

Research on the Construction Mechanism of Teachers’ Practical Knowledge

【作者】 张立新

【导师】 夏惠贤;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 自20世纪80年代以来,伴随对教师研究的转向以及教师专业化运动的兴起,一些学者开始了对教师实践性知识的探索。国外学者埃尔巴兹(Elbaz,1981,1983,1991)、康纳利和克兰迪宁(Connelly & Clandinin,1984,1985,1988,1995;Clandinin,1985,1986;Clandinin & Connelly,1986)等的研究成果受到众多学者的关注,并于90年代中后期传入中国。近年来,已经有越来越多的学者认识到教师实践性知识在教师专业发展领域中的重要性。但笔者发现,对于教师实践性知识的形成问题尚未见国内外学者进行过系统深入的探讨。本研究的核心即试图探索教师实践性知识背后的因素和脉络,以期能够为教师实践性知识的生成、发展和完善提供某些建议。教师实践性知识的建构与教师私人的和专业的生活史密切相关。基于大量文献的阅读和亲身体验,笔者认为,教师生活史对教师实践性知识的影响甚大,但它并非是简单的经验再现,其中的关键环节是源自于教师生活史的教师“自我”(self)的建构。因此,本研究的理论假设是:教师实践性知识的形成机制在于“教师生活史→教师自我→教师实践性知识”三者螺旋循环的过程。为了论证和检验这一假设,笔者在研究中力求实现“三角论证”的效果。因此,在整个研究过程中笔者尤其关注了对方法论的探讨和理解,从而引导了笔者对资料的收集整理和运用以及围绕论题对篇章结构的构思。研究资料的收集聚焦于三大方面:其一,对教师生活史及其自我和教师实践性知识等相关文献的收集和整理;其二,了解案例教师生活史及其自我和教师实践性知识的深度访谈、自我量表、现场观察等手段的实施;其三,面向教师群体的教师生活史及其对自我与教师实践性知识影响的问卷调查等。在篇章结构上,围绕论题层层深入。首先对教师生活史研究和教师实践性知识研究进行了系统的文献梳理与理论探讨,并真实地呈现了研究的策略及过程;在此基础上利用来自案例教师和教师群体的相关资料对教师生活史与教师实践性知识的形成进行了深入的分析和诠释;这为笔者得出研究结论,完成对教师实践性知识形成机制模型的建构奠定了坚实的基础。本研究的结论是:其一,教师实践性知识的形成机制体现了教师生活史→教师自我→教师实践性知识三者螺旋循环的过程。其二,教师生活史、教师自我、教师实践性知识三者之间还构成了相互作用的循环:教师实践性知识的理解和运用也促成自我的建构;教师实践性知识伴随有意义行动的发生,逐渐拓展和丰富了生活史的内涵,实现了对教师原有生活史的超越;相应地,对教师生活史的超越,对自我的再建构,也发展和完善着教师的实践性知识。为了增进对教师实践性知识形成机制的理解,笔者对生活史因素作了进一步的阐释。其中涉及文化因素、社会因素、家庭因素、学校教育因素、在职专业学习因素和个人因素等。此外,笔者的研究在一定意义上也是在践行研究者与教师合作的新关系,通过倾听和互动,探索着教师发展的新模式。笔者深深感到,该种模式是多元互惠的,教师是最重要的课程资源。本研究基于教师生活史及其自我的视角来探讨教师实践性知识形成机制的问题在国内外的研究中具有开创性。这一研究刚刚开始。但由于时间所限,本研究的案例教师局限在了高中年级、语文学科和发达城市(上海、台北)。因此,后续研究的空间还相当广阔,这包括从学科角度的拓展、从年级角度的拓展,从在职教师向职前培养的拓展以及从发达地区教师向欠发达地区教师的拓展,等等。

【Abstract】 Since the 1980’s, with the orientation turning of the study concerning teachers and the rising of the teacher professionalizing movement, some scholars began to research teachers’practical knowledge. In the world there are some famous scholars like ELbaz(1981, 1983, 1991), Connelly and Clandinin(Connelly & Clandinin,1984,1985, 1988, 1995;Clandinin, 1985, 1986;Clandinin & Connelly,1986) etc. whose research findings drew many scholars attention and spread to China in the middle and late 1990s. In recent years, there are more and more scholars who have realized the importance of teachers’practical knowledge in the field of teacher professional development.Nevertheless the author finds out the issue on teachers’practical knowledge construction have not been systematically and profoundly studied by China’s and foreign scholars. This research focuses upon the elements and structures sustaining teachers’practical knowledge in order to give some advice on shaping, developing and perfecting teachers’practical knowledge.Teachers’practical knowledge construction is closely related to teachers’personal and professional life history. Based upon large numbers of documents read and my personal experience, the author finds that teachers’life history has a strong influence on teachers’practical knowledge, nonetheless, such influence of life history is not a reoccurrence of the simple experience because the hinge is the construction of teachers’self originated from teachers’life history. Thereby, the theoretical hypothesis of this research is that the mechanism of teachers’practical knowledge construction lies in“teachers’life history→teachers’self→teachers’practical knowledge.In order to expound and experiment this hypothesis, the author tries, in researching, to achieve the effect of triangulation: rational for using multiple sources of evidence. Therefore, in the whole process of researching, the author has paid particular attention to the study and understanding of methodologies, which causes the author’s collecting, arranging and applying materials as well as constructing the discourse regarding the theme.The research materials collected focus on the following three respects: firstly, collecting and arranging related materials on teachers’life history, teachers’self and teachers’practical knowledge; secondly, the application of devices like the visiting and talking as well as self measurement and spot observation researching on cases of teachers’life history and teachers’self and teachers’practical knowledge; thirdly, doing questionnaires to teacher groups for their life history, teachers’self and teachers’practical knowledge.The structure of discourse is perfectly around the theme. To start with, documents and theories about teachers’life history and teachers’practical knowledge have been systematically studied and arranged, based upon which the dissertation represents the research strategy and process. It has also had a further analysis and annotation to the cases concerning teachers’life history and the shaping and development of teachers’practical knowledge, which becomes the firm basis of forming the mechanism model in the construction of teachers’practical knowledge.The conclusions of the study research are: firstly, the constructing mechanism of teachers’practical knowledge shows spiral cycling process among teachers’life history, teachers’self and teachers’practical knowledge; secondly, teachers’life history, teachers’self and teachers’practical knowledge constitutes the cycle of interaction; at the same time, the understanding and application of teachers’practical knowledge also forms self-construction; with the occurrence of meaningful activities, teachers’practical knowledge can broaden and enrich meaning of life, and exceed teachers’past life history; exceeding teachers’life history and reconstructing teachers’self accordingly develop and perfect teachers’practical knowledge.In order to enhance the understanding of constructing mechanism of teachers’practical knowledge, the author has made a further elucidation to the factors of life history like culture, society, family, education, on-the-job learning, individual and so on.Additionally, in order to seeking for a novel model of teachers’development, the author has also tried to set and undertake a new cooperative relationship between the author and the teachers by listening to the teachers and interacting. The author has truly realized that this kind of model has mutual benefit and teachers are the most important resources of curriculum.This study, based on teachers’life history and teachers’self, focuses on the issue of teachers’practical knowledge construction mechanism, which is an originating and beginning study. Nevertheless, because of the limitation of time, the cases concerning teachers of this research can only be confined in the Chinese subject of senior high schools and metropolises(Shanghai, Taipei). Therefore, continuing study is quite necessary. This kind of research probably needs multi-disciplinary, multitudes of grades, numbers of would-be teachers besides on-the job ones, numbers of teachers from undeveloped regions besides those from developed regions, etc.

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】2822

