

【作者】 肖文燕

【导师】 周育民;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 长久以来,中国移民及其后裔对其祖籍地的认同与联系的密切程度无以伦比。清末民国时期,中国侨乡社会经历了一个由传统向近代转型的过程,其中,华侨起了积极的推动作用。本文选择研究薄弱的山区侨乡、客家地区——广东梅州为研究区域,以清末民国时期这一中长时段为研究时间,在占有大量丰富、详实、原始的地方史料的基础上,从华侨与侨乡社会变迁(即群体与大社会的结合)的视角,以个案的方式深入考察华侨在侨乡经济、教育文化、民俗等领域的活动情况,试图揭示华侨影响下的侨乡社会变迁以及华侨在其中所起的作用,并分析客家华侨所具有的一些特质。本文认为,对于僻处山区的侨乡梅州而言,华侨在其近代发展变迁过程中起着至关重要的作用,甚至是一支不可或缺的力量。经济领域,华侨通过多种形式的努力,或投资家乡各项经济事业,为家乡经济转型注入了新的活力,或引进先进的技术和经营理念,推动梅州企业经营日趋近代化。同时,在传统与近代共生共荣的交通、金融业中,也无不显示出华侨的牵引拉动作用。正是华侨这一重要资源,催生出侨乡梅州近代经济发展新因素(新技术、新人才、新品种、新的经营方式)的成长,从而有力地推动其经济变迁与近代化进程。在客家侨乡梅州教育文化提升的过程中,华侨的作用也尤其突出。客家社会崇尚读书,有着重视教育的传统。移居海外的客家梅州籍华侨,继承客家人重视教育的优良传统,积极参与侨乡教育事业。他们不仅从资金上、人力上给予帮助,而且办学思想上引进海外模式,积极探索民间办学的教育新形式。因而,侨办学校成为侨乡教育的主体,侨乡梅州基本形成了多层次、外向型的教育体系,教育结构也渐趋完整。与此同时,梅州华侨开始关注、支持侨乡的文化事业和社会公益事业。他们或捐资兴建文化基础设施,或引进西方现代娱乐方式,甚至身体力行参加、倡导新兴文化娱乐活动,从而引领侨乡梅州文化休闲新潮流。由此,侨乡梅州文化出现了繁荣、新潮的气象。民俗的嬗变,是华侨影响侨乡社会的另一深刻结果。在侨乡梅州,与华侨紧密联系的独具特色的民俗发展变迁过程中,华侨除了经济上的资助外,更多是文化、思想、观念、日常生活等方面潜移默化式的影响。由此,侨乡梅州民俗风情独特,衣食住行充满“洋味”,婚恋类型、家庭观念与众不同,客家方言渐趋“洋化”,以及客家“过番”歌谣、“过番”习俗的产生等等。清末民国时期,华侨如此持久而又强烈地作用于侨乡社会,本文认为主要有以下四个方面的因素:首先,晚清及民国政府能够适时地调整侨务政策,创造较为宽松的政策和环境,争取侨心是其制度条件。其次,华侨的地缘认同特别是客家华侨由于其族群的特殊性表现出更为强烈的地缘认同,是其作用于侨乡社会的心理因素。再次,华侨在海外经济上的成功,为其贡献家乡提供了经济基础。最后,在海外排华的影响推动下,侨居国对华侨的歧视、压迫,契约华工的苦难生活是华侨心系家乡的外在推力。

【Abstract】 For long time,the Chinese immigrants and the descendants have their ancestral home place’s approval and relation close degree by the peer.From the end of the Qing to Republic of China time,the Chinese overseas Chinese district society has experienced form the tradition to the modern,the overseas Chinese played the positive promotion effect.This article chooses the mountainous area,the Hakkas area - - Guangdong Mei-zhou to study the region,takes the end of the Qing Republic of China time this long time interval as the research time,holds in massively rich, detailed,historical data foundation,views from overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese district social change(i.e.community and big society’s union),inspects the overseas Chinese thoroughly by the case way in domain and so on overseas Chinese district economy,education,folk custom active situations,attempts to promulgate under the overseas Chinese influence the overseas Chinese district social change as well as the overseas Chinese in the institute function,and to analyze a Hakkas overseas Chinese some special characteristic.This article believed that Mei-zhou,where is an out-of-the-way mountainous area,the overseas Chinese is playing the very important role,even an indispensable strength,in its modern development process.Such as economic domain,overseas Chinese taking their endeavors,either invested hometown each economical enterprise, or infused the new vigor for hometown economical reforming,or introduced advanced technology and the managemen ideas,which impelling Mei-zhou enterprise modernized day by day.At the same time,in transportation and financial industry which the tradition and the modern co-exist,overseas Chinese have a drawing function as well.It is overseas Chinese who expedited new factor(such as new technology,new talented person,new variety,new modes of business operation) in the overseas Chinese district Mei-zhou modern process,thus impelling its economical vicissitude and the modernizing advancement powerfully.The overseas Hakkas from Mei-zhou played very important role in the process of promoting education culture.The Hakkas society advocates studies and has the tradition which takes more serious on education.Overseas Hakkas Migrates inherited the fine tradition,and participated in the overseas Chinese education positively.They rendered the assistance in the fund,the manpower,moreover they introduced the school model from overseas,and explored the new form of folk school positively. Therefore,the school built by overseas Chinese became the main body in the overseas Chinese education.Overseas Chinese district Mei-zhou has formed multi-level,the export-oriented education system,the educational structure also tended to be complete. Meanwhile,the Mei-zhou overseas started to pay attention to,and supported the cultural establishment and the business for the public good in overseas Chinese district.They contributed to construct the cultural base facility,or introduced the Western modern entertaining fashion,even participated personally.It initiated the new trend of cultural entertainment in Mei-zhou.From this,the overseas Chinese district Mei-zhou culture presented prosperously,new tide’s meteorology.The evolution of custom is the result which the overseas Chinese affects the overseas Chinese district profoundly.In overseas Chinese district,the overseas Chinese relate closely to the folk custom development vicissitude process with which the overseas Chinese is characteristic,Besides subsidize in economy,overseas Chinese subsidization is more in culture,thought,ideas and daily life.Since the overseas Chinese district Mei-zhou folk culture is unique,the basic necessities of life full with the "foreign-tasting",the love and marriage type,the attachment to family are out of the ordinary,the Hakkas dialect tends to be "foreign",as well as Hakkas songs to foreign country production and so on..From the end of the Qing to Republic of China time,the overseas Chinese so lastingly and intensely affected in the overseas Chinese district society,this article believed that mainly had the following four aspect factor:Firstly,the latter Qing dynasty and the Republic of China Government could adjust the overseas Chinese affair policy at the right moment,which created a more loose policy and the environment,and striving for the foreign national heart is its system condition. Secondly,overseas Chinese’s geography approval,especially,Hakkas overseas Chinese having its geography approval than others,is its function in the overseas Chinese district society’s psychological factor.Thirdly,overseas Chinese success in overseas economy,contributed the hometown for them to provide the economic basis. Finally,under the overseas row of expelling Chinese,the overseas Chinese discriminated and oppressed by the country of residence,while the contract overseas Chinese laborer’s misery life was the external thrust force.

【关键词】 华侨侨乡梅州社会变迁
【Key words】 Overseas ChineseOverseas Chinese districtMei-zhouSocial change
  • 【分类号】D634
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1506

