

The Fine Description of Reservoir and the Distributing of Remaining Oil of Yuancheng Oilfield

【作者】 孙明

【导师】 李治平;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 油气田开发工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 当前,世界各国的油田虽然总体上都已进入高含水、高采出阶段,但地下仍含有大量的剩余油,如何准确描述剩余油的分布和提高油气采收率成为当今油田勘探开发的主要目标。要实现这些目标,需要进行精细油藏描述和剩余油分布研究。本文通过综合岩心观察、测井、录井、化验分析、生产动态等多种动静态资料,以高分辨率层序地层学、沉积学、油藏工程、数值模拟等理论技术为基础,以庆64井区为研究对象,对元城油田地层划分、储层构造特征、沉积相与沉积微相、储层性质等进行研究,利用随机建模与相控建模技术进行油藏的三维定量化描述,并利用油藏数值模拟技术进行开发生产历史拟合、剩余油分布研究、方案优选与指标预测,取得了以下成果和认识:1、按旋回等时对比原则,对工区内的井进行了小层对比与划分。对比表明该区地层分布比较均匀,厚度横向变化比较小;该区构造是由于砂泥岩不同的压实比导致的差异压实作用形成的,表现为局部低幅的穹隆构造,构造形态不规则,长轴大致沿北西向展布,表现为两个构造高点,各小层构造高点基本一致,构造的发育具有较强的继承性。2、地层沉积特征研究表明,本区为辫状河流沉积体系,主要发育辫状河道、河道侧缘、天然堤和泛滥平原微相。沉积微相在横向上分布稳定,其中辫状河道为主要沉积微相,其它微相不太发育;平面上沉积微相发育对砂体分布具有严格的控制作用。3、非均质性研究表明,主要含油储层小层间在纵向上的分布存在差异,层内砂岩粒度具有明显的正韵律特征,物性分布与岩性分布具有很好的对应性。4、流动单元与沉积微相的对应关系研究表明,一类流动单元主要分布于辫状河流的河道中;二类流动单元主要分布在河道侧缘和天然堤微相;三类流动单元分布范围较小,主要分布于河漫滩微相内。5、储层四性关系研究表明,储层物性受岩性控制,岩性变细或泥质含量增加,储层物性变差,反之物性变好,同时,建立测井二次解释模型,给出油水层的判别标准,并对工区的井进行二次解释,应用沉积相控技术建立三维地质模型。6、应用油藏工程分析及油藏数值模拟技术对剩余油分布、开发井网的适应性进行研究,研究表明,剩余油形成与分布主要受微幅构造、储层发育、沉积相带、底水锥进及开发因素的控制。剩余油主要分布在井网不完善、构造高部位以及井间滞留区。提出了适合该区的开发技术政策及开发调整方案。

【Abstract】 Today,oilfields of the world have come into high water-cut stage. But there are still large amounts of remaining oil stored in place. How to characterize the distribution of remaining oil and enhance oil recovery is the main purpose of the current exploration and exploitation activities. In order to realize this purpose, it is necessary to describe finely reservoir and study the distribution of remaining oil.After collecting and re-processing of the data related with geological background, core observation, drilling, logging, lab analysis and so on, this paper uses a multi-discipline theories and research methods such as stratigraphy, sedimentology, reservoir engineering, and well logging geology to study the structural framework, micro-structures, sedimentary facie, reservoir heterogeneity and flow units of the reservoirs. In this way, this paper establishes 3D quantitative reservoir geological model under the sedimentary facie controlling. Taking YuanQing 64 well area as a case study, this paper studies the distribution of remain oil, predict the production index using the technology of reservoir numerical simulation in both qualitative and quantitative ways on the base of matching production history. The main conclusions can be summarized as follows:1. According to the principle of deposition cycles and isochronic correlation, the division and correlation of substrata was carried out on the wells of field.The distribution of formation in Qing 64 area is large, the thickness is stable. The structure is a low vault structure formed by effect of differential compaction for the different compaction ratio of sand shale. Its shape is not regular, long axial toward to north-west, there are two high point which is consistent in different fine formations, all this provide that the development of structure is remarkable secession.2. Analyzing the background and characteristics of sedimentary and core, the micro facie of the formation are studied. The conclusion is that this area are mainly braided river sedimentary system, micro facie are mainly braided channel, inner-channels, natural dyke and alluvial flat, braided channel is the mainly sedimentary micro facie. the sedimentary facie determine the distribution of sand body in plane area.3.The distribution of the main oil-bearing sandstone reservoir is different between the subzone. The research of the reservoir heterogeneity reveals that grain size distribution of in-layer sandstone is positive rhythm. The distribution of reservoir property is coincided with the distribution of litho.4 .The relationship between depositional micro-facie and flow unit reveal thatⅠflow unit distribute in braided channel,Ⅱflow unit distribute in inner-channel and natural dyke,Ⅲflow unit distribute in alluvial flat . 5. The study of the four physical property relationship show that reservoir physical property are effected by lithologic character, the reservoir physical property become poor when the grain size become fine or clay content increase, the reservoir parameters secondary interpretation model established. Give the standard of recognizing oil or water, established the 3D geology model with depositional facie controlling.6. The reasonable of development well pattern is studied using the reservoir engineering and reservoir numerical simulation technology, the result reveal that the remaining oil is effected by low structure, reservoir,sedimentary facie, bottom water coning and other development factors. There are abundant remaining oil where the area is Reservoir injection-production faultiness, higher of the structure and the pressure balance area, then give the corresponding adjustment program and development technology policy.


