

Study on the Optimal Allocation Model of Land Resources

【作者】 苏高华

【导师】 陈方正; 郑新奇;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 土地资源是经济社会发展的物质基础。伴随着我国工业化、城市化快速发展,土地资源经济供给的稀缺性与其社会需求增长性之间失衡发展的态势日益凸现。建设用地供需矛盾日益加剧便是其具体体现。作为建设用地的主体,农村居民点的无序扩张问题日益严重,如何对农村居民点用地进行科学合理的干预使其集约优化配置已逐渐成为当前关注的一大热点。但由于农村居民点集约用地研究是一个全新的领域,目前国内外尚未形成科学的理论和方法技术体系。本文在国内外相关研究实践和已有成果的基础上,综合采用理论、方法、室内研究与实地调查等研究手段,定性和定量相结合,主要从资源产业经济学科出发,同时借鉴土地、环境、生态、管理等多学科理论和方法,以农村居民点用地集约整合为目标,尝试构建农村居民点集约用地的理论、方法体系。本文首先提出并阐明了一般农村居民点用地演变过程、发展趋势及其演变影响因素,并结合我国当前城镇化进程中农村居民点用地演变过程及其驱动机制的较为深入的探讨,揭示了农村居民点用地演变机理;其次,根据当前合理优化配置农村居民点用地的需要,分析农村居民点集约用地评价的目标,基于层次分析法从集约利用约束程度、集约利用程度、集约利用趋势三方面构建农村居民点集约用地评价指标体系,建立了农村居民点集约用地评价方法和技术体系,并将理论和实践相融合进行了不同尺度的农村居民点集约用地评价研究;再次,基于土地集约利用模式的内涵提出农村居民点集约用地模式的内涵,界定农村居民点集约用地的具体标准,在国内外相关农村居民点集约用地模式研究梳理的基础上,洞悉农村居民点用地利用与经济发展的互动规律,结合相关研究理论提出了农村居民点的宏观层次、中观层次和微观层次三尺度集约用地模式,并提炼出了农村居民点集约用地过程模型。结合实例指出了农村居民点集约用地的策略以及具体模式;最后提出农村居民点集约用地调控的目标,借鉴行为决策理论探讨了农村居民点集约用地利用各主体的行为,应用博弈分析方法协调农村居民点集约用地利用各主体的行为,提出了有效的协调策略。并从制度、经济、技术、社会四个方面较为深入的探讨了切实可行的农村居民点集约用地的实施与保障措施。

【Abstract】 Land resources is the material basis for the economic and social development. With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization in China, the unbalance tendency of land resources between the economic supply scarcity and ever-increasing social needs is getting worse. And the imbalance of land for construction is a typical example. As the principal part of land for construction, the random expansion of rural settlements is getting worse, and scientific and rational intensive intervention to make optimal allocation for rural settlements land has become a major concern. However, the rural settlements land intensive utilization is a new field, and up to now, the scientific theories and methods system about it have not yet formed at home and abroad. Based on the related practice and the research production at home and abroad, by means of the theory, the methods, the indoor researches and observations on the spot, aiming for rural residential land intensive integration, the research is conducted qualitatively and quantitatively to try to build the scientific theories and methods system of rural settlements land intensive utilization. And research is carried out mainly from the point of view of industrial economies disciplines, at the same time, the author consulted the theories and methods such as land, environment, ecology, management theory and so on. The evolvement rule of rural settlements land is firstly revealed in the dissertation by analyzing the evolvement process, the tendency and the evolvement influencing factors of general rural settlements land and the evolvement process and the driven mechanism of rural settlements in urbanization process in China. Secondly, in the light of the current requirement for optimal allocation of rural settlements land, the goal of rural settlements intensive utilization is analyzed, the intensive utilization evaluation index system of rural settlements is established through the three aspects of intensive utilization restraint degree, intensive utilization degree and intensive utilization tendency degree on the basis of analytic hierarchy process, the evaluation methods and the technical system of rural settlements is established, and the specific example of different scale is demonstrated. Thirdly, according to the connotation of land intensive utilization, the connotation of rural settlements land intensive utilization is proposed, the specific standards of rural settlements land intensive utilization is defined, the related intensive utilization model of rural settlements at home and abroad is summarized, the overall pattern of rural settlements land intensive utilization through the integration of macro-level, middle level and the micro-level, and the empirical example is carried out to point out the specific intensive utilization strategy, as well as the specific model. Finally, the regulation goal of rural settlements land intensive utilization is given, the acts of decision-making theory and game analysis are applied to understand the act and coordinate each participant subject of rural settlements land intensive utilization, the effective strategy of coordination is put forward. And the practical implementation and guarantee measures for rural settlements land intensive utilization from the four aspects, including system, economy, technique and society, are discussed deeply in the research.


