

【作者】 刘廷乾

【导师】 李时人;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 对明代作家的研究,长期以来,一直把主要目光倾注于小说、戏曲等作家身上,对诗文作家的研究还相当薄弱,开展地域性作家研究则更为薄弱。江、浙一带是明代经济、文化、科举等最为发达的地区,也是明代作家最为繁茂、创作成就最高的地区。尤其是今江苏江南一带,在作家队伍和文学发展上既具有领袖地位,又具有鲜明的地域特征。加强对江苏这一地域的作家研究,能够做到将空间上的共时性与时间上的历时性很好地结合起来,集中挖掘展布特定地域——江苏、特定时间——明代的作家思想、创作风貌及文学发展态势。这一研究目前学界还未涉及,具有开拓意义。论文首次对江苏明代作家进行了全面系统研究,并揭示出其鲜明的地域特征和时代风貌。通过对各种文献资料,包括通志、地方志、诗文集的研究,共收集到有诗文集或诗文作品存世的江苏明代作家1986人,现存诗文别集400余种。根据这些第一手资料,对200余位作家的生平、著述等进行了考察、研究和论述。论文以诗文作家为重点,采用考论结合、史论结合、点面结合、时空结合的方法,对整个江苏地域内的作家作全面关照,在多维角度下展示以吴中文化为核心的吴文化背景下的明代作家创作风貌。重点研究明代中吴、金陵、广陵三个文化次生圈内的作家与文学特色;全面展示明代具有江苏地域特色的家族文化、山人文化、才子文化、才女文化、举业文化、市隐文化、遗民文化中的作家创作特色;探讨江苏明代作家、尤其是异常繁茂的文人群体与流派作家在明代文学中的主盟地位与领牧作用。江苏明代作家队伍有鲜明的地域特征:一是明代江苏作家大多古学深厚、知识渊博,有较强的自立意识,体现出较强的创作个性;二是吴中为科举最发达的地区,取得进士和一甲高第的作家比例远远高于全国其他地区;三是流派与群体作家异常繁盛,引领时代文学潮流;四是文化家族如春笋勃发,族群作家成为明代江苏作家的主力军;五是才子作家形成群体,并前后相继;六是文化的发达、教育的普及,以及南京作为陪都的独特地位,使得女性作家以族出域聚的形式,大批涌现;七是山人、处士作家在中后期作家队伍中占了相当大的比重,犹以江、浙为最,而吴中此类作家更具代表性;八是江苏作家思想活跃,特别是后期东林党、复社在这一区域的创立与发展,带来了江苏作家队伍的多元性、丰富性。体现以上地域特征的江苏作家群体,置于整个明代文坛,其“卓卓表见”的名家最著,其开创流派、领袖文坛的功绩最大,其占据各类文体的高峰最多,故有引领全国的地位。

【Abstract】 As for the research of authors in Ming Dynasty, the academic has been focusing on the novelist and dramatist for a long time, while ignoring the poets and essayists, let alone the regional writers. During Ming Dynasty, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces were the most thriving in economy, culture, and the imperial examinations, where the literati was the most active, making the highest achievements. Especially the southern part of Jiangsu Province played a leading role in the writing group and literary development, and bore distinctive regional characteristics. Through strengthening the research on the regional writers of the southern Jiangsu Province, we can combine the spatial synchronism with the temporal diachronism, and explore the authors’writing idea, creating features and literary development tendency of a particular period—Ming Dynasty, in a particular region—Jiangsu Province. This field is still a virgin soil with great pioneering significance.This dissertation, for the first time, made an overall and systematic study of Jiangsu literati of Ming Dynasty, and revealed their distinctive regional features.Through gathering all kinds of literature, such as the general history record, the chorography, the poem and essay collections and so on, this dissertation collects 1,986 Jiangsu writers whose poem and essay collections or poems or essays have been passed down, and finds over 400 poem collections. Based on the first-hand material, this dissertation intends to examine and investigate the life and writings of these 200 authors mentioned above.With the poets and essayists as the focus, this dissertation, employing the synthetic methods of combining the textual research with the argumentation, the historical facts with the contention, the particular angle with the general, and the temporal with the spatial, conducts an overall research on the literati throughout Jiangsu Province, so as to from multiple perspectives reveal the writers’creating features of Ming Dynasty, who undertook writing in the Wu cultural atmosphere with Wuzhong culture as the core. This dissertation puts an emphasis on the authors living in the Wuzhong, Jinling, and Guangling sub-culture zones of Ming Dynasty and their production’s literary features. It brings forth roundly the writing features of men-of-letters, who were immersed in the distinctively local culture of Jiangsu Province, such as the kindred culture, the Shanren culture, the culture of the talented gentleman and lady, the culture of the imperial examination, the hermit’s culture, and the culture of the adherents of a former dynasty. Besides, this dissertation explores the leading role of Jiangsu writers of Ming Dynasty, especially the thriving literati and authors of schools.Jiangsu authors of Ming Dynasty had distinctive regional features: firstly, most of them were expert at the classic culture, had a strong self-reliant sense and showed a creating personality; secondly, Wuzhong was prestigious for its education of the imperial examinations, with a larger number of successes in the imperial examinations than other regions; thirdly, the writers belonging to some school or group were quite active, dominated the literary tendency; fourthly, the families with several literators were springing like mushrooms, and authors from the same family became the main force of Jiangsu writers of Ming Dynasty; fifthly, the bel-espits formed one group after another; sixthly, the development of culture, the popularization of education along with the special position of Nanking as the alternative capital promoted the emergence of female writers in a particular region or a family; seventhly, shanren and hermits, especially those of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, took a great proportion of writers. Wuzhong authors were just a typical example; eighthly, Jiangsu authors were animated in thought. The founding and developing of Donglin Party and Fu Faction even more brought forth the pluralism and enrichment of the writing group. Among the literati of Ming Dynasty, Jiangsu writing group with such regional features had more reputable talents, made greater achievements in forming some school and dominating the literary circle, and had better performance in every genres than those of any other region. Thus, Jiangsu literati of Ming Dynasty led the national cultural tendency.


