

【作者】 张朝松

【导师】 陈卫平;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国哲学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 儒学的近代转型,简言之:在立足于中国社会和文化的条件下,把传统儒家思想与西方文化联系、融通起来,从而建构一种中西结合形态的近代儒学的文化转型过程,其实现形态之一,即是现代新儒学。所谓现代新儒学,是指五四以来,在强烈的民族的文化危机意识的刺激下,一部分以承续中国文化之慧命自任的知识分子,力图恢复儒家传统的本体和主导地位,重建宋明理学的“伦理精神象征”,并以此为基础来吸纳、融合、会通西学,建构起一种“继往开来”、“中体西用”式的思想体系,以谋求中国文化和中国社会的现实出路。它主要是一种哲学和文化思潮,同时也包含着社会政治的内容。就其承当主体而言,把儒学近代转型的实现形态即现代新儒家,与推动儒学早期近代转型的思想家们联系起来看,可以说是:“两代人做着同一件事”。因此,两者之间的思想联系与差异等比较,就值得深入考察了。从孟子思想在传统儒学、早期近代儒学和现代新儒学中都处于基石性的核心地位考虑,本文以从戊戌到五四的孟子观这一侧面切入,来考察儒学早期近代转型的情形,或许对现代新儒学研究深入开展不无些许裨益。为此,本文选择了康有为、梁启超、章太炎和胡适的孟子观作为个案性的考察对象。康有为、梁启超和谭嗣同等维新诸人,在变法维新时期,围绕着发明孔子维新之道的主题,都借助于孟子思想的阐释,对儒学进行了新的认识和改造,标志着儒学近代化的第一步。五四之后时期的梁启超,主要是围绕着格义、评价中西学术之得失的主题,从儒家哲学、政治哲学和教育主义视域,对孟子思想进行了近代意义的阐扬,为现代新儒家进行新儒学体系建构作了一定的先行准备。主要基于宏扬“国粹”立场的章太炎,从孔、孟、荀与儒家源流之关系比较的角度,对孟子思想进行了颇有特异色彩的评价,透过其评价,亦可看到儒学近代转型的轨迹。基于自由主义、科学主义立场的胡适,在批孔与“整理国故”的文化思潮中,主要从“明变”、“求因”、“评判”的角度,对孟子思想进行了阐释;虽然其阐释蕴涵着三重矛盾性,但是,由之亦可见出他对儒学近代转型的贡献。把以上诸人的孟子观综合起来,放到儒学整个近代转型的历程中来看,其结论就是:早期近代儒学是现代新儒学之胚芽,现代新儒学是早期近代儒学之花果。这一结论的意义是:进一步深入研究早期近代儒学,既有助于现代新儒学研究范围的拓宽,又对儒学在当下如何走出自近代以来出现的“儒门淡泊”尴尬窘境、“花果飘零”的凄凉局面这一现实问题的求解,不无裨益。

【Abstract】 Modern transformation of Confucianism, in brief refers to a cultural transformation, in which, based on the Chinese society and culture, the traditional Confucian thoughts and the Western culture are correlated to construct modern Confucianism with a Sino-western formation. The modern neo-Confucianism, one of realistic formation of the transformation, means that, since May 4th Movement, consciously stimulated by keen nationality’s cultural crisis, some intellectuals who regarded inheriting the Chinese culture as their own responsibility, try hard to restore the tradition and dominance of Confucianism, reconstruct the ethics spirit symbol of neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties, and on basis of which, attract, merge and have a thorough knowledge of Western learning to construct the new ideology which can not only inherit the past and usher in the future, but also take Chinese learning as fundamentals and Western learning as application, so as to seek the realistic way out for Chinese culture and social development. It is mainly an ideological trend of philosophy and cultural, simultaneously including that of society and politics.As for the backbone of modern transformation of Confucianism, the modern Confucians and their forerunners are the two generations who have been doing the same career, as people say. Therefore, it is worthy to compare the relations and differences between their ideologies.As far as Mencius’ideology as the core idea throughout the development period of Confucianism is concerned, the author begins with Mencius’ideology from the Reform Movement in 1898 to May 4th Movement, to research into the early modern transformation of Confucianism, which may help to further explore modern neo-Confucianism.Accordingly, this thesis chooses Mencius doctrines of Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, Zhang taiyan and Hu Shi as individual research targets.During the Reform Movement in 1898, Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao and Tan Sitong, and the like, the representatives who supported the Reform Movement, saw Confucianism in a new light and reformed it through carrying forward Confucian’s reform thought and interpreting Mencius’s thought, which marked the first step of Confucian modernization. In May 4th Movement, Liang Qichao, centering on格义and commenting on gain and loss of Chinese and Western academies, and from Confucian philosophy, political philosophy and education theory, elaborated Mencius’ideology modernly, as was firstly ready for constructing the neo-Confucianism system. Zhang Taiyan, standing for carrying forward the quintessence of Chinese culture, compared the relationship between the ideologies of Confucian, Mencius, and Xun Zi and Confucianism source, and specially commented Mencius’ideology, which reveals the track of Confucianism transformation in modern times. Hu Shi, arguing for liberalism and scientism, expounded Mencius’s thoughts from the respects of‘discerning’,‘investigation’and‘comment’. Although there are three contradictions in his explanation, it also implies his contribution to the modern transformation of Confucianism.From the Mencius’ideologies of the people above mentioned in the whole history of modern transformation of Confucianism, it can be concluded that the early modern Confucianism from the Reform Movement in 1898 to May 4th Movement, is‘pre-modern neo-Confucianism’, and the early modern Confucianism is to the modern neo-Confucianism what an embryo is to its fruit. The practical meaning of that conclusion is that further research on the early modern Confucianism is helpful to extend the research field of the modern neo-Confucianism, and seek the practical way out of Confucianist plight that Confucianism has been treated coldly since the modern times.

  • 【分类号】B25
  • 【下载频次】531

