

The Research on the Curriculum Content of Chinese Literature Instruction

【作者】 胡根林

【导师】 陶本一;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 自上世纪80年代起,文学教育逐步恢复了它在语文学科中的应有地位。在历经“世纪末尴尬”后,人们对其重要性和必要性达成了共识,开始把更多的注意力转向它在课程与教学层面的建设和落实上。随着新课标的颁布,语文课程与教学内容的重构,成为当前语文课程与教学研究最为迫切的任务之一。作为语文课程内容必要组成部分的文学课程内容,自然获得了研究的重要契机。在此背景下,我开展了文学课程内容的研究。一方面,文学教学作为语文教学的重要构成,研究文学课程内容,是落实新课改理念,推进语文课程与教学改革向纵深发展的迫切需要;另一方面,以往文学课程内容的研究,但多集中在文学知识体系的探究上,少有从课程论的角度,对文学课程的目标进行审视,并从课程目标与课程内容的关联性上展开研究。基于此,本研究从课程论视角出发,以分拨文学和文章、文学教学和文章教学为逻辑起点,从课程与教材两个层面落笔,对文学阅读教学和文学写作教学两个领域的实然状况进行了事实性质的研究,探究已有文学课程内容是什么、为什么、影响如何等问题,并试图建构理想的文学课程内容模型,对解决“文学应该教什么”这一重大问题提出一些有价值的看法和意见。本论文主体内容共六章,第一章带有引论性质,第二至第三章以课程为视角,对文学课程内容进行分析;第四至六章以教材为视角对文学课程内容要素作出探讨。第一章依循“文学教育-文学课程-语文科文学课程-语文科文学课程内容”的逻辑脉络,步步逼近本研究的课题:语文科文学课程内容。首先,从辨析“文学教育”的概念入手,根据我国文学教育研究的实际,建构了文学教育研究的坐标系;其次,分析了文学课程存在形态:独立文学课程和非独立文学课程,显性文学课程与隐性文学课程;再次,分析了语文学科中文学课程与语言课程的关系,提出语文科文学课程具有“语言学习”通道的特点;最后,在探讨文学课程目标的基础上,从课程目标和课程内容关联性出发,建构了文学课程的内容要素分析框架。该框架分两个级别,第一级别是在总课程目标指引下的文学阅读课程内容和文学写作课程内容,第二级别是在三个分目标——认知性目标、文学性目标、表现性目标引导下的文学课程内容的三个要素:知识、“定篇”和活动。文学课程内容要素分析框架中的课程目标与《语文课程标准》目标设计中的“三个维度”原则上是一致的。第二章至第三章,以课程为视角,对文学课程内容作出探讨。分别以文学阅读和文学写作两个教学领域为考察对象,分析它们在课程内容选择方面存在的问题,并探讨这些问题存在的原因,试图寻找实现文学课程目标的“理想的”课程内容。总体而言,它们都强调对现状的批判、对问题的揭示,因而带有强烈的反思色彩。第二章将批判的锋芒指向“类文学阅读”,指出它混淆文学阅读和文章阅读,造成了文学阅读和文章阅读“两败俱伤”的弊端,提出文学阅读与文章阅读应当分立,而分立后的文学阅读应当在“可教性”和“可学性”方面作出探讨,以提升学生的文学阅读能力。第三章则以批判“小文人语篇”的写作教学入手,强调区别文学写作教学与文章写作教学的重要性。同时讨论分析了我国文学教学和写作教学领域中文学写作之所以长期处于“两不沾”状态的原因,重估了文学写作教学的价值,分析了文学写作教学的目标。第四章至第六章,以教材为视角,对文学课程内容要素作出探讨。总体而言,它们偏重于课程内容的理想建构。依照前面的分析,文学课程在审美性总目标之下,可以分出三种子目标,分别为认知性目标、文学性目标和表现性目标。与此对应,文学课程的内容要素分别为文学知识、文学“定篇”和文学活动。这三章分别对这三种要素作出探讨,并分析它们与对应子目标之间的关系。第四章以语文教材中的文学知识为考察对象,对已经纳入语文课程的文学知识进行系统梳理,并结合课程目标,探讨文学知识与认知性课程目标之间的关系。在主体内容上,该章先系统梳理了文学知识形态变迁历程,然后把文学知识问题聚焦于两个点:一是文学知识类型,一是文学知识的呈现方式。前者在分析“学术文学知识”和“学校文学知识”之关系,概括现有文学知识之类型的基础上,构建了文学知识形态转换的模型。后者既梳理了文学知识的变迁历史,又扫描了国外文学知识呈现的趋势,纵横结合,提出了强调知识“三重关联”的文化生态设计理念。第五章以语文教材中的文学“定篇”为考察对象,对已经纳入语文课程的文学“定篇”展开过程性研究,分析其选择、组合和阐释的相关问题,并结合课程目标,考察文学“定篇”与文学性课程目标之间的关系。在“定篇”选择问题上,先概括文学定篇的特点,然后指出文学定篇的筛选过程与文学作品经典化过程之关系,最后提出了定篇选择标准的两种基本模式:目标模式和情境模式;在“定篇”的组合问题上,先提出了独立定篇和要素定篇分类,然后从组合类型和结构关系两个维度对“要素定篇”的组合问题进行了讨论。在组合类型上,提出了三种基本组合类型和两种拓展组合类型;在结构关系上,区分了强力场型、弱力场型和中间型三种单元,并按课程内容所受单元整体的影响,提出了场依附型、场独立型和中间型三种关系模式。在“定篇”的阐释问题上,先分析了文学定篇的三种阐释形态:价值化、知识化和活动化;次概括了文学定篇的社会学、文艺学、语言学、文章学、阅读学等五种取向,最后归纳了文学定篇的三种阐释模式:规训模式、对话模式和教化模式。第六章以语文教材中的文学活动为考察对象,对已经纳入语文课程的文学活动展开本体性探讨,分析它的各种类型及其功能,并结合课程目标,考察文学活动与表现性课程目标之关系。在主体内容上,该章先提出活动文学教育的理念,分析文学活动的本体意义,在此基础上提出了“活动文学教育”的课程框架。然后把文学活动问题的探讨集中于两个方面:一是文学活动的类型与功能,一是文学活动的课程设计。前者,依据对象形态不同,把文学活动分为实物型、交往型和媒体型三种活动,剖析了它们各自的功能,并作了内容目标有效陈述的研究。后者,引入了“活动式文学课文”的概念,提出了活动式文学课文的辅助型和独立型设计模式,并探讨了活动式文学课文和叙述式文学课文、活动式文学课文和练习系统的优化组合问题。

【Abstract】 From 80 years of last century, literature education gradually got a status that it should have in Chinese subject. After suffering the“embarrassment in the end of the century”, people came to agree about its importance and necessity, and they began pay more attention to its construction and implement on curriculum and teaching aspect. With the issue of new curriculum standards, the reconstruction of Chinese curriculum and its teaching content became one of the most important tasks. And as an essential part of Chinese curriculum, literature curriculum spontaneously got a very important research moment.With these backgrounds, I began the research of literature curriculum content. On the one hand, because the literature teaching is an important constituent of Chinese teaching, the literature curriculum content research is an urgent need for implementing the ideas of new curriculum and pushing the development of Chinese curriculum and teaching to much more depth. On the other hand ,there are serious problems in literature curriculum that the past research is stressed in experience and sentiment and it’s very hard to have a break through on research method, so although they mentioned the research of curriculum content, majority of them centralized on the knowledge system of literature, seldom scanned the aim of literature curriculum and do the research on the relationship of curriculum aim and content. Based on it, this research took an depth consideration on the research method. Taking the view of curriculum theory and taking the distinguishing between the literature and the article、between the literature teaching and the article teaching as a logic start, it did the fact-property-research of the real situation about the literature reading& writing teaching from the two levels of the curriculum and the teaching material, studied the questions including that what is the content of literature curriculum, why, and what is its impact, tried to construct the ideal mode of literature curriculum content, and put forward some valuable suggestions to the important question of“what should literature teach?”The first chapter of this paper is like a lead, according to the logical skeleton of“literature education—literature curriculum—Chinese subject literature curriculum—content of Chinese subject literature curriculum”, get to the topic: Content of Chinese subject literature curriculum. Firstly, through the distinguish of the concept“literature education”and according to the practice of our research about literature education, it builds its research frame; Secondly, it analyzed the modality of literature curriculum: individual literature curriculum and non—individual literature curriculum;explicit literature curriculum and tacit literature curriculum; Thirdly, it analyzed the relationship of Chinese subject literature curriculum and language curriculum, put forward that Chinese subject literature curriculum had a characteristic of“language learning”route; last, on the base of discussing aim of literature curriculum, from the relationship of curriculum aim and content ,it constructed the framework of how to analyze literature curriculum content. This framework divided into two levels, the first one is the content of reading &writing literature curriculum under the general curriculum aim, and the second one is three aspects in literature curriculum content :knowledge,”fixed text”,activity ,which are under the three aims :cognitive aim, literary aim and expressive aim .The aims of the framework of how to analyze literature curriculum content is in accord with Three-dimension-Aims in the New Curriculum Standard in principle.Taking curriculum as an angle, chapter2 to chapter 3 in this paper discussed the content of literature curriculum. Aimed with literary reading and writing, Chapter3 and chapter 4 in this paper analyzed the problem of their choosing the curriculum content, discussed the reason of this problem, tried to find ideal curriculum content in order to realize the goal of literature curriculum. As a whole, they emphasize on the criticizing the current situation and disclosing the current problem.Chapter 2 criticized on“Pseudo Literary Reading”,Pointed out that it mixed literary reading and article-applied reading ,which has caused the internecine of both . Chapter 2 pointed out that literary reading and article-applied reading should be independently and they can be discussed on“teachability”and“learnability”in order to promote students’literary reading ability.Criticized on teaching write of“Scribbler Works”,Chapter 3 emphasized the importance of distinguishing the literary writing teaching and article-applied writing teaching. Meanwhile, it analyzed the reason why literary writing teaching and article-applied writing teaching are unconnected. It re-estimated the value and analyzed the aim of literary writing teaching .Taking teaching material as an angle, chapter4 to chapter6in this paper discussed the content of literature curriculum. All in all, they laid the stress on ideal construction of curriculum content. According to the analyze above, literature curriculum can be divided into three aims, they are cognitive aim, literary aim and expressive aim. Correspondingly, the aspects of literature curriculum content are literary knowledge, literary fixed article, literary activity. These three chapters discussed the three aspects and analyzed the relationship among them.Aimed with literary knowledge in Chinese teaching material, chapter4 coordinated literary knowledge in the Chinese curriculum, it also discussed the relationship between literary knowledge and cognitive curriculum aim. Mainly, it cleaned up the changing experience of literary knowledge modality, and then it concentrated on the two points about the problem of the literary knowledge: the one is the type of literary knowledge; the other is the presentation of literary knowledge .The former one analyzed the relationship between“academic literary knowledge”and“school literary knowledge“, summarized the bases of current types of literary knowledge, constructed the model of transferring literary knowledge modality. The latter one cleaned up the changing experience of literary knowledge modality and scan the trend of presentation of literary knowledge modality abroad, brought forword the design notion of cultural ecology emphasized“three-correlation”knowledge in length and breadth.Aimed with“fixed articles”in Chinese teaching material, chapter5 analyzed the literary“fixed articles”which are already in the Chinese curriculum ,and how they are choose, combined and expatiated ,it also reviewed the relationship between“fixed article”and literary curriculum aim. On the problem of choosing articles, it summarized the characteristic of“fixed articles”firstly, and then it pointed out the relationship between the process of choosing about literary“fixed articles”and the course of literary works transforming liertary classic.Last, it summarized two main modes on choosing of“fixed articles”:Object Mode and Context Mode;On the problem of“fixed articles”combination, it firstly pointed out the two types“independent fixed articles”an“fixed articles as essential”,and then discussed the“fixed articles as essential”from the two dimensions of combination types and structure relationship. On combination types, the paper put forward three basic ones and two expanding ones. On the structural relation, it distinguished three units: the strong field type, the weak one and the intermediate one, and put forward three relational modes: field independence type, field dependence one and the intermediate one according to the unit integrity’s influence on the curriculum content. On the interpretation of fixed article, it firstly analyzed the three interpretative forms including the value-based one, the knowledge-based one and the activity-based one, and secondly summarized the five orientations of the literature fixed article including Sociology, Literature and Art, Linguistics, the Article Study and the Reading Study, and finally introduced three interpretative modes of the literary fixed article including the discipline one, the dialogue one and the education one.Aimed with literature activity in the Chinese teaching material, chapter 6 took an noumenal investigation on the literature activities which are already integrated in the Chinese curriculum including its all the types and functions, and saw about the relationship between literature activity and expressive curriculum aim combining with the curriculum objectives. In the main content, this chapter put forward the idea of literature activity education and analyzed its noumenal meaning, then constructed the framework of“literature activity education”. The problem of literature activity has been concentrated on the two aspects: one was types and functions of literature activity; the other was literature activity curriculum design. According to the different modalities, the former one was divided into three types: the material activity, the communicative activity and the media activity and their function and effective statement of the content objects were analyzed. The latter one introduced the definition of“activity literature text”, put forward the aid-oriented design mode and independent one of activity literature text ,and explored the optimal combination on the activity literature text and narrative literature text, the activity literature text and the exercise systems.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】2389

