

Piston Effect on the Subway Station and Its’ Utilization in the North of China

【作者】 董书芸

【导师】 由世俊;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风与空调工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 活塞风通过隧道和出入口引起地铁环境的变化,是地铁能耗的重要影响因素。在过渡季节和冬季充分利用活塞风是实现地铁通风系统进一步节能的有效措施。带风口屏蔽门系统可有效利用活塞风,因其兼具安全、舒适的特点,较之传统的半高安全门系统和屏蔽门系统具有许多优点。本文在大量现场实测的基础上,重点研究三方面的内容,即活塞风对地铁环境的影响规律、活塞风的有效利用对地铁通风空调系统能耗的影响和带风口屏蔽门系统在北方城市的适用性。本文就天津地铁车站的大量实测数据分析了活塞风对地铁环境的影响规律及其影响因素,分析了地铁环境动态条件下和瞬变条件下的舒适性。舒适性分析和可吸入颗粒物、噪声的测试表明半高安全门系统可满足规范中的设计要求。将地铁按照地下室考虑,应用EnergyPlus能耗分析软件,在周详的负荷计算基础上,以典型年的气候条件计算分析了屏蔽门系统、半高安全门系统和带风口屏蔽门系统的能耗。通过合理的参数设置和模块选择提高了EnergyPlus能耗分析软件应用于地铁系统的精确性和便捷性。利用费用年值和价值工程方法对屏蔽门系统、半高安全门系统和带风口屏蔽门系统进行了技术经济性分析。结果发现在北方地区,从降低初投资、节约能耗的角度考虑,半高安全门系统优于屏蔽门系统,为工程设计提供了必要的依据。为了得到更精确的站台的温度场和速度场的波动情况,在CFD(computational fluid dynamics)模型中根据实测数据将活塞风速设置为分段函数,利用动态模拟分析活塞风和站台、站厅温度、速度的变化规律。这是与以往研究的不同之处,应该说用比较简单的方法获得了比稳态模拟精确和丰富的模拟数据。为地铁活塞风和通风空调系统的数值模拟研究提供了一种可行的研究方法。本文提出了一种新的屏蔽门形式——带风口屏蔽门,即在屏蔽门上加装可控风口,夏季关闭隔断列车产生的热量和活塞风的影响,过渡季和冬季打开有效利用活塞风降低通风能耗,在火灾工况下打开协助排烟,为火灾事故情况下乘客的顺利疏散争取了时间。带风口屏蔽门系统综合了屏蔽门系统和半高安全门系统的优势,可为北方城市地铁提供更安全、更舒适和更节能的站台门系统,将为站台门系统的改进和通风空调能耗的降低提供一项新的技术。

【Abstract】 The influence of piston effect on the subway station through tunnel and passageway is one of the main fator in energy consumption of the subway. It is a potential measurement for energy saving to make use of the piston wind in transition season and in winter. Compared with the traditional platform doors, there are many advantages for the platform screen door with vents, because it can make use of piston effect for ventilation and also can assure the safety and comfort. Based on measurements on site, three mean areas are investigates, i.e., the effect of piston wind on subway station, the effect of piston wind on energy consumption of subway and applicability of the platform screen door with vents in north cities in China.The influence of the train-induced air on subway station and the comfort level of subway station in dynamic and transient conditions are analysized based on experimental data. The comfort level, content of inspiratory particles and noise level show that the environment of subway station with automatic platform gates can satisfy the requirement of the standard.The subway station is considered as basement to carry out the energy simulation using the program: EnergyPlus. Energy consumption of platform screen doors system, automatic platform gates system and platform screen doors with vents system is analysized using typical year weather data based on comprehensive load analysis. The accuracy and convenience of the program applied to subway station is improved by setting parameters and selecting modules in reason.Technology economic analysis is carried out to compare the platform screen door with vents with the traditional platform doors using annual cost method and value engineering. The results show that the automatic platform gates system is better than the platform screen doors system if considering the primary invests and operating cost, which provide design guidelines for engineering applications.In order to study the temperature and velocity fluctuation exactly, a CFD (computational fluid dynamics) unsteady model with a piecewise function as boundary conditions are built to simulate piston effect, which is different to former researches. It is a simple method to acquire more exactly data than steady model, so that a complete effective research method is developed for the numerical simulation study of piston effect and subway ventilation and air conditioning system. A new kind platform door called platform screen door with vents is put forward. Controllable vents are added to the door, which is closed in summer to provent the heat generated by the train and is open in other seasons to untilize piston effect for ventilation. At fire condition the vents will be open to help exhausting smoke and to buy time for evacuate the subway station. The platform screen doors with vents system combines the advantages of platform screen doors system and automatic platform gates system, so that it is a more safe, more comfortable and energy saving platform doors system for north cities and it provide a new technology for improving on platform doors system and for energy saving in subway ventilation and air conditioning system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

