

【作者】 张登林

【导师】 杨剑龙;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 文学是文化的载体,文化是文学研究不可缺少的背景,文学和文化的关系是密不可分的。研究二者之间的互动,探讨市民文化视野中的上海现代通俗小说特质,是一个很有意义的课题。上海文化、文学的特殊性,首先在于上海历史的特殊性。由于开埠通商,上海到20世纪30年代已成为国际化的大都市,在经济、文化、文学等方面都显示了独具特色的地域文化特征,“上海文化”已成为引人瞩目并获得普遍认可的名词概念。上海文化与上海城市分不开,又随这座城市的发展而发展。市民性是上海文化的主色调。市民文化具有公众性与开放性、商业性与消费性、公论与批判倾向以及传统与现代相纽结等特质,是上海文化的基本属性。上海市民文化孕育了言情、武侠、侦探、社会等各种类型的现代通俗小说,而在这些类型的通俗小说中又蕴涵了诸多市民文化的因子。就言情小说来看,从民初通俗作家对“情”的自我言说,到张恨水将“情”推向社会人生的广场,再到张爱玲对“爬满了虱子”的世俗人生的展示,爱情已逐渐脱下了诗意的华衣,露出了算计、苦涩、无聊的世俗本相,这是市民文化的真实,也是普泛的人生真实;从武侠侦探小说来看,武侠小说追求的是公义,侦探小说既能“启智”又能“移情”,但两类小说在本质上是一致的,在公义、道德与律法之间,二者都偏重于公义与道德这边,轻视甚至否定律法,这在缺少终极关怀、人治总是大于法治的中国,大概是难以摆脱的宿命;从社会小说来看,对五光十色的都市人生的书写,是契合市民文化精神的文学表达,是通俗作家为都市人生留下的“错综复杂的真实面影”;就市民文化接受中的通俗小说艺术来看,通俗小说在创作观念、题材选择以及叙事模式等方面既表现出与新文学的疏离与差异,又表现出与新文学的互渗与融合。上海现代通俗小说的繁荣和发展,得益于由报刊、书店、出版社等“交往网络体制”构成的“文学公共领域”的形成。上海现代通俗小说在获得自身自主性的同时,又反过来促进了市民社会、公共空间和个体观念的形成和发展。通俗小说所具有的自由表达、对话交往、多元风格和宽容等特征,不只是艺术自身的要求,也是市民文化的要求。上海现代通俗小说的兴起与生长,是现代商品经济、文化市场催化、激发的结果。文化市场的建立不仅为通俗小说的兴起与生长创造了外部环境和社会土壤,也使通俗小说完成了从古典到现代的转型。上海现代通俗小说是中国现代文学的重要组成部分。通俗文学与新文学同步发展又相互渗透、融合的文学史实构成了完整意义上的现代性文学语境。

【Abstract】 Literature is the carrier of culture,and culture is a background that is indispensable to literature.There is very close relationship between literature and culture.The study of the interaction between culture and literature ,as well as philosophzing about the features of Shanghai’s modern tawdry novels, is a meaningful subject.Specialities of Shanghai’s literature and culture lie first in the special history of Shanghai.Having been open to foreign countries for a long time,Shanghai became a great cosmopolitan city in the early 1930’s,so Shanghai has been showing its particularly local culture features in economy,culture and literature.Shanghai Culture has become a noticeable and universally accepted concept.Shanghai Culture cannot be seperated from the city of Shanghai,developing with the development of the city.The dominant feature of Shanghai Culture is to serve city residents.The Culture Of City Culture ,which is the basic attribute of Shanghai Culture,posses the features of Openness and public, commercialism and consumming, and the connection of the modern and traditional.Shanghai Culture of City Residents gave birth to many types of modern tewdry novels, which contain many factors of the culture of city residents,including romantic fictions,Kong Fu novels,detective novels and society novels.In respect of romantic fictions,in early Republic China,the pop writers described Love only by themselves;later,Zhang Henshui introduced Love to the society;after that,Zhang Ailing described the profane life of“crawling with lice”.Since then,romantic fictions has left off its poetic semblance,showing its original face---sagacious calculations,hard life and ennui.All that reflected the true life of city residents and the ordinary human beings.In respect of Kong Fu novels,the writers sought fairness and justice,while detective novels not only edified intelligence but showed love.Essentially, they were the same:between justice,morality and laws,they were in favour of justice and morality;however,they both despised legislation,which might be the predestination hard to get rid of in the old China in which the ordinary people were short of care and the rule of man prevailed the rule of laws.In respect of the society fictions,the description of the colorful lives of the city residents was in accord with the literary description of essensial sipirit of the city residents’culture,and they were the ones that showed“A Complicated true portrait of metropolitan lives”.In respect of the art of creation,the pop novels were different from modern literature in the notions of creation,the choice of subjects and the ways of telling stories ;on the other hand ,they merged into modern literature in some ways.Newspapers,magazines,bookstores and presses were, in fact, benificial to the prosperity and development of Shanghai Modern Pop Novels.During the course of the development of Shanghai Modern Pop Novels,they promoted the formation and development of the city residents’society,public spaceand individual notions.The features of pop novels---free expression,conversations ,multiple styles and tolerance --- were demands of both art itself and City Residents’Culture.Shanghai Modern Pop Novels were catalyzed and aroused by modern commercial economy and cultural market.The establishment of culture market created the outer environment and social atomosphere for pop novels and changed the styles of them from classical styles to modern ones.Shanghai Modern Pop Novels play a very important part in modern Chinese literature.The language situation is formed by Modern literature developing and permeating into New Literature simultaneously.


