

【作者】 黎瑛

【导师】 邵雍;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以1930年代新桂系政府的行政机制和政府能力为研究对象,以期对新桂系政府的行政体制、政府运作和政府能力进行系统的研究,勾画出当时的行政网络特点和社会实态。本文认为新桂系政府在广西构建了一个“强政府,弱社会”,着墨于探讨“强政府,弱社会”背景下广西强大社会动员能力的缘由,分析这种特殊时代背景下的社会结构、社会困境以及所造成的后果。新桂系的行政改革是从重构地方政府开始的。在省政府,新桂系通过合署办公将分散的权力集中到省主席手中,奠定了省政府在整个行政网络中最高端的地位,并通过军事要人把握省政府要职,实现新桂系集团对政府的绝对控制权。在基层社会,政府则是通过公所、民团、学校三位一体的构建实现了政府权力延伸到基层社会。这时期新桂系政府从上到下构筑了一个覆盖全广西的行政网络,在这个网络中政府职能实现了社会管理职能、社会服务职能和社会控制职能。政府的“运行机制”是行政体制的灵魂。在政府的整个运作过程中,新桂系军事集团对政府拥有最高决策权,集团通过各种秘密组织掌控着政府的各种信息来源和最高决策。省政府在整个体制的运作过程中起到总枢纽的作用。构建良好政府行政机制的最终目的是加强政府能力。本文分别通过政府的公务员制度、政府效率以及政府的财政汲取能力和社会动员能力作为探讨30年代新桂系政府能力的要素,然后以政府是否维护了社会系统的平衡为评价标准,考察30年代新桂系政府能力。这时期政府建立了现代公务员体制,发动了提高行政效率的改革,扩充了财源,社会动员力也前所未有的增强。这些体现了新桂系政府这十年来积极的行政走向,也极大提高了政府的工作效率和行政效率。但30年代的新桂系政府在过度透支社会资源去片面发展了政府和集团本身,社会并没有得到相应的发展,在这种过度透支的不平衡系统之中,政府的这种强大能力只能在30年代短短十年里表现出了“昙花一现”的活力,却无法支撑新桂系政府进行长久的统治。最后,从国家——社会的视角,主要探讨新桂系政府行政网络构建的时代意义和社会后果。认为新桂系的行政体制和强大的政府能力使这时期国家权力得到了前所未有的扩张,社会对新桂系政权表现出了显性的依附,但在依附中又暗藏隐性的抗拒。总之,30年代新桂系的政府行政体制作用在于为新桂系加强社会管理和控制提供了一条途径。通过这条途径,政府实现了对人民的有效控制,也实现了对社会资源的无条件汲取。从这方面而言,它为我们提供了政权成功下沉到基层的绝好案例。但是这样的体制又导致政府与社会之间长期处于一个不平衡的系统环境之中。在这种不平衡的系统下,社会的功能和作用长期被弱化或忽略,加之经

【Abstract】 The dissertation, with the administrative structure and government ability of the new Guixi in the 1930s as the subject, aims to conduct a systematic study of its administrative mechanisms, government operation and government ability , and to lay out the characteristics of the network and social nature. Based on the conclusion that the new Guixi authority formed a "strong government and weak society, the dissertation emphases the exploration into the causes of the powerful social mobilization in Guangxi ,and analyzes the social structure ,social crises and corresponding results ; on the other hand it exposes the social development and transition in Guangxi by means of the authority performances ,and analyzes the true story ,and with which as the case ,explore the balancing between the authority and societyThe new Guixi administrative reform begins with the reconstruction of local administrations. At the provincial level, the new Guixi established the core status of the provincial government by merging official departments and concentrating the decentralized power on the provincial governor , and realized the absolute control of the government by military dignitaries’ filling in the core government positions ;At the county level the administration was controlled by the magistrate ; At the grassroots level the administrative power was extended to the grass roots by merging the civil office ,the civil corps and school. It is in this period that the new Guixi could form a from -up- to -down administrative network across Guangxi and by which, realized the social administration, social service and social control.Government’s "operational mechanism" is the soul of the system. In the progress of the operation , the new Guixi military groups owned the highest decision-making powers, and controlled the government’s various sources of information and the highest decision-making with the help of the secret organizations . The provincial government played the role of the hub, and monitored and supervised the complete enforcement of the Government power into the grassroots levels .The ultimate aim of Constructing of good government operational mechanism is to strengthen government capacity. This paper, on the standard of whether the Government maintained the social balance , explores into the newl930s Guixi government ability , with the Government’s civil service system, the efficiency of the Government as well as the Government’s financial ability to collect funds and social mobilization capability of the 1930s as a new element. Then the Government, by setting up a modern civil service system, launching reforms to improve administrative efficiency, merging and degrading Government Offices, improved the governmental efficiency; Government’s financial resources were expanded by finical reforms; Social mobilization was also an unprecedentedly increased. These embody the positive direction of the new Guixi government in that decade, but also greatly enhance the working efficiency and administrative efficiency of the government. However, the Government is built on the imbalance between the government and the society.The imbalance of the system was exacerbated, with the result of the 1930S new Government’s excessive overdraft of social resources for one-sidedly to develop the Government and the Group itself, and no much social development . In such an imbalance system of overdraft, it is only in the decade in the 1930s that the powerful governmental capability showed the "short-lived" vigor, but it fails to support the new government Guixi long rule.Finally, the sense and the social consequences of the construction of new Guixi Government’s administrative network Guixi , from the perspective of the state and the society, is explored and it is concluded that the new Guixi administrative mechanisms and the powerful governmental gave an unprecedented expansion of the new Guixi ruling power and got evident social dependence , and but also corresponding social hidden resistance .In short, the 1930s Guixi new government administrative system plays the role of providing a means of strengthening social management and control .Through this channel, the Government has taken the effective control of the people, succeeded in unconditional drawing the social resources. In this regard, it provides us with a successful regime sinking in the grass roots. But this system has led to the long-term imbalance between government and society, under which , the long weakened or ignored functions of the society, and the weak economic base, excessive military dependence ultimately leads to its inevitable failure .

  • 【分类号】K263
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】699

