

【作者】 石建国

【导师】 裔昭印;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 世界史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 卜舫济(1864~1947年)是美国基督教新教团体圣公会传教士,于1886来华,1888年充任圣约翰书院校长,在他的积极努力下,该院发展成为中国最著名的教会学校——圣约翰大学,也培养了诸如施肇基、顾维钧、宋子文等一大批中国近现代史上的知名人物。作为西方基督教文化的传播者和中美文化交流史上的重要代表人物,他在中国生活的55年中,在教育等领域取得了辉煌的成就,也与中国本土文化发生了碰撞与冲突。对他的研究具有重要学术意义和现实意义,其学术意义在于严格说来对其研究仍是一个空白;其现实意义是如今全球化时代,各种文化间的交流和碰撞越加频繁,对其研究能为现实提供启示和有益的经验教训。本文分为七章,笔者将以卜舫济的生平为主线,考察其在中国进行教会教育的时代背景,分析其活动的深层思想动机。论文采用专题的形式,纵向与横向的叙述相结合的方法,试图从不同的侧面勾勒出这位来华传教士的形象。第一章叙述了卜舫济的成长经历以及在华55年的主要活动。以圣约翰在卜舫济担任校长期间发生的变化为主线,全面反映了卜舫济在圣约翰的作为。第二章探讨卜舫济与“圣约翰模式”。首次对圣约翰模式的特征、内涵作了全面概述,指出卜舫济按照其母校哥伦比亚方式建设圣约翰,全面移植美国高等教育的理念和管理模式,从而形成了独具特色的办学模式——“圣约翰模式”,并对该模式的影响以及卜舫济的作用作了分析。第三章阐述卜舫济的教育理念。主要围绕“为何要办教育?”、“怎样办教育?”、“办什么样的教育?”三个层面,首次全面系统梳理和分析了卜舫济的教育思想。第四章探讨卜舫济和中华基督教教育会与上海公共租界教育的关系。首次系统梳理了卜舫济与中华基督教教育会和上海公共租界教育之间的关系和历史,并对其在其中所发挥的作用和扮演的角色作了分析。第五章讨论卜舫济与圣约翰“六·三”事件与“立案”问题。作为圣约翰大学的校长,卜舫济在其中扮演了何种角色、起了什么作用?围绕这些主题,本章全面、系统回顾了整个历史演进过程,揭示了卜舫济的心路历程。第六章分析卜舫济的中国观。第一次较为系统地梳理了卜舫济中国观的主要内容,涉及政治、教育、社会、文化等诸方面,并分析了其特点、得失与实质。第七章对卜舫济进行了评价。卜舫济到底是什么样的人?笔者认为,他是教会教育家、神学家、宗教哲学家、历史学家、社会活动家。与此同时,他还是一位“卡理斯玛”式的人物、西方文化中心论者,并拥有浓浓的“中国情结”。

【Abstract】 As a missionary of the American Protestant Episcopal Church, Francis Lister Hawks Pott(1864-1947)came to China in 1886, and then was entitled as the Principal of St. John’s College in 1888. Under his great effort, St. John’s College developed into one of the most famous Missionary Universities in China. Many famous public intellectuals in Chinese contemporary history such as Sao-ke Alfred Sze, Koo-wellington, and Soong Ts-vung were graduated from this university. Being a disseminator of Western Christian culture and a representative figure in the history of china-America culture exchange, Francis Lister Hawks gained significant achievements during his 55 years’living experience in China, at the same time, there were also collision and confliction with Chinese national culture. The study of Francis Lister Hawks Pott has great values both in academic and realistic domains. From the perspective of academy, this topic was almost not touched before; from the aspect of reality, this study could provide lessons and introductions in the era of globalization, especially for the communication and confliction among different cultures.This dissertation is divided into seven parts respectively. The author explores the background of Christian education in China, and analyzes the emotional purpose of F.L H.Pott’s activities with the outline of his living experience. The dissertation is formed in topic pattern, which utilize the method of combination of chronicle and orientation, trying to portray the image of a western missionary from different profiles.The first chapter presents F.L.H.Pott’s experience of growth and his main activities during his 55 years’life in China. This chapter reflects F.L.H.Pott’s achievements in St John University with an outline of the change which occurs under F.L.H.Pott’s management.The second chapter discusses F.L.H.Pott and“St. John pattern”, which outlines the characters, and connotation of St. John pattern and points out that F.L.H.Pott constructs St. John according to the characteristics of his Alma Mater Colombia University. He transplants the conception and management pattern of the American’s higher education comprehensively, thus reform the specific school pattern which is named“St. John pattern”, then analysis of this pattern and function of F.L.H.Pott is followed.The third chapter represents the education conception of F.L.H.Pott. Based on three questions“why to manage the education?”,“how to manage the education?”and“what education should be established?”this chapter systemizes and analyzes the education conception of F.L.H.Pott comprehensively for the first time.The fourth chapter reveals the relationships between F.L.H.Pott and The Christian Educational Association of China and Shanghai international concession education. The system systemizes the relationship and history of F.L.H.Pott, the national Christian council of China and the Shanghai international concession education. This chapter also analyzes the function and the role he displayed.The fifth chapter explores F.L.H.Pott , St. John“June. Third”event and“puts on record”. As the Principal of Saint John’s University, what role has F.L.H.Pott played? Regarding to these subjects, this chapter reviews the entire history of evolution process, and reveals the mental development F.L.H.Pott.The sixth chapter analyzes F.L.H.Pott’s viewpoint about China, which explores the content of F.L.H.Pott’s viewpoint about China involving politics, education, society, culture and so on. At the same time, this chapter analyzes the characteristics, the success, the failure and essence.The seventh chapter represents the evaluation of F.L.H.Pott. What kind of person F.L.H.Pott is on earth? The author concludes that he is an educator, the theologian, the religious philosopher, the historian, the social activist. But he is a person with“Charisma”type character, a west-centered critic with deep“the Chinese complex”.

【关键词】 传教士卜舫济研究
【Key words】 MissionaryFrancis Lister Hawks PottStudy

