

Structure Fracture Quatitative Estimation of Fuyang Reservoir of Chaochang Area in Songliao Basin

【作者】 张文起

【导师】 刘大锰; 陈昭年;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在低渗透致密储层油藏中,裂缝不仅构成油气的储集空间,而且连通其他类型的储集孔隙,极大的改善了储集层的物理性质。在我国,随着裂缝性储层油气产量的逐渐增加,裂缝性储层在我国的石油工业中占有越来越重要的地位。其中,松辽盆地扶余和杨大城子油层就是以裂缝性砂砾岩作为储集层,其主要特点就是“两低一发育”,即低孔隙度、低渗透率和构造裂缝发育。本文针对松辽盆地朝长地区的扶余和杨大城子油层进行了储层构造裂缝发育规律和地应力场的研究,对于提高研究区油田的开发效果具有重要意义。本文综合运用构造地质学、岩石力学、地球物理、地质统计学和实验技术,通过钻井岩心观察以及古地磁钻井岩心定向技术,确定裂缝的方向和方位,通过水力压裂法和微地震法确定今应力大小和方向,通过长源据声波测井确定岩石的力学特征,通过地层构造演化,应用挠曲度法,模拟应力场和裂缝形成的规律。研究主要取得了以下认识:1)朝长地区主要存在两组裂缝,一组为北北东向,裂缝方位与研究区构造走向相一致主要为N60oW,这组裂缝最为发育;另一组为东西向和西北向的共轭剪切裂缝。2)朝长最大水平主应力的方向为北东60o,最小水平主应力的方向为北东150o,最大水平主应力范围从28~52MPa,最小水平主应力范围从14~26 MPa,垂直主应力为中间主应力。研究区的应力场类型为第三种应力状态σH>σv>σh:3)该区储层裂缝的分布很不均匀,裂缝发育部位主要在构造转折部位和断层附近。平面上,在长春岭背斜构造高部位和朝阳沟阶地构造高部位裂缝较为发育,裂缝发育主要呈北北东向条带状分布,在构造低部位,裂缝发育主要以近东西向和北西向为主。在断层的末端、外凸处和断层的连接处裂缝较为发育。裂缝在纵向上的变化相对不大,但整体上仍然表现为FI裂缝最为发育,向下裂缝发育逐渐变差。

【Abstract】 Fractures in the low permeability and dense reservoir are not only the accumulative bulk, but also can connect the other types of space of reservoirs, and improve the reservoir quality. Because of increase of the oil-gas production of fractural reservoir, fractural reservoir is more and more important in the petroleum industry in China. Fuyu and Yangdachengzi reservoirs are fractural glutenite reservoirs, and have the characters of low porosity, low permeability and well developed structure fractures. Structure fracture of Fuyu and Yangdachengzi reservoirs of Chaochang area in Songliao Basin is studied in this thesis, and it is important to improve the rate of oil exploration and development by studying fractures distribution and strain field.In this paper, structural geology, rock mechanics, geophysics, geostatistics and experimental method are integrated. Strike and azimuth of fractures are ascertained by studying and observing drilling cores and the paleo-magnetic data of drilling cores. Nowdays stress value is obtained by penetrating fluid method and direction of stress is ascertained by method of microseismogram log. Rock mechanics parameters are obtained by long-spaced sonic log. Based on the study of tectonic evolution of Fuyu and Yangdachengzi reservoirs, stress field and fracture distribution are simulated by bending flexure. The achievements are as follows.1. There are two groups of structure fractures, one is tensile fracture,and its strike is about N60°W, and is as same as the strike of structure, the other group is conjugate shear fractures.2. The direction of maximum stress is about NW60°, its range is from 28~52MPa, the direction of minimum is about NW150°, its range is from 14~26MPa, the medium stress is vertical stress, the type of stress field is the third type:σH>σv>σh。3. The distribution of structure fracture is very different, near the hinge of structure and fault, fracture is well developed. On the map, on the structure highpoint of Changchunling anticline and Chaoyanggou terrace fracture is well developed, and strike of fracture is NNW. On the structure low strike of fracture is WE and WN. At the end, bulge and joint of faults, fracture is well developed. In the vertical, fracture of layer FI is well developed, and it becomes worse with increasing depth.


