

Sung Dynasty Double Capital of Urban Culture and Literature Production

【作者】 刘方

【导师】 孙逊;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本研究从宋代城市革命这一视角,系统研究宋代城市文学繁荣的诸多领域的特质及其成因。研究新型文学生产与城市文学的繁荣,又如何建构和丰富,并具体展示新的城市文化。跨学科、多层次探索在宋代都市文化支撑和影响下形成的新的文学生产活动和文学变迁,以及这些文学生产所创造出的都市意象。第一编探索宋代新的京都文化的文化想像与文学建构。揭示和分析在描摹京都文化的繁华与宏大的同时,也建构着帝国合法性意识形态的京都赋,体现文化身份与审美趣味与社会责任的士大夫诗歌,和代表新的社会阶层的文化诉求与话语方式的话本,构成了凝视帝都文化的三种不同的目光。帝京文化的文学表达,从此变成众声喧哗。而皇权、士大夫与市民,不同政治地位、社会层次的对于金明池游观的文学想像与文学表达,则开创了都市娱乐空间的文学生产与文学想像空间的交织、重叠和多重建构。从宋代科举锁院制度下特殊的礼部空间中产生的礼部唱和诗歌这个事件与维度,可以窥见北宋京都政治文化空间与文学关系的一个侧面。其唱和诗,在诗歌的主题、内容、思想和艺术构思、技巧运用等方面,体现了竞争与比赛。苏轼知贡举考试期间,考官们之间相互唱和之作甚多,主要内容表现在题咏画作方面。在努力突破艺术门类原有的边界,探索着诗与画之间的秘响旁通。也扩大了他们生活体验的视界,开拓了新的寻求与赋予生命意义的艺术体验与活动空间。在刘子翚《汴京纪事》组诗中,对于北宋汴京的回忆中,充满了复杂性、矛盾性和多层次、多侧面的丰富内容与复杂情感,通过《汴京纪事》组诗的回忆性叙事,刘子翚不仅追忆了东京梦华,而且力图建构南宋政权的正统性与合法性。与此同时,刘子翚也努力重建了他的意义世界。第二编力图展现在陪都文化孕育和影响下产生的,以体现陪都文化特征为主体内容的都市文学特质及其新型都市文学书写的文学史意义。具体分析熙丰时期洛阳文学集会期间这些诗歌所共同体现的,一方面继承历史传统的洛阳陪都文化,一方面建构洛阳陪都新传统的自觉。揭示洛阳都市文化与文学活动的盛衰,伴随着汴京政坛风云的起伏变化,反映了洛阳作为陪都的特定的城市文化与文学特质。通过具体分析司马光、邵雍熙丰时期的诗歌作品,揭示他们的城市文学叙事,所传达的关于城市的新的美学观念,改变着传统文学与审美观念,对于城市家园的话语建构与文学史上的开拓意义,探讨了城市文学创作主体在接受特定都市文化影响时的选择性与主体性,指出了城市文化与城市文学之间的影响的复杂性,多样性。第三编分析指出在北宋文人对于杭州都市文化风物的吟赏中,可以看到自然风景都市化趋势。从故都记忆文学发生的历史语境、故都记忆的物质基础与临安城市文化的故都痕迹和故都的文学想像等方面,揭示了文化记忆与文学想像中的故都。提出并细致分析临安都市文化繁荣催生了近代意义的新型文学生产的萌生。以近代意义的文学生产三环节为结构线索,分别从都市文化繁荣与潜在新型文学消费群体的诞生,都市文化繁荣与坊刻业发展,文学传播现代传媒的物质基础的奠定和都市文化与新型文学生产者群体的聚集三个方面,揭示了新型文学生产这一中国文学史上从未有过的文学现象。

【Abstract】 This paper is from Sung Dynasty city revolution this angle of view, the system studies Sung Dynasty the characteristic of many realms with prosperous city literature and it becomes reason. .study the prosperity of the new literature production and city literature, again how construct or purchase with abundant, and concretely display new city culture. The paper quest to influence in Sung Dynasty city culture under formation of the new literature activity and literature change, and these literature produce city idea of create by interdisciplinary and multilayer method.The first plait quest Sung Dynasty new urban cultural of the cultural imagination and literature construction Analyze the Metropolis Fu(京都赋) of description city culture of prosperous and great, and construct or purchase the empire legitimacy. The poetry Express the cultural identity and appreciate beauty the poem of the scholar-official. Express the desire of the amusement and love, the representative is new of social stratum of the culture claim of citizenry’s literature, Constitute to stare at three kinds of different visions of the capital culture. The literature of culture in the capital express, becoming much voice to clamor The person of the different political position and social layer, for gold the clear pond swim the literature with view to imagine expressing with literature, founding the literature of the city amusement to produce and the literature imaginable space of overlap. Descend the output poetry t From Sung Dynasty civil service exam lock place (锁院) system, it is thus clear that the political culture and literature relation of the north Sung city. Conceive outline in the topic and contents and thought, the technique usage etc. aspect, the express now competition and game.Was filled with the complexity, antinomy and multilayer abundant condenses of on the sides and complicated emotion for the recollection of north Sung of capital in Liu-zihui(刘子翚)“the Bianliang capital record event”(《汴京纪事》) the set the poem, At the same time, Liu- zihui also works hard to rebuild of his meaning world. The second plait display conceives to descend the meaning that the output, the accompany capital literature characteristic and new city literatures write with influence in the accompany capital culture. The analytical xi-feng(熙丰) period Luoyang(洛阳) literature holds a meeting a period, the poetry express now of, inherit the Luoyang(洛阳) accompany capital culture on the other hand, aware of self a construction or purchase accompany capital on the other hand lately traditional. Point out the rise and fall of the Luoyang(洛阳) accompany capital culture and the literature activity, accompany with the characteristic that political arena winds and clouds in the capital rises and fall variety. Analyze the Si-maguang(司马光)Sao-yong(邵雍)’s poetry work, think their city literature recount, informing the new esthetics idea of the city, having already expanded meaning on the literary history. Point out the complexity with influence of the city culture and the city literature. The third plait analysis point out in the north Sung scholar for city cultural sights in Hangzhou (杭州) appreciate, can see natural scenery city turn trend..From past all remember the history of the literature occurrence and Lin-an (临安) city culture of past all trace and past capital(故都) of the literature imagination etc. aspect, announced to public culture to remember to imagine with literature medium of past capital(故都)The analysis Lin-an (临安)’s city cultural prosperity to produce the new literature of the modern meaning to produce., Announcing new literature to produce the literature phenomenon that this top of the Chinese literary history never had.


