

A Study on Pipeline Installation Technology of Horizonal Directional Drilling in Rock

【作者】 刘强

【导师】 夏柏如;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 岩层水平定向钻进铺管技术是目前水平定向钻进铺管施工技术的热点和难题,是衡量一个国家水平定向钻进铺管领域技术水准的最重要的因素之一,国内对岩层水平定向钻进铺管的施工工艺研究较少。我国地域辽阔,不少区域的地层是由岩石构成的,因此,对岩层水平定向钻进铺管施工工艺进行研究显得尤为迫切和必要。本文针对岩层导向孔施工效率低和大口径扩孔中排渣难的问题,进行了系统的研究,取得了以下几方面的研究成果:1、首次在国内对岩层水平钻进铺管施工工艺进行了全面、系统的研究。对岩层水平定向钻进铺管施工中各个阶段的关键技术进行了较为深入的理论研究,并成功有效地指导了实际施工,形成了一整套基本成熟的岩层水平定向钻进铺管施工工艺。2、首次在国内对岩层水平定向钻进空气潜孔锤导向孔施工工艺进行了研究,并成功实施完成了全国首例空气潜孔锤导向孔施工。在实际导向孔施工中,取得了12米/小时的钻进时效,高出孔底螺杆马达和双层钻具系统的钻进时效5~10倍,对提高岩层水平定向钻进铺管的施工效率、降低施工成本有着非常重要的意义。3、采用多重减震措施和实时注水降温技术确保了孔底导向仪器的正常工作。针对空气潜孔锤导向孔施工时孔底恶劣的工作环境,采用多重减震措施使仪器在孔底强烈的震动中仍能正常工作;同时采用不停钻、实时注水降温技术在钻进过程中向钻具内部注入冷却水,使孔底仪器的环境温度保持在许可的范围内。4、首次在世界定向钻进铺管施工领域提出“反循环清渣工艺”,并进行了深入的理论研究。在实际工程中,定向铺管钻进系统和反循环清渣系统的结合,取得了非常理想的效果。反循环清渣工艺的排渣效率较常规的正循环清渣工艺高出数倍,大幅度地提高了施工效率,降低了施工成本,它的应用在定向钻进铺管施工领域具有划时代的意义。

【Abstract】 Pipeline installation technology of horizontal directional drilling in rock is hotspots and problems of the field of horizontal directional drilling at the present time. It is one of the important symbols of a country’s technical level in horizontal directional drilling, but its pipeline insallation technology has been less researched in China. In China there are many places where its layer is composed of rock, so it is particularly urgent and necessary for studying pipeline installation technology of horizontal directional drilling in rock. This paper is aimed at some problems about low-efficiency of pilot hole drilling in rock and the difficulty of cutting cleaning in rock. The construction technology of pilot hole drilling and reverse circulation cutting cleaning in rock have been studied systematically in the paper. The main results of the study are as below:1. The pipeline installation technology of horizontal directional drilling in rock, for the first time, has been systematically studied. The key techniques in each engineering procedure of horizontal directional drilling in rock have been theoretically studied, and it has effectively guided the practice engineering. A set of the pipeline installation technology of horizontal directional drilling in rock has been established.2. The pipeline installation technology of horizontal directional drilling by DTH percussive rotary pilot drilling in rock, for the first time, has been studied in China. And a engineering of DTH pilot hole drilling has successfully been completed. Its drilling footage is 12 meters per hour that is more than 5~10 times than of using screw motor or using double drilling tool system. The pipeline installation technology with DTH percussive rotary technology can improve the drilling efficiency and reduce the construction cost of horizontal directional drilling in rock.3. In order to ensure that the equipment in the hole is working correctly, the multiple reducing vibration measures and real-time water cooling technology have been applied in DTH percussive rotary pilot hole drilling. The multiple reducing vibration measures can enable the devices in the borehole with a very strong vibration to work correctly. And the real-time water cooling technology can maintain the ambient temperature of the equipment in hole within its normal scope.4. The reverse circulation cutting cleaning technology, for the first time, is put forward and applied in the horizontal directional drilling pipeline installation . We conducted in-deepth its theoretical study in this paper. It has been successfully applied to the horizontal directional drilling pipeline installation. The efficiency of removing the drill dregs in reverse circulation technique is several times higher than in conventional trenchless technique, so it has significantly improved the construction efficiency and reducing the construction costs. It is in epoch-making significance that its application in the horizontal directional drilling pipeline installation.


