

Facies and Seismic Constraint Fine Reservoir Description of Sulige Block in Erdos Basin

【作者】 张延章

【导师】 赵海玲;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文紧密结合苏里格探区苏20区块主要目的层石盒子组油藏精细表征描述与系统地质建模研究工作,以相震约束精细储层表征应用研究为主线,以构造精细解释、地震微相识别、地震分频成像、信息优化融合、AVO属性反演、叠前岩石物理参数反演与相震约束地质建模等技术为依托,以地层层序划分与储层特征研究、地质地震构造精细解释、井震结合地震微相综合识别与划分、薄互层砂体的识别检测与定量预测、井震约束AVO属性反演与储层预测、叠前弹性参数分析与储层含油气预测、相震约束储层随机建模研究为总体研究思路,重点突出相(沉积相)震(地震综合信息)约束这一核心思想,全面系统阐述了勘探开发研究各个关键环节精细储层表征研究与应用涉及的最新研究成果与创新,并针对研究区复杂地质特点探索性地摸索出一套行之有效的相震约束精细储层表征技术与研究方法。研究成果将对实际应用钻探部署以及油气勘探开发具有借鉴指导意义和重要参考价值。通过薄互层砂体地震反射特征与动力学特征的剖析研究,提出了地震分频振幅调谐储层成像的地质内涵与实质,实践结果表明应用地震调谐分频技术可开展研究区沉积单元时空演化规律与沉积模式的建立、可分辨储层厚度的估算以及薄储层厚度的预测与分析研究。其预测结果反映出河道空间演化规律,刻画出辫状河道平向宏观展布特征,对研究区井位整体部署、局部调整具有重要指导意义。根据含油气储层岩石物理特征与AVO属性反演远近道集变化规律,借助聚类判别分析与信息融合技术,有目的优选AVO截距P、梯度G、泊松比、流体因子等显著参数因子进行有利储层厚度、渗透砂岩厚度与孔隙度的定量预测与估算,其预测结果为开发目标区块筛选与部署提供了重要依据,该区实际钻探证实获得显著地质效果。

【Abstract】 The paper closely combines research projects: fine reservoir description of Su20 Block main oil-bearing formation Shihezi sets in Sulige explore area. Based on main thinking of facies-seismic constraint fine reservoir description research, with tectonic fine explanation, fine seismic-facies identification, seismic Spectral-Deconversion information, seismic attributes optimization, AVO attribute inversion, pre-stack geophysics attribute inversion, seismic-facies constraint geological model technologies and so on, by integerated research ideal of stratigraphic sequence correlation and reservoir character research, geology-seismic tectonic fine interpretation, geophysics constraint fine seismic facies identification and partition, mul-laminated sand clay identification and quantity forecast, AVO attribute inversion and forecast, pre-stack elastic attribute analysis and oil-bearing reservoir forecast and seismic-facies constraint geology model, and focusing on seismic attribute and geological facies, it all-around expatiates the last technology headway and innovation of fine reservoir description in the key exploration & development steps, and get hold of series effective technologies of fine reservoir description focusing on complicated geology background. By application of research job, It gains maked geology and drilling effect, and use for reference and important value for exploration & development in Oil-field.Base on analysis of mul-laminated sand-clay seismic reflectance character and dynamic character, it system describes geology meaning and essential ideal of seismic Spectral-Deconversion imaging. The last drilling results indicates seismic Spectral-Deconversion imaging technology to research time-space disciplinarian of aggradations unit and foundation of aggradations mode, estimate of discriminability reservoir thickness and prediction of mul-laminated sand-clay. The forecasted result is the time-space disciplinarian and the plane character of rivalway sand body, secondly it is important direct signification for exploration and development.ptimizes to choice intercept P, grads G,νand flow factor parameter of AVO attribute inversion to forecast reservoir thickness, penetrability sand thickness and porosity. The reRelying on oil-bearing reservoir geophysics character, the rule of AVO attribute inversion fear-near shot sets and clustering-distinguish analysis technology, the paper osult provides important evidence for optimized choice and layout of Su20 development Block and it gains maked drilling result.


