

Relations between Huaihe River Floods and the Ecosystem as Well as Social Complication during Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 卢勇

【导师】 王思明;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 明清时期淮河流域水患频发,给人民生命财产带来巨大损失,也严重阻碍了当地社会经济的恢复和发展。本文主要从生态和社会变迁的视角去揭示造成明清时期淮河水患频发的深层原因,以及水患对当地生态和社会变迁的巨大影响,展现生态、社会与水患之间交错互动的恶性三角关系,从而架构起一个三者之间互动影响的完整研究体系,以揭示明清时期淮河水患长期延续和生态、社会持续恶化的真相,也为现今淮河水患治理提供全面、客观的历史借鉴。论文主体共分为六个部分。文章首先论述了淮河流域的自然形势和历史变迁,展示了明清淮河流域水患发生的背景。接着以时间先后为序,对明清两代淮域水患的发生情况、影响进行了简要历史回顾并区分种类,即雨涝、河湖决溢、坝水之灾和潮灾。列举了明万历二十一年水患和清雍正八年水患的典型案例,在此基础上,总结论述了本时期淮河水灾时间长、频次高、地域广、灾情重和多灾并发的特点。其次,论文从生态变迁视角考察水患成因及其影响。明清时期,黄淮合流,淮河水患的最根本原因在于泥沙淤塞河床致汛期泄水不畅所致。因此,本章着重探寻明清时期黄河中游和淮河流域生态环境变化情况,从植被破坏、湖泊消亡两个大的方面分析生态变迁给淮域带来的严重后果,对本时期淮河流域的气候变迁也作了一定程度的剖析,并从理论的角度揭示了森林和湖泊之于淮河的重要作用。本时期淮河流域生态环境的变迁深刻地影响着淮河水患,但频发的水患也反过来对当地生态环境产生了巨大影响,主要体现在湖泊变迁(尤其是洪泽湖的横空出世、射阳湖的消亡)、河流改道和土壤的沙化、盐碱化以及由此引发的种植制度的嬗变中。淮河所挟的巨量泥沙入海,还造成苏北海岸剧烈变迁,海岸线迅速向海推移,河口延伸又变相的拉长了淮河下游河道,造成汛期洪水下泄缓慢,加剧了中下游地区的水患发生。再次,论文从社会视角考察了水患的成因及其影响。社会因素也是本时期淮河水患频仍的一个重要原因。本章着重研究明清时期人口压力下毁林开荒、围湖垦田对水患的影响;以及豪强刁民强占河滩地、以邻为壑擅自启闭水闸和漕运因素造成水灾灾情的复杂化和严重化。此外,本时期防止明祖陵被淹、治水中盲目崇古的社会思潮以及战争破坏等政治因素对淮河水灾的发生也有着巨大的影响,它们的综合叠加、交错作用造成了淮河水患的频繁发生。水患的社会影响首先在物质层面,第一,水患导致了淮河流域人口的缺损,主要表现在两个方面:一是水灾造成的直接人口损失;二是因水灾而起的瘟疫、劳役等引起的间接人口缺失,损失巨大,触目惊心。第二,水患在农业生产领域还导致耕地淹废,土质恶化,这些又最终导致了耕作制度的嬗变,由高产的稻作农业变为一年一熟的低产旱作生产方式。水灾的频繁发生还冲决河道,淤塞河床导致当地兴盛的水运交通走向衰落。其次,在社会意识层面,水患深刻地影响了人们的生活方式和行为习惯,淮域居民从唐宋时期的安土重迁、乐观向上的积极性格变成为安贫保守、逃荒喜迁、尚武好斗的消极民风。以上这些社会承载力的下降又放大和加剧了水患灾情。第四部分论述明清治淮思想与实践。明清时期淮河治理关乎国计民生,广受关注,治淮思想百花齐放,异彩纷呈。本章着重研究探寻了明清两代的重要治淮思想和实践,尤其对潘季驯和靳辅、陈潢等治水大家的“蓄清刷黄”、“束水攻沙”作了比较详细的分析。对本时期影响重大的分水治淮说,以及丁显、张謇等人的“导淮说”等等分别从历史的角度分析其功过得失并探究它们对今日治淮的借鉴意义。在此基础上论文从社会设置的角度分析了明清两代政府在水灾防治方面的努力和局限性。第七章从防灾减灾的角度探究了明清时期淮域水患防治的灾前预防和灾后的救济与赈灾,本时期,两代政府和民间组织采取了形式多样的救济赈灾手段,收到了较好的效果,起到了不可忽视的作用,但局限性也很明显。第八章着重分析了明清时期的淮河河防管理体系及人员设置、权限与内部关系以及运作模式。在此基础上,两章对社会设置中的流弊也作了较为深入的揭露,认为明清淮河水灾的频发不惟天灾,亦是人祸。最后,论文总结全文,首先从宏观的角度透析明清时期淮河水患与生态、社会之间交错互动的三角关系,它们环环相扣、彼此相因,致使水患长期延续,流毒至今。基于此,本章分析了当代淮河水患频发的原因所在,并从历史视野提出了加强工程治理、架构和谐人河关系以及施行“河湖分离”策略等三点合理化治淮方略,以期古为今用,为今日淮河治理和可持续发展提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 During Ming and Qing dynasties, the Huai River floods occurred in high frequency, which took disastrous to life and property of indigene, sluggished the economy’s comeback and development. With the variance of the ecosystem and society as a stsrting point, this dissertation devotes to open out the deep-seated reason of the floods in Huai River drainage area, and the huge reaction of flood to local ecosystem and society, represent the interlaced malignant triangle of the floods and ecosystem as well as society, want to put up a integrated reserch system, which can explain the fact of the extended floods and the sustaining exasperate entiroment and society during Ming and Qing dynasties, and can provide comprehensive and external historical use for reference to prevent floods on Huai River drainage area. The present paper divides into six chapters .At first, dissertation describes the ecological enteriment and historical variance, bring on the background of Huai River floods during Ming and Qing dynasties, then, with the time sequence, thesis reviews the situation and influence of floods, and distinguishs the floods’ kind, included heavy rain、the rivers and lakes overflowing their banks or because of banks collapsing towards the river、the floods come out of canal and tide disaster. This chapter also enumerates typical example: the flood in the Year of Wan Li 21, Ming dynasty and the flood in the Year of Yong Zheng 8, Qing dynasty. Based on these, this chapter summarize the characteristic of Huai River floods that were long time、high frequency、far-reaching area and several disaster occuring in the same time.Then, the dissertation analysis the ecological reason of Huai River floods during Ming and Qing dynasties. In this period, the Huang River and Huai River flowing together, so the ultimate reason of Huai River’s floods is the bedload which foul the riverbed bring on the water flowing slowness in flood season. Accordingly, this chapter emphasize on mouse out the variance of ecological entiroment in the middle reaches of Huang River and the lower reaches of Huai River, from the two aspects: vegetation destroied and the lake die out to analyses the serious result of the variance of ecological entiroment, this chapter also analyses the variance of climate in that period at a certain extent, and with the theorical view to open out the important function of forest and lake in Huai River drainage area. During this period, the variance of ecological entiroment influenced the floods intensively, but on the other hand, the frequent floods also bring very great effect to the entriment, which embodied mostly in the variance of lakes(especially in the apperance of Hongze Lake and the disappearance of Sheyang Lake )and the river change its route, With the desert and salina of local farmland, the cultivation system changed. Because of huge bedload be eroded to the sea by Huai River, the sealine of north Jiangsu province varied intensively, the sealine advanced quickly to the sea, with the bayou extending, the riverway be drew out in disguised form,which caused the water flowing slowly, therefore ,the floods occurred more frequently.Thirdly,with the social visual angle on the cause of Huai River floods during Ming and Qing dynasties. The social factor were also important reasons of Huai River floods occuring frequently in this period. This chapter’s research emphasizes on the influence of deforested-land reclamation and inning around the lakes to floods by population pressure; and the factors of accroaching the bottomland by local tyrant、making bold to switch the water gate to harm the neighbor and water transport which made the situation of a disaster complication and badly. Furthermore, the Ming-mausoleum of Ming dynasty、the ethos of adoring the ancients eyelessly in water-controling and warfare all these impact on the Huai River floods, which splicing and reciprocity also resulted in floods occuring frequently. On the one hand, in the substance lay, firstly, the floods often resulted in the loss of local population, showed on two aspects:the one is direct death of floods; the two is losses of indirect loss of murrain and penal servitude and so on caused by floods, the number of population’s loss is very huge, shocking by the sight. Second, flood also caused the reduction of the local arable land and terrene deterioration in the domain of agricultral production, which caused the cultivation system changed, from the high yield rice farming to the low yield dry farming of gain one time every year. The frequent floods bursted the waterway, the bedload fouled the riverbed bring on the water carriage traffic fallen which were very prosperous before this period. On the another hand, in the social consciousness, the flood strong impacted on the life style and consuetude of local people,from the live and work in peace and optimistic positive character to passive folkway of conservative and liking to flee from their homeland and pugnacious. With the descending of social carrying capacity,the the situation of floods often be ampliciated and more serious.Chapter four,the thoughts and practice of water-control on Huai River. In Ming and Qing dynasties, the thoughts of water-control on Huai River were very luxuriant as several hundreds flowers blooming. This chapter research emphasizes on the important thoughts and practice of water-control on Huai River, especially analysed the "hoarding huge water to help the Huang River washing out its bedload"、"harness the river to attack sand with water" detailedly. Based the historical angle of view this chapter also analyses the achiement and losing of the dividing river to control water and "dredged up the old watercourse to congtrol flood " of DingXian、ZhangJian and so on, and researches into the significance of Huai River’s water-control nowdays.Chapter five, the dissertation based the social institution’ view to devote to the goverment’s function of water prevention and control in that time and its demerit. Chapter seven devoted to the flood prevention and almsgiving or relievement after the disaster in the drainage area; Chapter eight emphasizes on management and operation of preventionsystem in and Huai River and its personnel setting, purview, interior relations and operational patterns. Based on these, two chapter also prick the bubble of the social institution, reappear the historical fact of the manage system in that time. This offers some insight into the phenomenon that the floods’ reason is not only the visitation of Providence, but also the factors of human.Finally, the part is epilogue: the clairvoyance of Huai River flood and ecosystem as well as social complication. At first ,this chapter summarizes the whole thesis, expatiates the interlaced malignant triangle of the floods and ecosystem as well as society, which interactional each other cause the floods continued to these days. Therefore, this chapter analyses the reason of frequent floods of Huai River, and with the histroical view, bring forward three rationalizational strategy of Huai River controlling, includes strengthen the engineering treatment, structure the harmonious relation between the human and river and put the "lake and river separated"in force, hope to make the past serve the present, to provide reference to the Huai River controlling and its sustainable development.

【关键词】 明清淮河水患生态社会
【Key words】 Ming and Qing DynastiesHuai River floodsecosystemsociety

