

Study on the Oil Shale Geochemistry of Permian Lucaogou Formation in the Northern Bogda Mountain

【作者】 李婧婧

【导师】 汤达祯;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 能源地质工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着能源形式的紧张,油页岩凭借三大优势进入新能源视野。对油页岩进行相关的地球化学研究,可以确定其发育的沉积环境,了解油页岩的品质特征,预测干馏热解产物的构成特点,能够为进一步开发油页岩提供准确的背景资料。本论文采用地球化学方法对博格达山北麓二叠系芦草沟组油页岩的沉积环境、物源输入、有机质品质特征、工艺特性等方面进行研究,划分了油页岩发育的有机相带,总结了不同有机相中油页岩的品质特征。博格达山北麓在二叠系芦草沟组时期为裂谷型陆相湖盆,微量元素与生标参数表明,沉积介质环境具有深湖-半深湖的还原和弱还原环境、咸水-半咸水状态、火山活动造就了富营养条件等显著特征,极其繁盛的藻类构成油页岩巨大的母质输入。按我国最新的评价方法,研究区油页岩以中含油率油页岩为主,且高焦油产率的油页岩含量也远远高于我国油页岩的总体水平。通过对研究区油页岩的研究发现,除了采用焦油产率(Tar)评价有机质含量外,有机碳含量(TOC)和生烃潜量(S1+S2)是评价油页岩品位快速、有效的参数。诸多评价方法均表明,研究区油页岩的有机质类型以Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型为主,与美国绿河页岩和巴黎盆地的下托阿尔页岩的有机质类型非常相似。研究区页岩的成熟度不高,Ro值介于0.56- 0.84之间,Tmax值均低于470℃,有机质处于低成熟阶段,干酪根有巨大的热解生烃前景。与美国绿河页岩相似,研究区油页岩的热解产物以高蜡-石蜡基原油为主,干酪根结构差异是影响热解产物类型的主要因素。油页岩的热解过程可分为预热、高峰和末尾三个阶段,产物主要在高峰阶段生成。与地质过程相比,干馏过程中干酪根的熟化速度较快,导致干馏产物中含有大量的烯烃,而降低升温速率有利于减少产物中烯烃的含量。正构烷烃与正构烯烃的比值也是划分干酪根类型的有效参数。综合各方面的研究结果可将研究区油页岩的有机相划分为三类四相:深湖高盐相、半深湖还原-1相、半深湖还原-2相和半深湖弱还原相,以半深湖还原-1相中油页岩的品质最好。半深湖环境是油页岩发育最有利的环境。

【Abstract】 With the shortage of energy resources, oil shale emerges as an alternative energy resource for its three key virtues. Under the research of geochemistry on oil shale, the sedimentary environment can be determined, and oil shale quality can be described, and the dry distillation products can be shown, and then the oil shale pre-development background is clear. Under the guidance of geochemistry, this paper does researches on several aspects such as: sedimentary environment, source input, organic character, dry distillation products character, organic facies, and quality of oil shale in different organic facies of oil shale of Permian Lucaogou formation in the northern Bogda Mountain.The northern Bogda Mountain was continent rift lacustrine basin during the sedimentation of Permian Lucaogou formation. Trace elements and biomarkers parameters show that oil shale developed in saline lake, and in reducing and soft reducing, deep and semi-deep environment, where large quantity of nutrient elements was input by surrounding volcano activities. The main source materials of oil shale are lower hydrobionts such as algae, partially higher plants. According to the latest assessment criteria of China, the majority of the oil shale in northern Bogda Mountain belongs to medium oil yield grade, which is further better than oil shale of China. Except for Tar, TOC and S1+S2 were alao founded as effective parameters for oil yield. The types of organic wereⅠandⅡ, which were showed by several methods at the same time. The kerogen was in low mature stage, with Ro between 0.56 and 0.84, Tmax below 470℃., so the oil shale have huge hydrocarbon generation potential. Based on the kerogen type, the pyrolysate is high-wax paraffin oil, which is similar to Green River oil shale.The progress of the oil shale thermal degradation can be divided into three stages: preheating period, large amount of hydrocarbon generating period and ending period. The majority of products were generated in the second stage. Compared with natural crude oil, artificial thermal products contained series of olefins, which were generated by rapidly pyrolysis. The n-alkanes/n-olefins is a good discriminabiltity index. According to above results, the organic facies of this area can be divided into four types: high salt deep lacustrin organic facies, reducting semi-deep lacustrin organic facies-1, reducting semi-deep lacustrin organic facies-2 and soft reducting semi-deep lacustrin organic facies. Among the four facies, reducting semi-deep lacustrin organic facies-1 is the best facies, and Semi-deep lake is the best environment for the development of oil shale.


