

Design and Construction of Digital Museum of Traditional Farm Implements Oriented to Knowledge Services

【作者】 李华

【导师】 侯汉清;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 传统农具是农业文化遗产的重要组成部分,传统农具研究是农史研究的重要内容。如何更好地保存传统农具藏品以促进农具研究的深入,并吸引更多的人来了解和关注我国历史悠久的农耕文明是农具研究面临的新课题。数字博物馆作为信息时代背景下出现的一种文化遗产管理利用的新模式,以数字形式对有形的物质文化遗产以及无形的非物质文化遗产的各方面信息进行收藏、管理、展示和处理,并通过互联网为用户提供数字化展示、教育和研究等各种服务。这种对文化遗产的全新管理模式打破了时空限制,成为真正的“无墙博物馆”。本文在对传统农具实物的保存现状进行调查分析的基础上,指出将数字博物馆的理论和技术应用于传统农具的保护和研究具有必要性和重要意义,进而实现农具藏品及其相关信息的数字化保存,初步建成面向知识服务的传统农具数字博物馆,以网络为媒介,让用户不受时空限制对藏品及其相关资源进行浏览和检索,从而构建一个传统农具信息共享空间,为传统农具研究提供一个新的平台。数字博物馆的建设涉及计算机科学、博物馆学、情报学等学科的知识和技术。本文的研究内容主要包括以下几方面:(1)传统农具数字博物馆构建模式研究。数字博物馆有多种构建模式,本文根据传统农具藏品的特殊性,在对多种构建模式进行比较分析的基础上,选择“不以任何实体博物馆为依托,依靠计算机和网络技术存在的数字博物馆”作为传统农具数字博物馆的构建模式,将其定位为“一个提供知识服务,促进研究和教育功能发挥的传统农具信息共享空间”。(2)农具藏品信息的数字化采集与农具元数据方案制订。藏品信息的采集和组织是数字博物馆建设的首要任务。本研究利用直接数值化与间接数值化的手段,以《中国农业博物馆馆藏中国传统农具》与《中华农器图谱》两本图册所载传统农具实物图像,以及中华农业文明博物馆、角直农具馆及梭戛生态博物馆三个实体博物馆的馆藏传统农具为藏品来源建立数字馆藏,实现了约2100件农具藏品的数字化信息采集工作。藏品信息只有经过清晰和准确的描述才可在网络上提供浏览或检索服务,农具元数据方案的设计因而是本文研究的重要内容之一。本文借鉴目前国际上通用的元数据标准如DC、CDWA、CIDOC信息类目等,结合农具藏品本身的特殊性,制订了由4个核心元素、17个博物馆藏品核心元素、2个传统农具藏品个别元素及82个元素修饰词组成的农具元数据方案,以实现对藏品信息详细而准确的著录。(3)农具知识库的构建。本着为农具研究人员的信息获取提供方便的目的,本研究构建了由农具概念库、农业古籍篇章库、农具图像库、农业生产题材绘画作品库及农具研究论文全文库五部分组成的农具知识库。这是一个以传统农具领域内有经验的专家、纸质文献、网络资源等作为知识来源,以知识作为存储和处理单位,实现传统农具领域相关知识的数字化保存,并交付用户使用的知识管理系统,其构建内容包括知识库结构设计、知识源选择、知识单元获取与存储等。(4)农具分类体系设计与《传统农具数字博物馆标引与检索词表》构建。传统农具数字博物馆的藏品来自多个信息源,为了提高传统农具分类的准确性和一致性,本研究对现有传统农具分类体系进行了比较分析,并在此基础上设计了适用于传统农具数字博物馆的农具分类体系。该分类体系将传统农具分为13个大类,分类级次最多为4级。为了提高检索效率,本研究对传统农具相关概念和术语进行了采集并发现词汇间语义关系,进而构建《传统农具数字博物馆标引与检索词表》,为藏品库和传统农具知识库的相关著录项目提供标准用词,实现概念检索。该词表包括叙词506个,入口词257个。除了传统的树形显示外,本研究还利用本体编辑工具Protégé对词表的图形化显示做了探索和研究。(5)农具自动问答系统构建。本研究开发了农具自动问答系统,在一定程度上充当“虚拟解说员”的角色。鉴于传统农具学科领域较窄,本研究选择基于FAQ的问答系统作为其构建模式。自动问答系统的构建涉及自然语言处理及信息检索等技术,具体内容包括FAQ库构建,自动分词、问句分类、基于向量空间模型的问句相似度计算等。(6)传统农具数字博物馆的知识服务研究。本研究将农具知识库应用于传统农具数字博物馆,为用户提供农具藏品及其相关研究资料的“一站式检索”;将自动问答系统与传统农具数字博物馆进行整合,回答用户的传统农具知识性问题;为不同用户提供详简程度不同的藏品信息,以满足其不同需求;为用户提供“我的博物馆”服务,使用户可以建立自己的个性化馆藏和资料夹,为用户提供个性化信息定制服务,进行信息推送。这些努力为知识服务在数字博物馆中的应用做了有益的探索和实践。本研究将数字博物馆的理论和技术应用到传统农具的收藏和研究中,并用情报学的方法和手段对藏品信息及其相关研究资料进行组织和管理,其创新之处有以下两点:首先,传统农具数字博物馆的构建,实现了传统农具藏品及其相关资料的数字化存储,并借助网络技术进行跨时空的传播和利用,可为传统农具的研究工作提供丰富翔实的资料,为农史研究人员搭建了一个新的研究和交流平台。其次,农具知识库及农具自动问答系统的构建及其在传统农具数字博物馆中的应用,以及个性化信息服务的提供将传统农具数字博物馆的服务提升到了知识服务的层面,为数字博物馆尤其是专题型数字博物馆的研究和建设提供了一个新的视角。然而,数字博物馆的构建是一个庞大的工程,由于时间与精力所限,本研究只是建成了一个传统农具数字博物馆的实验系统,藏品规模还不够大,系统性能也不够完善,离实用系统还有一定距离。增加藏品信息来源、扩大藏品规模、提高传统农具相关资料的多样性和丰富程度是本研究的重要后续工作。同时,由于缺乏计算机学科背景,本研究在藏品信息的采集上和展示上只采用了二维技术,引入三维采集与展示以及虚拟现实等技术,以提高藏品展示的多样性及交互性是本研究将要解决的重要课题。

【Abstract】 Traditional farm implements are one importance part of agricultural culture heritage,and the protection and research of farm implements is a part of the protection of agricultural culture heritage and research of agricultural history.Therefore,how preserve farm implements for a long time and attract more people to agricultural culture heritage is a new task that research of farm implements is facing now.As a new mode of managing and utilizing culture heritage in the context of digital ages, digital museum collects,manages and exhibits physical cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage by a digital form,and provides services such as digital exhibition, education and research to users by internet.Digital museum breaks down the space-time restriction,and becomes museum without wall,which makes everyone can obtain information about cultural heritage momentarily and everywhere.After investigating the preservation situation of traditional farm implements,this paper indicated that applying the theories and technologies of digital museum to the preservation and research of traditional farm implements is very important and necessary.Then this paper saved information of traditional farm implements and related resources in a digitized form,initially constructed the digital museum of tradiotnal farm implements oriented to knowledge services(hereinafter referred as DMTFI).The museum is a information commons of traditional farm implements that makes users can break down space-time restriction to browse and retrieve collections and related resource by network,and constructs a new platform for research on farm implements.The construction of digital museum makes use of knowledge and technologies of several subjects such as computer science,museology and information science.The main content of this paper can abstracted as following:(1) Research on the construction pattern of DMTFI.After investigation on several construction patterns of digital museum,this paper select virtual museum as the construction pattern of DMTFI on account of the particularity of traditional farm implements.The museum is a digital museum only existents in the imaginary space of network and dose not have apparent relation with reality.The museum is designed as an information commons that provides knowledge services to fulfill the functions of education and research.(2) Digitized collection of information of traditional farm implements and design of metadata scheme for traditional farm implements.Acquisition and organization of collections data is the primary task when constructing a digital museum.This paper selected the traditional farm implement images in TRADITIONAL FARM IMPLEMENTS COLLECTED BY THE AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM OF CHINA and IMAGE SET OF CHINESE FARM IMPLEMENTS,objects collected by The Chinese Agricultural Culture Museum,Luzhi Farm Implement Museum and Suoga Ecological Museum as resources of collections, accomplished data acquisition of about 2100 traditional farm implement collections in a mean which combined direct digitization and indirect digitization.For the sake of more exactly describing collection information,we used some famous metadata standards as reference such as Dublin Core Metadata Element Set,Categories for the Description of Works of Art,CIDOC information Categories etc.,drew the metadata schema for traditional farm implements,which composes of 4 core elements,17 core elements for museum collections,2 elements for farm implement collections and 82 refinements of elements.(3) Construction of the knowledge base of traditional farm implements(hereinafter referred as KBTFI).With the aim of taking convenience to researchers of traditional farm implements on information retrieval,this paper constructed KBTFI which composed of following parts:①the concept database of farm implements,②the chapter database of ancient agricultural books,③the image database of farm implements,④the database of paint works with the theme of agricultural production,⑤the full-text database of thesis research on farm implements.The knowledge base is a knowledge management system which regards experienced experts in traditional farm implements domain,paper documents and network resources as the sources,knowledge as saving and processing object.The main content of the construction of the knowledge base included the framework design,the knowledge resources choosing,acquisition and save of knowledge cell.(4) Construction of classification of traditional farm implement and the indexing and retrieval thesaurus of DMTFI.On the basis of comparison and analyse of exiting traditional farm implement classification systems,the farm implement classification system applicable to DMTFI was designed.The classification overcomes the confusion begot by the different classification standards applied by different collection sources,and effectively promotes the veracity and consistency when classifying farm implements.For the purpose of improving retrieval efficiency,we constructed the indexing and retrieval thesaurus of DMTFI on the basis of collection of concepts related traditional farm implements and recognition of semantic relationships among concepts.The thesaurus is regarded as the sources of information of relevant areas of collection database and KBTFI to fulfill concept search. The thesaurus composes of 506 preferred terms and 257 non-preferred terms.This paper accomplished the visualization of the thesaurus by dint of the function of graphic display of Protégé,displayed the thesaurus to users in the ways of traditional dendriform display as well as graphic display.(5) Construction of question answering system for traditional farm implement domain. This paper developed question answering system for traditional farm implement domain to act a role of virtual expositor.Construction of the question answering system comprised the collection of FAQ,automated Chinese word segmentation,Chinese question sentence classification,and sentence similarity computing bases on VSM,and so on.(6) Research on knowledge services in DMTFI.This paper applied KBTFI to DMFI, provided users one stop retrieval to traditional farm implement collections and related resources;integrated the question answering system for traditional farm implement domain and DMTFI to answer users’ questions related to traditional farm implements;provided collection information with different detailed grade to users with different needs;offered My Museum services to users to set up personalized collections and folders;provided personalized information customization and information pushing to users.Through the above efforts,we put up significative exploration and practice on the application of knowledge services to digital museum.This paper applies the theories and technologies to the preservation and research of traditional farm implements,and organizes and manages the collection data and related resources with the methods of library and information science,its creativities are summarized as following:First,the construction of DMFI fulfills digital preservation of traditional farm implement collections and related information,provides full and accurate reference for the research of farm implements,and constructs a new platform for the research and communication of researchers on traditional farm implements.Secondly,the construction of KBTFI and the question answering system for traditional farm implement domain and applying them to DMTFI and the offer of personalized information services upgrade the services of DMTFI to knowledge services,show a new perspective on research and construction of digital museums.Certainly,the construction of digital museum is a system process.For the reasons of time and person,we only took a pilot study on the design and construction of digital museum, and DMTFI is only a experimental system which is so faulty that there is a gap between DMTFI and a perfect system.There is many further research needed to be took on increasing the sources of collections to expend the scale of collections,enhancing variety and amount of related resources.In addition,this paper applied planar but three-dimensional information gathering and display technologies.Therefore,application of three-dimensional information gathering and display technologies and virtual reality technology,and promoting diversity and interaction of exhibitions are the striving direction of our work.


