy, other natural sciences and education development degree. Although we got great achievement in fresh water culture in 20th,there were some noticeable problems, for example: unbalanced development in different discipline, place and times, weak studies in famous and excellent species propagating, hidden danger in disease and pest control, inadequate research of culture environment, and so on. To achieve the continuous development of fresh water fishery in 21st century in China we must clear away the above obstacles. The urgent affairs is the following aspects: to set up a new development mechanism of fishery sci-tech; to accelerate new scientific and technical revolution of China’s freshwater fishery; to improve the ability of science and technology of fishery, especially at the aspects of the following: basic research such as biotechnology, gene technology, control of diseases and insect, feedstuff technology; to import foreign advanced technology of fishery actively; to strengthen government’s macro management; to add funds; to popularize science and technology of fishery; to develop fisheries education energetically. Just so the fresh water culture technology and breeding industry can develop continually on higher level in order to make greater contributions for the comprehensive fishery development in China.


