

Evaluation for the Sustainable Development of Regional Marine Economy

【作者】 徐同道

【导师】 叶依广;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 在我国海洋经济蓬勃发展的同时,也暴露出许多和经济发展不和谐的问题。在海洋经济发展过程中存在着缺乏系统的理论指导、没有科学规划、发展不协调、体制尚不够完善、产业结构性矛盾突出、生态环境恶化等问题,存在着海洋经济能否可持续发展、如何评价的问题等等。这些问题如果不能得到科学及时的解决都将严重影响到我国海洋经济可持续发展。在连云港市海洋经济发展过程中上述问题表现更为突出。研究解决上述问题以实现区域海洋经济可持续发展具有重要的意义。本研究主要是分析区域海洋经济可持续发展评价问题。论文根据区域海洋产业发展,社会发展,人口、海洋资源与环境,区域科技创新能力,政府综合管理等因素对区域海洋经济可持续发展的影响,提出一套区域海洋经济可持续发展评价指标体系和方法,并对连云港市海洋经济发展现状进行评价,据此提出连云港市海洋经济可持续发展的总体思路和路径选择,并提出政策建议。在对区域经济理论和可持续发展理论进行分析和总结的基础上,论文首先对区域海洋经济与区域经济的关系进行了探讨,得出区域海洋经济是区域经济的重要组成部分,这是由其资源的重要性所决定的,而区域经济是区域海洋经济发展的基础和支柱,这是由海洋开发的特点所决定的,因此海陆一体化开发是区域经济与区域海洋经济发展的必然,是区域经济发展的新模式。论文继而提出了区域海洋经济可持续发展内涵的三层含义:一是海洋经济的增长,这是可持续发展的必要条件和核心内容,应构建技术—开发—利用—保护体系以实现目标;二是海洋生态的可持续性,体现在经济发展应以保护自然为基础,不超越生态系统的更新能力,实现海洋生态的良性循环;三是社会的可持续性,发展以提高居民生活质量为宗旨,在当代人群间及代际间体现分配、消费、就业方面的公平性。这三层含义互为依托,密不可分,融合于沿海区域的海洋经济发展中,构成了区域海洋经济可持续发展的建设内容。在提出区域海洋经济可持续发展的内涵的情况下,本研究对区域海洋经济可持续发展的影响因素进行了分析。由于影响区域海洋经济可持续发展的因素众多,本部分运用已有的经济模型,利用生产函数的思想分别对影响区域海洋经济可持续发展的经济增长、社会发展(公平性问题)、人口因素、资源因素(包括可再生资源与不可再生资源)、环境因素、科技因素以及陆地产业等因素进行了探讨。实施海洋开发战略要遵循区域海洋经济可持续发展原则,这在理论上是被一致认同的,但究竟如何落实,社会实践过程中到底怎样进行操作,这些是至关重要而且亟待解决的问题。因此从可持续发展角度出发,在区域海洋经济可持续发展的内涵的基础上,结合区域海洋经济可持续发展的影响因素,构建系统评价指标体系,进而选取适当的数学方法建立评价海洋经济可持续发展能力,对促进区域海洋经济可持续发展有重要的实践和理论意义。本研究在提出区域海洋经济可持续发展评价指标体系的设计原则和思想的基础上,设计了区域海洋经济可持续发展评价的指标体系,包括五大子系统:区域经济与海洋产业发展子系统,社会发展子系统,人口、海洋资源与环境子系统,区域科技创新与海洋可持续能力子系统,政府综合管理子系统,并选择了AHP评价方法。本研究利用区域海洋经济可持续发展评价指标体系,对连云港市海洋经济可持续发展水平进行区域实证。研究结果显示,2002—2006年,连云港海洋经济可持续发展系统总体效果处于弱可持续与中度可持续之间,可持续发展整体态势呈波动性上升,海洋经济可持续发展潜力较大。2006年,连云港海洋经济可持续发展的等级为中度可持续发展,主要是由于社会发展子系统等级为中度可持续发展、人口、海洋资源与环境子系统等级为中度可持续发展、区域科技创新与海洋可持续发展能力子系统等级为弱可持续发展,因此为了提升整个连云港海洋经济可持续发展水平必须从这三个方面着手。在实证研究的基础上,论文提出了连云港市海洋经济可持续发展的总体思路和路径选择。在经济全球化和我国作为WTO成员国的视角框架内,对接江苏省的“四沿”战略,以建设海洋经济强市为目标,以滨海陆域经济为依托,以港口建设为龙头,加快港城资源一体化整合,建设“大连云港”,做大做强港口经济;充分发挥涉海临港和资源优势,以海岸带和近海开发为重点,以临港工业为突破口,大力发展新型临港产业、滨海旅游、现代海洋渔业和海洋新兴产业等优势产业,优化海洋产业结构和布局,全力提升海洋产业和区域竞争力;以重大项目为载体,以机制创新、技术创新为动力,加快功能重构、产业重置、空间重组,培育一批重量级海洋企业集团,建设一批海洋重点产业基地,进一步合理开发和保护海洋资源,不断提高海洋经济综合竞争力和可持续发展能力,努力走出一条陆海互动、港城联动、具有连云港特色的海洋经济振兴之路。最后,在上述研究的基础上,提出了加快连云港市海洋经济可持续发展的政策建议。重新界定海洋经济的内涵和外延,统筹考虑港口、城区及海陆一体化发展,构筑以港口建设为龙头的海洋经济“起飞平台”,培育“蓝色产业高地”,统筹“一核双翼”的海陆区域发展架构,加强创新型体制建设和政策配套,加快以新型临港重化工业为主导的海洋产业协调化发展,形成产业关联紧密、地域布局合理、技术水平先进、规模和聚集效益明显的具有连云港特色的海洋经济体系。

【Abstract】 There are many disharmony problems in our booming marine economy,such as lack of system of theories instruction,science programming,disharmony development and imperfect system,such as contradict industrial structure,traditional marine economy, depravation of ecosystem environment,such as low performance and sustainable development,such as the evaluation of sustainable development of marine economy.If these problems can not be resolved in time,they will influence the sustainable development of marine economy.These problems are outstanding in Lianyungang,solving them have many signification.This research is mainly on the evaluation for the sustainable development of regional marine economy.According to the regional economy and ocean industry development,the society development,the population,ocean resources and environment,science and technology innovation and sustainable ability of marine development,government comprehensive management,This research establish the evaluation index system of regional marine economy.The research makes use of the evaluation index system,and carries on an empirical analysis on the sustainable development of marine economy of Lianyungang,then puts forward the total thoughts and pattern of the sustainable development of marine economy of Lianyungang,Finally correlate policy suggestion was given to the sustainable development of marine economy of Lianyungang.On the foundation of analysis and summary of the regional economic theories and sustainable development theories,the paper first studies the relationship between regional economy and regional marine economy,then induces that regional marine economy is important part of regional economy,and it is determined by the importance of resources, but regional economy is the foundation and pillar of regional marine economy,and it is determined by the character of development of marine,and integration development of ocean and land is the inevitable trend and new model.Finally it puts forward the content of regional marine economy.Firstly,the growth of marine economy is the core content and essential condition of sustain development,and should construct the system of technology,exploitation,usage and protection;Secondly,the sustainable ocean ecosystem,it means that we should protect nature and the renewal ability of the ecosystem system;Thirdly the sustainable society,the development should aim at the rising of living and the equity of assignment,consumptions,employment between the contemporary and generation.These three meanings rely on each other,and constituted the construction contents of development of marine economy.The following questions are the basic factors influencing the sustainable development of regional marine economy at the foundation of putting forward the content of regional marine economy.Because the factors are numerous,According to the product function, the research uses the economic model and respectively carries on an analysis on the population factor,science and technology factor,the ocean resource and the environment factor influencing ocean economy,and analyses the regional marine economy with the model of integration development of ocean and land,which influence the sustainable development of marine economy.The carrying out ocean development strategy should follow the principle of sustainable development,which are theoretically approved.But how to carry out actually, which still is an important problem and has no answer.Therefore,from the angle of sustainable development and on the foundation of the factors influencing the development of regional marine economy,setting up the evaluation index system and selecting the appropriate mathematics method have an important theoretical and practical meaning.The research first puts forward the principles and thought in designing the evaluation index system of sustainable development of regional marine economy,then offers the framework that contains the subsystem of regional economy and ocean industry development,the subsystem of social development,the subsystem of the population, ocean resources and environment,the subsystem of science and technology innovation and sustainable ability of marine development,the subsystem of government comprehensive management,and chooses AHP to evaluate the index system of regional marine economy.The research makes use of the evaluation index system,and carries on an empirical analysis on the sustainable development of marine economy of Lianyungang.The conclusions show that the comprehensive index of sustainable development of Lianyungang is between week level and moderate level.The comprehensive index is rising with volatility,and the potentiality is large.The grade of sustainable development of marine economy in Lianyungang is moderate in 2006,because the grade of the subsystem of social development is moderate,the grade of the subsystem of the population,ocean resources and environment is moderate,and the subsystem of science and technology innovation and sustainable ability of marine development is week.In order to improve the level of sustainable development,it must begin with these three aspects.On the foundation of empirical analysis,the following questions are the lying problems and how to solve them in the process of marine economy of Lianyungang.The research puts forward the total thoughts and pattern of the sustainable development of marine economy of Lianyungang.In the framework of the economic globalization and a member of WTO,Lianyungang should connect the strategy of"four follow" in Jiangsu, with the target of construction of marine economy,take alongside of the marine and land economy,take the leader of port construction,speedy the integration of resources,and construct the big Lianyungang.Try to do best of resource advantage of marine,strength the exploitation of coast,take the harbor industry as break,develop the harbor industry and tour,modern fishery and new marine industry,promote the structure and the competition of marine industry;take important item as a body and take the mechanism and technique innovation as a motive,improve the industrial function and space reorganization,construct a batch of marine industry and base,further exploit the marine resource reasonably,improve the sustainable ability of competition,and come out a road of development with the interaction of land and marine,city and harbor,and the features of Lianyungang.Finally on the foundation of the above research,correlate policy suggestion was given to the sustainable development of marine economy of Lianyungang.Redefine the core contents and extension of marine economy,integrate the harbor,city and the whole development of land an marine,construct the marine economic take-offplatforrn with the leader of port construction,grow the blue industry highland,integrate the framework of one pit and double wing,strength the creative institution construction and the policy kit, speedy the harmony development of marine economy with the leader of heavy chemical engineering industry of harbor,become the marine economic system with the feature of Lianyungang,which have close industry connection,reasonable region layout, innovative technique,obvious scale and aggregation.


