

Concept Mapping as an Instructional and Assessment Method to Facilitate Cognition of Students

【作者】 王立君

【导师】 顾海根;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 概念图是对概念的二维等级表征形式,显示了概念之间的关系。概念图对概念进行组织,能够使学生理解相关知识的结构。在西方国家,关于概念图的研究非常丰富,然而教师长期利用概念图引导教学内容、促进知识理解的研究很少,特别地,在我国对概念图进行深入的研究很少,所以从教育心理学的观点来看,在我国对概念图进行深入的研究具有重要意义。本论文以学科知识为媒介,对概念图促进认知和评估知识结构进行了实证探索。论文共分为六大部分:前言、对有关概念图促进认知研究的元分析、对概念图促进认知的实证研究、对概念图评估知识结构的探索、论文的综合讨论和结论、附录。论文第一部分前言的目的是对概念图既往研究的一个概括和评论,对以后的研究进行导引。综述包括:概念图的介绍、理论基础、概念图的研究综述、概念图的结构和应用于评估的问题探讨。其中‘概念图的结构和应用于评估的问题探讨’是对综述其余部分的总结和评论,有承上启下的作用,这部分依据认知心理学理论提出了概念图具有多种结构形式的合理性,提出概念图评估知识结构应该采纳的合理形式。论文第二部分元分析,目的是对以往概念图的研究进行综合分析。元分析的结果将对实验的设计和讨论奠定基础。论文第三部分包括二个研究。研究一,探索概念图能否促进初二学生对科学课程知识的学习;研究二,探索概念图能否促进初三学生对科学课程的学习,探索学生对概念图这一促进认知工具的态度,探索概念图这一视觉表征知识的工具能否提高场依存性学生科学学习的能力。论文第四部分包括三个研究。研究一,利用概念图评估专家和新手的知识结构;研究二,探索利用概念图评估大学生物理知识结构的合适方法;研究三,探索利用概念图评估研究生教育统计课程知识结构的合适方法。第五部分讨论了概念图的局限性,总结了论文的主要研究成果,指出了未来的研究方向,重申了概念图作为元认知工具促进学生认知和评估知识结构的功能。第六部分给出了问卷和访谈的原始材料。本研究获得的主要结论:1、概念图具有深厚的认识论、心理学和教育学理论基础;认识论和认知心理学理论说明原有的概念图评估方法是不合理的、不可行的;认知心理学理论支持概念图存在多种结构形式;2、对以往概念图在认知领域的研究的元分析表明:概念图促进认知领域的学习和态度;3、遵循认知负荷等关于促进认知的理论,教师利用概念图引领教学是一种切实可行的好方法;利用概念图引领认知可以被我国学生理解和接受;教师利用概念图引领课堂教学提高了学生的成绩,引发了学生的积极态度;概念图方法有利于提高学生解决综合问题的能力;利用概念图教学有利于提高场依存性认知方式和学习基础较差学生的科学成绩;4、概念图能够区分专家和新手的知识结构;利用概念图添图试题可以评估学生的知识结构,概念图添图试题适合用于闭卷考试形式;利用学生制作概念图的方法可以评估研究生的知识结构,有利于培养学生探究能力和创造能力,有利于教师的专业发展。

【Abstract】 A concept map is defined as a two-dimensional hierarchical representation of concepts which indicates the relationship between the selected concepts.Concept maps aided conceptual organization and enabled students to perceive and understand knowledge structures as they pertain to a given body of knowledge.Studies of concept mapping in design,instruction and assessment are available in abundance in west countries,but those dealing with the teacher used concept maps as cognitive aids for guiding graph comprehension in lectures,pre-prepared concept maps that organize knowledge in a non-linear fashion for a long time are few.Specifically,studies of concept mapping in depth are few in china.So the study of concept mapping in depth is important from the point of view of educational psychology in our country.The paper consists of six sections:The first section presented perspectives on concept mapping and its benefits to students in learning of subjects.Aspects of concept mapping addressed in this review include:(1) its structure;(2) applications(indicating uses in curriculum development, instruction,and evaluation);(3) base upon epistemological,psychological and educational theories.The second section is about a meta-analysis of concept mapping studies.This meta-analysis reviews experimental studies in which students learned by constructing, modifying,or viewing concept mapping.The third section includes two experiments.Experiment 1 conducted an experiment,the teacher used concept maps as cognitive aids for guiding graph comprehension,pre-prepared concept maps were integrated into traditional instructional methods;the learners did not create concept maps.An experimental group of eighth graders and a control group completed a year on the same science subjects.Experiment two conducted another experiment,examined the effects of concept mapping on the science achievement.The effect of individual differences in learners,such as prior knowledge,cognitive styles and sex was investigated.The subjects were 266 ninth-grade students,assigned participants to groups by using a pretest and sex to control for preexisting differences among groups.In the first semester,in one experimental class,the teacher used concept maps as cognitive aids for guiding graph comprehension;in the meantime,the students were required to create their concept maps.But in another experimental class,only the teacher plotted concepts.In the traditional teaching approach,the teacher used the lecture method in sequencing the instructional activities from available books.The treatment and control group used the same content materials.In the second semester,only the teacher plotted concepts in all experimental classes.Developed questionnaires asked whether the concept maps were useful and also allowed for comments.The fourth section conducted three experiments.Experiment 1 investigated differences in educational masters and novice college students’ concept maps about physics.Experiment two reported of the results of a fill-in-the-concept map of physics test.Experiment three examined the use of concept maps to review and measure graduate students’ understanding of fundamental knowledge in educational statistics.The fifth section is the general discussion,the author pointed out the deficiency of concept mapping.The paper restated concept mapping as cognitive tools to facilitate cognition and assess students’ knowledge structure.The sixth section is appendix.The conclusion includes:1.Concept mapping is based on epistemological,psychological and educational theories.The scoring methods proposed by Novak are irrational according to epistemological theories and cognitive psychology.Concept map structure should be various based upon cognitive theories.2.This meta-analysis reviews experimental studies in which students learned by constructing,modifying,or viewing concept mapping.Across several instructional conditions,settings,and methodological features,the use of concept maps was associated with increased knowledge retention and positive attitude.3.The experiments demonstrated the usefulness of concept maps as cognitive aids for guiding graph comprehension.The experimental students significantly out-perform the control students on complex science problems.The results favored the teacher plotting concepts but not the students.Some benefits were observed for learners with low prior knowledge.Participants who were classified as field independent scored significantly higher than those classified as field dependent on science exams,but concept mapping reduced these differences.The results favored boys creating concept maps not girls.A significant majority of the students reported that pre-prepared concept maps were useful to their learning.The experimental teacher and students created a positive reaction to concept mapping.4.Concept mapping revealed the differences in knowledge structure between experts(e.g.educational masters) and novices(e.g.college students).The fill-in-the-concept map of physics test scores could predict other scores on conventional testing items.Valuable qualitative information can be gained from an investigation of graduate students’ concept maps.

  • 【分类号】B842.1
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】2167

