

Study on Theory and Practice of Modern Rural Economic Cooperation (1918-1937)

【作者】 张士杰

【导师】 王思明;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 合作是指人类在各种社会活动中的互助协作行为,它是人类生存的本能。合作社是劳动者为改变生产条件和生活条件,谋求和维护自身经济利益,通过资金、劳力、技术或生产资料入股的方式而自愿联合建立起来的经济组织。合作思想萌芽于欧洲的空想社会主义,合作运动起源于英国1844年由曼彻斯特附近的罗虚代尔镇的28名纺织工人自愿组成的“罗虚代尔公平先锋社”,在这以后合作社逐渐在世界各国纷纷建立起来,形成一股汹涌的社会经济潮流。中国的合作社事业也有悠久的历史。1918年,北京大学消费公社首开中国近代合作运动的先河;1919年,有“中国合作主义之父”称号的薛仙舟先生在上海创办平民周刊社,为合作运动摇旗呐喊;1923年,河北香河县第一信用合作社引发了中国农村合作运动,此后,国共两党从各自的意识形态出发,分别在自己的控制区推行农村合作运动,形成了各具特色的农村合作经济制度。合作运动作为五四时期从西方引入的一种新颖的社会经济运动需要合作经济理论的指导,同时需要对实践进行总结。探索中国合作经济,特别是农村合作经济理论的产生和发展的历史,具有十分重要的理论意义和实践价值。长期以来,学术界对五四时期各种社会改良思潮的研究可谓是丰富多彩,惟独合作经济思潮的系统性研究却比较少。本论文从经济思想史的角度,系统阐述了作为国民政府推行农村合作经济理论的来源之一—西方合作经济思想传入中国的历史轨迹;同时,从经济史的角度研究考察了近代农村合作经济的发展历史。本研究以指导国统区农村合作经济的理论——三民主义合作经济思想的产生、发展和实践以及此种理论与实践的相互关系的矛盾运动为逻辑线索;以国统区农村合作经济发展的时间顺序为历史线索,多角度展开论述。以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导思想,具体研究方法:历史学和社会学相结合的方法,矛盾的分析方法,经济、政治和思想相统一方法、历史与逻辑相统一的方法和实证研究的方法。论文的论述体系分为八大部分:导言部分:介绍了本选题的研究意义,研究现状和存在的问题,研究思路与研究方法,基本结构与研究重点和创新之处。第一章论述了中国合作运动的思想来源:中国传统的合作思想及形式、近代西方各种流派的合作思想。全面考察了西方合作思想在中国的传播过程以及合作思想传播者的仿效实践。提出了五四时期合作运动的特征:思想的主体性,意识形态的非资本主义化,合作实践地域的城市性和运动模式的自下而上。第二章论述了西方合作思想的中国化过程及实践,一些知识分子从近代中国的社会经济特征出发,引出对农村合作经济思想探索。由华洋义赈会发起的中国农村合作经济运动的兴起,宣告了西方特征的以城市平民为对象的合作主义运动模式的终结。第三章论述了合作思想中国化的初步转换而导致三民主义合作思想的产生,包括孙中山的民生主义合作思想、戴季陶的合作思想、以及被称为中国合作主义之父的薛仙舟的合作共和思想;进一步论述了三民主义合作思想的发展,包括蒋介石的农村合作化思想、陈果夫的政府主导农村合作经济思想、学者型官僚的农村合作经济思想、民间知识分子梁漱溟和晏阳初农村合作思想等。第四章从国民政府推行农村合作经济政策的社会经济背景、合作行政指导制度的建立、合作法规的制定、以及对农村合作经济的资金扶持几个方面论述合作社成为政府政策工具的过程。第五章论述了农村合作经济实践过程、内容及特点。从宏观角度考察了1927-1937年农村合作经济发辰的历史概况;从微观角度论述了农村合作社类型、合作社业务发展和绩效,农村合作社组织结构和组织方式,总结了农村合作经济发展的特点。第六章从理论到实践对近代农村合作经济作出评价,指出农村合作运动是一次社会经济现代化的有益尝试,但同时也存在一系列效率低下的问题,分析了产生效率低下问题的原因。最后结语部分提出了近代合作经济理论和实践给现实的启示。本研究认为,由于近代中国政治经济的特殊性,由于现实救亡主题的紧迫性,使得五四时期中国的先进分子们在向西方学习过程中,来不及对国民进行合作经济思想的启蒙,创造性的开辟了农村合作运动的经济救亡方向。一方面,为中国农村经济的救济和改造找到了一条道路。另一方面,也埋下了农村合作经济运动中农民主体性被异化的因子。本研究进一步认为,国民党领导人充分汲取了五四时期合作经济思想传播者们的研究成果,从现实政治需要出发,将西方合作思想与三民主义的理论相结合,把合作社变为实践民生主义的有效载体,从而,试图找到一条救济农村经济,进而建设农村,实现农村经济市场化,农业生产现代化,农民生活合理化的道路。然而,这条道路是出自政府的政治意志而非农民的自觉,声势浩大的农村合作经济运动在某种程度上被异化为强者牟利的工具,背弃了经典合作社的宗旨和原则,这是它留给我们的经验教训。

【Abstract】 Cooperation means human mutual co-ordinations in various social activities. It belongs to human appetence for their existence. Cooperation is the economic group which laborers voluntarily united to set up in order to change their conditions in production and life, and to buck for and maintain their economic interests through capital, work force, techniques or production material shares.Cooperation idea began to bud in the Utopia socialism of Europe. Cooperation movement came of "Rosedale Justice Pioneer Society of Britain" by 28 cotton spinners in Rosedale County, Manchester. From then on, cooperation gradually had been set up one country after another in the world and formed a billowy social economic tide.Cooperation cause in China has a long history too. In 1918, the Consumption community of Beijing University pioneered modern cooperation movements in China; In 1919, Mr. Xue Xianzhou titled "Farther of Chinese cooperationism" originated the House of Civilian Weekly in Shanghai and supported cooperation movements; In 1923, Chinese rural cooperation movements resulted from The No. 1 Credit Cooperation of Xianghe County, Hebei. From then on, Guomindang and Communist Party separately promoted rural cooperation movements in their own dominations from their respective ideology and developed different characteristics of rural cooperation economic system.Cooperation movements, as a novel social economic movement, had introduced from the Western world in the times of May 4. It needs economic theories about cooperation as to guide and conclude its practices. It possesses very important theoretical meanings and practical values in exploring Chinese cooperation economy, especially the evolutionary and developing theory history of rural cooperation economy. In the long run, the academia had made so called rich and colorful researches on various social meliorating thoughts in the times of May 4, but less and not systematically only on cooperation economic thoughts. This thesis illustrates systematically the historical tract that the western idea of cooperation economy, as one of the theories that the Guomin government promoted rural cooperation economy; was introduced in China from the history of economic thought and research the developing history of modern rural cooperation economy from the history of economy.The author threads this thesis by the theory of rural cooperation economy in the domination of Guomindang, which is the birth, development, practices, and their mutual relations of conflicting movements about Sanminism ideas of cooperation economy; and discusses it in many ways according to the time procedure of rural cooperation economy in the domination of Guomindang. This thesis selects bilateral materialism and historical materialism. And it contains many research ways such as, mixing history with sociology, contradiction analysis, mixing economy, politics and thought together, mixing history and logic together, and positive study.This thesis consists of eight parts: Introduction Part analyzes the meanings, study status, present problems, the study lines and ways, basic construction, keystones and innovations of this study.Chapter 1 discusses the source of Chinese cooperation movements: idea and styles of Chinese traditional cooperation, modern western cooperation ideas of main schools. It examines entirely diffusing process of western cooperation idea in China and imitating practice of infector of cooperation idea. It also concludes characters of cooperation movements during the May 4: idea subject, ideological non-capitalism, city nature of cooperation practice and movement from bottom to top style.Chapter 2 treats Chinese process and practice of western cooperation idea. Some intelligentsia tried to probe into idea of rural cooperation economy from the social economic nature of modern China. The rise of Chinese rural cooperation movements initiated by Huayang Yizhenhui declared the end of western cooperationism movement style which composed city civilians.Chapter 3 studies the birth of Sanminism ideas of cooperation resulting from the first transformation in Chinese cooperation idea, including cooperation idea from Sun Zhongshan’s Minshengism, Dai Jitao’s cooperation idea, and Xue Xianzhou’s cooperation republic idea titled "Father of Chinese cooperationism"; and further examines the development of Sanminism cooperation idea, including Jiang Jieshi’s rural corporatism idea, Chen Guofu’s idea of rural government-dominating cooperatism economy, scholar-bureaucratic rural cooperation economy, civil intellectuals such as Liang Shuyu and Yan Yangchu’s rural cooperation ideas, etc.Chapter 4 discusses the process of cooperation community as government policy tools from many facets. These are the social economic backgrounds that the Guomin government promoted economic policies of rural cooperation, building the system of cooperation administrative instruction, establishment of cooperation rules, and funding for rural cooperation economy.Chapter 5 analyzes practical process, content and traits of rural cooperation economy. It researches on historical general situation of rural cooperation economic development in 1927-1937 from the macro point of view; discourses types of rural cooperation community, its operations and performances, and its construction and organizing ways from the micro point of view, and concludes traits of rural cooperation economic development.Chapter 6 evaluates modern rural cooperation economy from theory to practice, and points out that rural cooperation movement is a good attempt to social economic modernization. But some problems, such as a series of poor efficiency also occur in this economy. This part analyzes causes for these problems.In the concluding part, the author puts forth some practical revelations from theories and practices of modern cooperation economy.This thesis tells us that Chinese earlier figures during the May 4 originated the new direction of rural economic development in order to save China from extinction in their learning from the western for many reasons, such as modern Chinese political and economic particularity, the current pressures in order to save the nation from extinction. For one reason, it found a new way for Chinese rural economic redress and change; for another reason, it also provides some genes for changing the main body-peasants in the movement of rural cooperation economy.This thesis concludes further that the leaders of Guomindang drew fully from the study fruits of idea infectors of cooperation economy in the times of May 4, and mixed western cooperation idea with theory of Sanminism from practical politics and made cooperation community as effective body for practicing Minshengism. They tried to find a way to redressing rural economy, construct countries and make rural economic marketizm, modernization in rural production and rationalization in peasants’ life. But it failed at last because this selection is perfectly government’s will, not peasants. In fact, the high and dynamic rural cooperation economic movement gradually became tools of the stronger to profit, and abandon tenets and rules of classical cooperation community. This is historical experience which leaves us to think twice and twice now.


